Search Results for: benefits

Five reasons why (Framery) office pods help to solve the great workplace debate

Five reasons why (Framery) office pods help to solve the great workplace debate

Here are five reasons why the world’s top companies, including the likes of Tesla, Microsoft, LinkedIn and Puma, are using office pods – and why they will be coming to an office near you.  It’s a fact – pods are taking over the office. In 2010, Framery introduced the first pod to the market and now there are over 200 suppliers globally. Framery, the market leader in this space, was a major pioneer of their development and subsequently has supplied 70 percent of Forbes 100 companies with office pods. More →

Manufacturers have sustainability strategies in place but progress remains slow and patchy

Manufacturers have sustainability strategies in place but progress remains slow and patchy

Two-thirds of board-level executives at UK-based manufacturing companies agree that sustainability is a high priority and a third have decarbonisation plans in place, but according to new research conducted by management consultancy, Vendigital, progress in decarbonising products, processes, and supply chains is patchy at best, and this could cause UK industry to fall behind global competitors in the race to net zero. More →

There is always time and place for a primal scream

There is always time and place for a primal scream

How many times have you felt – frustration, anger, irritation, smugness, pure happiness – and kept it to yourself? How many times have you felt – sadness, disappointment, jealously – and pretended you we’re fine? And how many times have you said out loud, or thought “I could scream”. Screaming to release emotion has its place in pop culture for a reason. It is one of the most relevant, intense and universal, communication signals for survival in humans, and since the 1960’s, Arthur Janov, a psychologist has been advocating the power of the ‘primal scream’ – a healthy way to let off steam. More →

Workplace wellness and eye health deemed essential for millennials and Gen-Z workers

Workplace wellness and eye health deemed essential for millennials and Gen-Z workers

Generation Z and millennials make up a huge part of the workforce and are only continuing to grow, and with this increase, more is being asked from the workplaces that employ them. Workplace wellness is becoming increasingly essential, especially as employee well-being decreases and affects trust in employers’ efforts. With significant economic woes and work setup changes affecting professional life, 64 percent of the UK workforce would say their overall well-being is low. As such, Gen-Z and millennial workers are demanding a greater focus on workplace wellness initiatives. More →

CIPD announces programme for 2023 Annual Conference and Exhibition

CIPD announces programme for 2023 Annual Conference and Exhibition

The CIPD has revealed its programme, including an exciting line-up of speakers, for its Annual Conference and Exhibition 2023, taking place at Manchester Central and online across 8-9 November. This year’s event will focus on supporting people professionals to create a bolder future for the profession. The event will provide insights into the changing world of work and key challenges facing the profession, helping HR, OD and L&D practitioners to take decisive action when confronted by these challenges in their own organisations.    More →

Why your business needs to invest in embedded BI

Why your business needs to invest in embedded BI

Alt text: A person working on a computer looking at two screens utilizing embedded BI tools.In this day and age, businesses are constantly searching for strategies to enhance their operational capability. With the advent of technology, numerous tools have emerged that aid companies in achieving a significant edge in the competitive business environment. One such essential tool is embedded business intelligence (BI), which is pivotal in making informed business decisions. Keep reading to learn more about embedded BI. More →

London Real Estate Forum makes the right noises, but will be judged on action

London Real Estate Forum makes the right noises, but will be judged on action

This year’s London Real Estate Forum (LREF), held from 27-28 September at the Barbican, had a general air of optimism but tempered with the uncertainty of a general election in the next twelve months and elements of political and economic uncertainty globally.  The day began with a state of the market discussion chaired by dRMM’s Sadie Morgan, with challenges facing the industry identified as the current valuation of the office market, the rate of housebuilding and the government’s lack of investment in infrastructure – the event coinciding with the furore over the cancelling of the northern part of HS2. More →

Remote workers and working mums can kiss promotion at work goodbye

Remote workers and working mums can kiss promotion at work goodbye

Remote and hybrid workers are being excluded in the workplace, according to a new poll from Figures from the organisation’s annual survey suggest that 43 percent of mothers who work remotely feel they have been overlooked for promotion and work opportunities, whilst almost a third (29 percent) say they don’t feel fully included at work.  The research also reveals that whilst pay is now the biggest retention driver for mums, flexible working comes in a close second, significantly more important than both benefits and rights. Almost three-quarters of respondents (73 percent) say flexible working is a deal breaker in taking a new job, and over half (52 percent) have turned down a position due to lack of flexibility. More →

Connection addresses needs of neurodivergent workers with new system

Connection addresses needs of neurodivergent workers with new system

Drift is designed for neurodivergent workers who require a tranquil space to help them escape a hectic office environmentApproximately 20 percent of the population is what is known as neurodivergent, totalling around 13.5 million people in the UK, 150 million in Europe, and 1.6 billion globally. Catering to this large proportion of neurodivergent workers in the population is critical for interior designers and product designers alike, who carry a weight of responsibility when it comes to creating workplaces that not only support and facilitate those living with neurodiverse conditions but empower them to optimise their wellbeing and productivity. More →

Employers struggling to keep pace with AI adoption

Employers struggling to keep pace with AI adoption

While the use of AI tools in the workplace is rapidly increasing, many organisations are lagging in providing guidance and training in the use of these technologiesWhile the use of AI tools in the workplace is rapidly increasing, many organisations are lagging in providing guidance and training in the use of these technologies, according to  new survey commissioned by Ricoh Europe. This governance gap comes amidst growing interest within companies to implement automation solutions. The poll of 6,000 workers across Europe, conducted by Opinium, suggests there is a gap between workers’ use of emerging technologies and organisations’ efforts to support and manage that usage. More →

New study reveals deteriorating employee wellbeing and eroding trust in employer efforts

New study reveals deteriorating employee wellbeing and eroding trust in employer efforts

WellbeingA new study from Alight reveals that 64 percent of the UK workforce would rate their overall wellbeing as low. This comes at a time where economic headwinds, budget cuts and remote work has created a feeling of uncertainty in the UK workforce, heightening the urgency for employers to act fast or compromise employee wellbeing.

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ORGATEC reinvents itself for the new future of work

ORGATEC reinvents itself for the new future of work

ORGATEC, the leading international trade fair for the future of work will return in 2024 with a new event conceptORGATEC, the leading international trade fair for the future of work will return in 2024 with a new event concept that is designed to meet the evolving requirements of the world of work and is positioned even closer to the cutting edge. With a shorter duration, a new hall layout, highlight topics and digital innovations, ORGATEC will offer exhibitors and visitors a topic-centred, event-oriented and efficient trade fair experience. More →