Search Results for: Gen Z

Emotion tracking tech in the workplace puts people’s wellbeing at risk

Emotion tracking tech in the workplace puts people’s wellbeing at risk

A new report from the Institute for the Future of Work (IFOW) explores the increasing use of affective computing in the workplace.A new report from the Institute for the Future of Work (IFOW) explores the increasing use of affective computing in the workplace. Affective computing is a branch of artificial intelligence which focuses on recognising and responding to human emotions through technologies like biometric sensors, emotion-tracking software, and wearable devices. Once primarily used in consumer products, these systems are now finding applications in the workplace, often marketed as tools to enhance safety, productivity, and employee wellbeing. The use of AI-powered technologies that monitor and interpret employees’ emotions and behaviours is known as Algorithmic Affect Management (AAM) and is rapidly transforming the landscape of employment, raising significant questions about privacy, ethics, and the future of work, according to the report. More →

Measuring and rewarding what people do at work? It’s a rat trap, baby, and you’ve been caught

Measuring and rewarding what people do at work? It’s a rat trap, baby, and you’ve been caught


Life imitates art. Scientists have discovered that lab mice may be conducting their own experiments on us. A paper published in the journal Current Biology speculates that mice seem to be testing their testers. They do this by deviating from simple behaviours such as responding to rewards to work out what might happen. “These mice have a richer internal life than we probably give them credit for,” explained Kishore Kuchibhotla, senior study author and an assistant professor of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University. “They are not just stimulus response machines. They may have things like strategies.” More →

Three quarters of recruiters think young people aren’t prepared for working life

Three quarters of recruiters think young people aren’t prepared for working life

The new report, Changing Face of the Youth Labour Market, claims to uncover a number of worrying insights into employers' perceptions of young workers and their readiness for working lifeA new poll from the the CIPD suggests that many UK employers believe young people aren’t ‘job-ready’ and lack important workplace skills, with a fall in earning and learning opportunities cited as a key reason. The new report, Changing Face of the Youth Labour Market, claims to uncover a number of worrying insights into employers’ perceptions of young workers and their readiness for working life. The study suggests that only just over a quarter (28 percent} of employers who hired individuals aged 16-24 in the past year believe that young people are well-prepared for the world of work. More →

Working life in 2024 is defined by stress, poor management and loneliness

Working life in 2024 is defined by stress, poor management and loneliness

Despite living in an era of progress, people feel that stress, disengagement, and declining mental health are prominent in daily working lifeThe 2024 State of the Global Workplace report by Gallup sets out to provide a comprehensive analysis of employee experiences worldwide, revealing a large number of people who feel they are under increasing strain. Despite living in an era of remarkable technological and economic advancements, workers face significant challenges, with stress, disengagement, and declining mental health prominent in people’s daily working life. The report suggests that 41 percent of employees experience high levels of daily stress, with poor management practices being a major contributing factor. One in five workers report daily loneliness, an issue particularly pronounced among remote employees. More →

Do you have leadership paralysis?

Do you have leadership paralysis?

UK firms are bullish about the use of GenAI but their employees are not so certain, according to a new poll. LeadershipThere are so many different theories on how to lead change. Tom Peters says we should not discuss change but organisational revolution (Peters,1991); Chris Argyris talks about change management as flawed advice (Argyris, 1985); Kotter puts forward a top down change transformation process (Kotter, 1995); Beer, Eisnestat and Spectors, discuss a bottom-up process (Eisnestat and Spectors, 1990) and that is just to name a few ways of looking at this aspect of leadership. More →

Are men and women heard differently in the workplace? Have your say

Are men and women heard differently in the workplace? Have your say

The organisers of Workplace Trends are conducting research into why some women or men are not always heard in their workplaceThose who attended the last Workplace Trends conference will recall that regular contributor Paige Hodsman (Saint-Gobain Ecophon) and the organisers are conducting research into why some women or men are not always heard in their workplace. They are now reaching out to more people to complete a 10 to 15 minute survey to inform this pertinent research.  You can take part by complete the survey here before the 24th of December. The survey also allows you to receive a copy of the findings or attend a free seminar once the research has been published.
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Majority of  ‘digital content creators’ don’t check facts but use likes on social media to gauge reliability of information

