Search Results for: business

Workers unsure about the government’s New Deal for Working People

Workers unsure about the government’s New Deal for Working People


Workers in the UK are lukewarm towards the "New Deal for Working People," a cornerstone of the recently introduced Employment Rights Bill.Workers in the UK are lukewarm towards the “New Deal for Working People,” a cornerstone of the recently introduced Employment Rights Bill. This ambivalence is coupled with a significant lack of awareness about their current workplace rights and their employers’ stance on various aspects of the deal. These insights come from the latest Robert Half Jobs Confidence Index (JCI), an economic confidence tracker developed in collaboration with the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr). More →

Unleash your brand’s potential: how Adfixus transforms digital marketing into profit powerhouse

Unleash your brand’s potential: how Adfixus transforms digital marketing into profit powerhouse

Digital marketing is no longer just about getting your brand noticed; it's about creating meaningful connections, driving customer engagement, and boosting your bottom lineIn today’s hyper-competitive digital landscape, the success of a brand hinges not only on its ability to reach the right audience but also on how effectively it converts that reach into tangible profits. Digital marketing is no longer just about getting your brand noticed; it’s about creating meaningful connections, driving customer engagement, and boosting your bottom line. This is where Adfixus comes into play, offering a revolutionary approach to digital marketing that promises to transform your brand into a profit powerhouse. More →

The best leaders invite people to challenge them … and don’t punish them when they do

The best leaders invite people to challenge them … and don’t punish them when they do

Leaders should foster a culture of positive, constructive challenge, which can help mitigate risks and improve decision makingLeaders should foster a culture of positive, constructive challenge, which can help mitigate risks and improve decision making, according to experts at Imperial College Business School. In a new white paper, researchers from Imperial’s Centre for Responsible Leadership analysed the strategies that leaders can implement to successfully elicit challenge from their teams. The paper contains key lessons and evidence-based recommendations for leaders to encourage challenge, that can be applied to a wide range of organisations. More →

How generative AI is shaping a new landscape for creativity

How generative AI is shaping a new landscape for creativity


The impact of generative AI on creative workflows is challenging, profound and multifaceted, writes Chris Hewish Every significant leap in technology has promised more than it has delivered. Or, perhaps more accurately, it has delivered something different from what was promised. When automation began infiltrating manufacturing in the 19th century, there was widespread fear that it would render human labour obsolete. Instead, it transformed the nature of work, creating new categories of jobs and even eradicating others. The digital revolution of the late 20th century followed a similar trajectory. It shifted the burden of tasks, spawned entirely new industries, and necessitated new skill sets. More →

Most people support shift to a four day week

Most people support shift to a four day week

A new poll claims that a significant majority of voters who supported the new Labour government are in favour of transitioning the UK to a four day weekA new poll claims that a significant majority of voters who supported the new Labour government are in favour of transitioning the UK to a shorter working week. According to data collected by Survation and commissioned by The Autonomy Institute, 72 percent of Labour voters back the idea of a four-day work week. The survey, which included responses from 2,048 adults, specifically asked whether participants would support a government initiative to move towards a shorter working week, with no loss of pay, by the year 2030. More →

European banks are over-valuing commercial property, ECB report suggests

European banks are over-valuing commercial property, ECB report suggests


An analysis by the European Central Bank (ECB) has raised concerns that several of the Euro zone's leading banks may be inflating the value of commercial propertyAn analysis by the European Central Bank (ECB) has raised concerns that several of the Euro zone’s leading banks may be inflating the value of commercial property, potentially obscuring the true state of their loan portfolios in a sector that is facing significant challenges. The analysis suggests that some banks are failing to properly account for the steep downturn in the commercial property market, which has been severely impacted by higher borrowing costs and weakened demand as businesses adjust to the post-pandemic economic landscape. More →

Hybrid workers are more likely than colleagues to report poor mental health

Hybrid workers are more likely than colleagues to report poor mental health

Hybrid workers are the group most likely to say that work has a negative toll on their mental health, according to a new surveyHybrid workers are the group most likely to say that work has a negative toll on their mental health, according to a new survey from Pluxee UK. Two-fifths (42 percent) of hybrid workers reported that work negatively affects their mental wellbeing, compared to 32 percent of fully remote and 30 percent of fully office-based employees. The report claims thatits  findings highlight that while hybrid working offers flexibility, it requires thoughtful support to ensure employee wellbeing and work-life balance. More →

Is this last orders for the post-work drink?

Is this last orders for the post-work drink?


The traditional post-work drink may be falling from favour as a shift in attitudes means people increasingly prefer daytime social gatherings, a new poll claimsThe traditional post-work drink may be falling from favour as a shift in attitudes and working culture means people increasingly prefer daytime social gatherings, a new poll claims. Employers are being encouraged to move away from pub outings as a means of socialising, instead fostering “inclusive and healthy workplace cultures” that cater to employees who don’t drink alcohol or work remotely. As four different generations now share the workplace, new expectations around employee health and wellbeing are emerging, according to the survey commissioned by the International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD). More →

Women find it more difficult to separate remote work from their family lives

Women find it more difficult to separate remote work from their family lives


Remote work has often been lauded as a potential solution to gender inequality, given its flexibility, however these findings showcase that personal circumstances still have an effect on women’s careers.Women have much more difficulty separating their working lives and their family lives when they work from home, than men do, according to new research from Durham University Business School. Remote work has often been lauded as a potential solution to gender inequality, given its flexibility, however these findings showcase that personal circumstances still have an effect on women’s careers. More →

How can companies address the skills gap and ongoing talent shortage in their industry?

How can companies address the skills gap and ongoing talent shortage in their industry?


Employers can, however, take proactive measures to address these problems and thrive by implementing smart solutions and adopting innovative tactics like Employer of Record (EOR) services to acquire top talent and bridge the skills gapThe modern business landscape is facing a significant challenge: a growing skills gap and a persistent talent shortage across various industries. Companies are finding it difficult to find qualified candidates with the necessary skills to fill important roles as technology changes quickly and job requirements change. This talent shortage may hinder general productivity, growth, and innovation. Employers can, however, take proactive measures to address these problems and thrive by implementing smart solutions and adopting innovative tactics like Employer of Record (EOR) services to acquire top talent. More →

People can be so obedient in the workplace, they become Stepford Employees

People can be so obedient in the workplace, they become Stepford Employees

The ‘Stepford Employee’ is a growing phenomenon in the workplace, where staff become overly agreeable, seldom ask questions, and rarely push boundariesThe ‘Stepford Employee’ is a growing phenomenon in the workplace, where staff become overly agreeable, seldom ask questions, and rarely push boundaries, hindering both their personal growth and their organisation’s success.  The term ‘Stepford Employee’ originates from the popular feminist horror novel, “The Stepford Wives”, which highlighted the dangers of subservience and docility for women. This growing trend in the world of work sees employees getting stuck in the status quo – not challenging leaders or pursuing professional growth. More →

Organisations need to address the rising problem of workplace sickness

Organisations need to address the rising problem of workplace sickness

Rising levels of workplace sickness are costing UK businesses billions each year, according to a new report from the Institute for Public Policy ResearchRising levels of workplace sickness are costing UK businesses billions each year, according to a new report from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR). The think tank’s analysis reveals that the annual hidden cost of employee sickness has surged by £30 billion since 2018. Of this increase, £25 billion is attributed to lower productivity from employees working while ill, with only £5 billion due to an increase in sick days. More →