Search Results for: training

Three quarters of cybersecurity breaches are down to human error

Three quarters of cybersecurity breaches are down to human error

A new poll claims that 74 percent of all cybersecurity breaches are caused by human factorsA new poll claims that 74 percent of all cybersecurity breaches are caused by human factors. According to the data, published in  The State of Email and Collaboration Security 2024 report from Mimecast, cyber threats are growing at an unprecedented pace, and the year ahead is fraught with cybercrime and incidents anticipated ahead of the busy election year where over 50 countries head to the polls. With new threats like AI and deepfake technology, the stakes are higher than ever to execute a strong cyber defence. More →

Quarter of people think different attitudes to tech can drive workplace tensions

Quarter of people think different attitudes to tech can drive workplace tensions

According to a new poll from Capterra, just over a quarter of UK employees feel that a variety of preferences for technology can cause tensions in the workplaceAccording to a new poll from Capterra, just over a quarter of UK employees feel that a variety of preferences for technology can cause tensions in the workplace, especially between different generations. The survey also suggests there is a need for more collaboration and open communication when choosing workplace software. More →

Government scheme will see thousands more people train in technologies like AI

Government scheme will see thousands more people train in technologies like AI

Thousands of individuals will receive training and qualifications in cutting-edge technologies like AI as part of new government initiativesThousands of individuals across the UK will receive training and qualifications in cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) as part of new government initiatives. Additionally, other transformative fields such as medicine, 6G, and quantum computing are also part of this initiative. The driving force behind the move is a substantial investment of over £1.1 billion aimed at enhancing the country’s skill base. More →

Half of neurodiverse people missing work due to lack of workplace support

Half of neurodiverse people missing work due to lack of workplace support

City & Guilds’ annual Neurodiversity Index shines a light on the challenges faced by neurodiverse people in the workplaceCity & Guilds’ annual Neurodiversity Index, published today following a government-backed review of autism employment, and ahead of Neurodiversity Week, shines a light on the challenges faced by neurodiverse people in the workplace, with half of those surveyed having been off work last year due to their condition. The second edition of the annual Neurodiversity Index, published by City & Guilds Foundation in partnership with Do-IT solutions, surveys over 600 individuals and organisations. The findings show that 36 percent of neurodivergent employees do not  receive any guidance or support in their workplace setting, while 20 percent are still waiting for adjustments to be put in place. More →

Only a quarter of desk-based workers in the UK say they have a healthy relationship with work

Only a quarter of desk-based workers in the UK say they have a healthy relationship with work

While the world’s relationship with work is strained and employee expectations are rising, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is seen as a key to unlocking better relationships with workHP has announced new findings from its Work Relationship Index, a report that explores employees’ relationships with work around the world. The survey of more than 15,600 respondents across 12 countries, reveals that while the world’s relationship with work is strained and employee expectations are rising, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is seen as a key to unlocking better relationships with work.  More →

Another chance to hear: Sally Gunnell in conversation with Kate Usher on the Workplace Insight podcast

Another chance to hear: Sally Gunnell in conversation with Kate Usher on the Workplace Insight podcast

One of the UK’s greatest ever athletes and now a corporate wellbeing consultant and speaker, Sally Gunnell discusses with Kate Usher the challenges faced by women in the second half of their lives, in the latest Workplace Insight podcast. Sally is the only female British athlete ever to hold the Olympic, World, European and Commonwealth titles for 400m Hurdles. Her world record time still ranks in the top 10 fastest times, ever. More →

The sector responds to the Spring Budget

The sector responds to the Spring Budget

Yesterday’s Spring Budget included a number of announcements that affect the various people, place and technology professions in the UK. These include a cut in National Insurance, pension fund reforms, support for working parents, AI, helping people back in to work and more. You can see the Government’s own summary here. The various industry sectors have been quick to respond to the announcements. You can see what some people have had to say below, in no particular order. More →

Get tech right to tackle worker burnout and digital overwhelm

Get tech right to tackle worker burnout and digital overwhelm

Burnout is a complicated problem, and an important one for business leaders to address. There is no ‘silver bullet’ solution, but technology is one thing that organisations would be wise to get right.Recent data from Vitality found that the average employee works but underperforms during an average of 50 days a year due to burnout, stress, and insomnia – costing the UK economy £138bn. This corroborates findings from our own Work Innovation Lab which revealed that 4 in 10 UK employees say that their organisations are currently experiencing ‘a high rate’ of burnout. Concerningly, executives often don’t spot these problems until they’ve already taken a toll. More →

Three-quarters of women experience health problems at work, but line managers aren’t trained to support them 

Three-quarters of women experience health problems at work, but line managers aren’t trained to support them 

The majority of women in the workplace have experienced health problems at work (74 percent) yet there is a lack of support available to help them, according to new data from Simplyhealth. In the new research, women reported generally higher rates of being affected by health issues than men in the workplace, with around four-in-ten (37 percent) reporting experiencing anxiety last year compared to just 26 percent of men. Women were also twice as likely to report having migraines (20 percent, compared to just 10 percent of men) and more women reported experiencing back pain (29 percent vs 25 percent) and muscle pain (18 percent vs 14 percent) than men.? More →

A quarter of projects don’t meet their stated goals – but that’s not because of remote working

A quarter of projects don’t meet their stated goals – but that’s not because of remote working

A quarter of all projects do not meet the business goals that their organisations set for them but remote working is not a major factor in outcomesA quarter of all projects do not meet the business goals that their organisations set for them, according to research published by the Project Management Institute (PMI) in the 15th edition of its Pulse of the Profession report – The Future of Project Work. The newly released report, based on the responses of over 2,000 project professionals and 300+ senior leaders around the world, paints what the report says is a concerning picture of project outcomes across various industries globally. The report also highlights the reasons for this and excludes remote working as a major factor. More →

The only way is ethics … the Workplace Cocktail Hour with David Sharp

The only way is ethics … the Workplace Cocktail Hour with David Sharp

David Sharp joins Mark Eltringham on the Workplace Cocktail Hour to share a bourbon and discuss a wide range of issues - also avoiding one that won't help either of themDavid Sharp joins Mark Eltringham on the Workplace Cocktail Hour to share a bourbon, discuss a wide range of issues – and avoid one that won’t help either of them. They discuss the ethics of artificial intelligence, why we need more friction in our lives (and less seamlessness), the philosophy of work, how to deal with social media, the importance of making your own life more difficult on purpose, and the pleasures of finding out you are wrong about something.
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We can learn a lot about performance from elite sports

We can learn a lot about performance from elite sports

There are many misunderstandings about performance, we might even call them myths. While strategists talk about the importance of metrics, so much of what makes an organisation work is how its people are organised and motivated. And here lies the danger. In the absence of clear expectations and outcomes, people frequently divert to effort and presenteeism as a way of showing their value. That’s all understandable, but performance is about achieving results. More →