Majority of  ‘digital content creators’ don’t check facts but use likes on social media to gauge reliability of information

At a time when digital content creators have become a major source of information for people, a new UNESCO survey suggests that 62 percent do not carry out any sort of rigorous fact-checking of information prior to sharing it. As well as demonstrating that fact-checking is rare, the survey finds that content creators have difficulty with determining the best criteria for assessing the credibility of information they find online. According to the poll, 42 percent of respondents said they used “the number of ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ a post had received” on social media as the main indicator of reliability. More →

Older workers will be essential in a changing global economy

Older workers will be essential in a changing global economy

A new report from consulting firm Bain & Company underscores the rising importance of older workers as global populations age and labour markets face growing talent shortagesA new report from consulting firm Bain & Company underscores the rising importance of older workers as global populations age and labour markets face growing talent shortages. The study focuses on the demographic of employees aged 50 and above, whose experience, stability, and institutional knowledge make them invaluable assets to businesses. It reveals that while older workers often demonstrate adaptability, problem-solving abilities, and a strong work ethic, organisations frequently overlook their contributions due to outdated stereotypes and rigid employment practices. More →

Poor job quality leaves people exhausted and at risk of ill health

Poor job quality leaves people exhausted and at risk of ill health

A new report from the Institute for Employment Studies warns that poor job quality is significantly affecting people's health and wellbeingA new report from the Institute for Employment Studies warns that poor job quality is significantly affecting worker health, with 1.7 million people in Great Britain reporting work-related ill health in the last year. The research reveals that half of all workers report having to work more hours than contracted or expected – the highest rate in Europe. Rising work intensity and job strain have left around half of the UK workforce regularly exhausted. The impact of ill-health on spiralling economic inactivity is a focus of an anticipated government White Paper looking to tackle the ‘greatest employment challenge for a generation’ and support more people into good work. More →

Slow progress on sustainable buildings, RICS report claims

Slow progress on sustainable buildings, RICS report claims

While demand for sustainable buildings and investment remains steady, particularly in regions such as Europe, significant gaps persist in terms of skills, knowledge, and financial incentivesThe latest sustainability report from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) highlights the continued challenge of embedding sustainable practices within the built environment, despite some signs of progress. While demand for sustainable buildings and investment remains steady, particularly in regions such as Europe, significant gaps persist in terms of skills, knowledge, and financial incentives. More →

Third of people hide their use of workplace AI from employers

Third of people hide their use of workplace AI from employers

35 percent of workers admit to using workplace AI covertly to do tasks they were supposed to do themselves and didn’t tell their boss aboutA new poll from Access Group claims that 35 percent of workers admit to using workplace AI covertly to do tasks they were supposed to do themselves and didn’t tell their boss about, posing questions about the security of AI in the workplace. This figure jumps to 55 percent among 18-29 year-olds, with over a quarter (26 percent) confessing they’ve done this ‘many times’. In contrast, only 14 percent of over-60s admit to having used AI to gain an advantage. More →

Life science interiors: here’s how to create a petri dish for scientific breakthroughs

Life science interiors: here’s how to create a petri dish for scientific breakthroughs

The design of life science interiors is crucial for fostering scientific breakthroughs by balancing precision, functionality, and collaboration. Life science research has grown exponentially in recent years, driving an increasing demand for specialised laboratory spaces. These facilities – including wet labs, dry labs, and their supporting infrastructure – all serve a unique purpose. Like a Petri dish providing the perfect environment for scientific experiments, life science interiors need to balance precision with functionality. When designed well, they create the ideal conditions for innovation, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas. More →