Search Results for: talent

Flexible working arrangements could help law firms attract talent

Legal journalsA new report from recruitment consultants Douglas Scott claims that a greater use of flexible working in the UK’s law firms would help them attract and retain the best employees. The survey of staff from firms across the UK  found that while only 19 per cent of employees currently enjoy flexible working, nearly half (43%) of respondents claimed flex-time is at the top of their wish list of employment benefits. The survey note a deal of variation across law firms with 73 per cent of public sector employees already on some form of flexible arrangement, compared to just 16 per cent across the board and only 13.6 per cent in the top 100 firms. Flexible working is enjoyed by more senior people with 20 per cent  of qualified candidates enjoying flexible working compared to 7 per cent of support staff.

Rigid attachment to best practice “killing” talent management

KPMG talent management white paper

A rigid attachment to ‘best practice’, rather than a focus on business needs, is preventing many organisations from unearthing and nurturing staff to drive their business forward and the danger of such an inflexible approach is killing organisations’ ability to properly manage talent. According to Anna Marie Detert, KPMG’s UK Lead for Talent – a tendency to copy or adopt the latest fad or fancy must be challenged if employers are to understand the talent they truly need to succeed, and plan effectively to find and keep it.  More →

Job fulfilment, not pay, motivates Generation Y talent


Today’s 20-to-30-something workforce, representing the management class of the future, values job fulfilment over financial reward, according to research by the iOpener Institute, which analysed responses from over 18,000 professionals. The study shows that Generation Y, the digital cohort born after the early 1980s, are motivated to stay with their employer, and to actively recommend their organisation to friends, by the level to which they are fulfilled in their job, rather than their levels of pay. More →

Nearly all CEOs now say they work across different locations

Nearly all CEOs now say they work across different locations

CEOs are leading by example when it comes to hybrid working, with nine in 10 (93 percent) saying they have personally adopted flexible working patternsCEOs are leading by example when it comes to hybrid working, with nine in 10 (93 percent) saying they have personally adopted flexible working patterns according to a new poll. The survey of more than 500 CEOs by International Workplace Group suggests that the vast majority now split their working time between locations. Just 7 percent said they spend five days a week working from a central office. More →

3 Days of Design proves we don’t know what we’re doing

3 Days of Design proves we don’t know what we’re doing

We don't know what we're doing. That was what we all learnt about sustainability at last week's 3 Days of Design in CopenhagenWe don’t know what we’re doing. That was what we all learnt about sustainability at last week’s 3 Days of Design in Copenhagen as Denmark’s capital city played host once more to this increasingly influential European Design event. Timed, as it is, in the same week as Chicago’s Neocon, and following on from Milan’s enormous and well-renowned Salone, not even intermittently inclement weather could disguise the noticeably larger audience drawn to Copenhagen this year. More →

Looking for a job now as savage an experience as a dating app

Looking for a job now as savage an experience as a dating app

Nearly two thirds of people say they find looking for a job a negative experience with almost a quarter saying that the process is 'soul-destroying'Nearly two thirds of people say they find looking for a job a negative experience with almost a quarter saying that the process is ‘soul-destroying’, according to a new poll from HiBob. The survey also suggests that three in five (58 percent) UK professionals have been ghosted by a prospective employer during the interview process, with two in five (39 percent) having been ghosted more than once. The report concludes that the recruitment process could be becoming as savage as online dating, where four in five single people say they have experienced ghosting.  More →

Majority of working parents say they would look for a new job if they were required to travel

Majority of working parents say they would look for a new job if they were required to travel

New research among working parents claims that three quarters (74 percent) would look for a new job if they were asked to travel to a central office five days a week.New research among working parents claims that three quarters (74 percent) would look for a new job if they were asked to travel to a central office five days a week. The study, undertaken by International Workplace Group among more than 1,000 parents in hybrid working roles, highlights that 83 percent said they were better parents as a result of the flexibility offered by hybrid working. 89 percent say they are closer to their children and are more present (92 percent), while 86 percent say their family’s quality of life has improved. More →

Save the Knowledge Worker – insights and strategies for remote-work success

Save the Knowledge Worker – insights and strategies for remote-work success

Kolekti’s new Save the Knowledge Worker reportUndoubtedly, the remote work revolution is in full swing. But it’s messy. Kolekti’s new Save the Knowledge Worker report found a colossal 96 percent of workers desire some form of remote work, and one in three employees is willing to quit if forced to return to the office full-time. And yet, which business leader can say their organisation has perfected the strategy for remote work? Most are still experimenting, tinkering, and tweaking. Even the end destination may be unclear for some. More →

Creative ways to save money for your startup

Creative ways to save money for your startup

Starting a startup is exciting, but the hard reality of limited finances may rapidly dampen the excitement

Starting a startup is exciting, but the hard reality of limited finances may rapidly dampen the excitement. Being a founding member means that you are familiar with the difficult chore of running every penny to meet your needs.  However, suppose you could think creatively, that is, outside the box, and find unusual approaches to cutting costs without compromising development or quality. Bootstrapping genius is not only a requirement in today’s fast-paced startup scene, but also a mark of honour. More →

Pattenmakers search for the winner of the  Future Leader FM Award 2025

Pattenmakers search for the winner of the Future Leader FM Award 2025

Livery company the Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers is looking for the next winner of its coveted annual FM awardLivery company the Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers is looking for the next winner of its coveted annual FM award. This Award recognises a future leader in FM, rewarding a talented early-career professional with a unique personal development opportunity funded by the livery. The Award is open to newcomers working in the Workplace and FM sectors, who have a maximum of 5 years’ experience. Entry is free, and all the information needed to enter is available here, including a link to the online entry form. The deadline for receipt of entries for the Pattenmakers Future Leader FM Award is: 5th August 2024. More →

Europe lacks skills in key technologies such as AI, quantum and space

Europe lacks skills in key technologies such as AI, quantum and space

Critical gaps have formed across the technology sector in Europe, with skills, investment and innovation being stunted in vital areas such as AI, quantum computing and space technologyCritical gaps have formed across Europe’s technology sector, with skills, investment and innovation being stunted in vital areas such as AI, quantum computing and space technology, according to a report from DIGITALEUROPE. The study titled ‘The EU’s Critical Gap: Rethinking Economic Security to Put Europe Back on the Map,’ claims that Europe is significantly lagging in key technologies. Among 8 technologies that were analysed, Europe was shown to be lagging behind in 7, only leading in advanced connectivity, with major investments and profits in this sector are being led primarily by the US. More →

Most people feel disengaged from their work, but managers can still make all the difference

Most people feel disengaged from their work, but managers can still make all the difference

The percentage of employees who feel an engagement with their work is at a record high. But, the majority of employees are still not engagedEmployee engagement worldwide has remained steady according to  the latest edition of Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report. The good news, according to the authors, is that the percentage of engaged employees – those enthusiastic about their work – held at a record high of 23 percent from 2022. However, the bad news is that the majority of employees are still not engaged (62 percent) and just show up to do the minimum, while a significant number (15 percent) are actively disengaged, meaning they dislike their jobs and managers and are looking to leave. More →