Search Results for: economy

Flexible office space transforming US commercial property sector

Flexible office space transforming US commercial property sector

An image from the CBRE report on flexible office spaceA new report from CBRE claims that the US market for flexible office space will generate significant growth over the next decade, even in the event of a recession, as flex operators consolidate and forge financial partnerships with building owners. More →

There is still time to avoid the regrexit of Brexit

There is still time to avoid the regrexit of Brexit

Still time to avoid BrexitSeveral months ago when we invited Jonty Bloom, one of the media’s most respected journalists to come and speak to our guest audience, we knew it would be informed, relevant and fascinating. What we didn’t know was that the day before (4th September 2019) Boris Johnson would deliver a stunningly inelegant performance at his inaugural Prime Minister’s Question time, the day after losing his first vote in parliament to prevent a further delay in delivering Brexit. More →

Four day week not a good idea for UK, report concludes

Four day week not a good idea for UK, report concludes

four day weekThe debate about the introduction of a compulsory four day week or shorter hours may take a new turn following the publication of a new report commissioned by the Labour Party which concludes that a blanket limit on the hours worked by people in the UK is both unrealistic and potentially counter-productive, in spite of the fact that there is clear evidence for its effect on wellbeing and productivity. More →

Start-ups slump as UK gears up for Brexit

Start-ups slump as UK gears up for Brexit

Brexit jigsaw missing start-upsThe number of new start-ups in the UK fell sharply last year and established firms scaled back their growth ambitions due to Brexit uncertainty, according to new data looking at the health of the grassroots economy. The findings have emerged from the Enterprise Research Centre’s UK Local Growth Dashboard report, an annual publication that looks at a range of metrics charting the growth of small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which account for 99 percent of all firms in the UK. More →

Legislation and trading conditions biggest worries for firms

Legislation and trading conditions biggest worries for firms

Legislation and a difficult economic climate are the biggest challenges facing start-ups in eight major business sectors according to a survey carried out by Safestore. The survey set out to establish the biggest concerns for biggest owners, their most fundamental goals, and what they believe to be the main reasons for a business failing. More →

Diverse workplace is key to attracting freelancers

Diverse workplace is key to attracting freelancers

Diverse workplace reportThe demand for talent is at an all-time high, and companies need to focus on building out robust and effective diversity and inclusion strategies that attract both permanent and contingent talent, according to new data released by Randstad Sourceright. According to results from the firm’s 2019 Talent Trends survey (registration), 72 percent of permanent talent and 71 percent of contingent talent find it important to work with a company that emphasises creating an inclusive and diverse workplace. More →

Coworking continues to reshape property markets worldwide

Coworking continues to reshape property markets worldwide

Epicenter Coworking Space in StockholmAgainst a global backdrop of diminishing business confidence and a weaker outlook for economic growth, a robust labour market in the world’s largest economies continues to underpin demand for office space with high employment levels prevalent across a number of major markets. Demand continues to be driven by the knowledge economy, with the coworking boom continuing to broaden its reach across major markets, forcing traditional landlords to adapt their offering in order to best accommodate existing and potential occupiers. More →

Shifting cultural expectations in the workplace

Shifting cultural expectations in the workplace

workplace cultureThere has been much talk of digital, agile and organisational transformation for businesses for many years now. While the intricacies of each are separate discussions, one thing is clear – the world of work and the workplace are changing and as businesses we need to adapt.

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Freelancers and the self-employed need holidays too

Freelancers and the self-employed need holidays too

Taking time off improves the work performance of freelancers, a new study from IPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed) claims. The research suggests that almost two-thirds of freelancers believe taking holiday improves their work performance in some way. Asked what advantages came with taking more time off, 63 percent said it improved aspects of their work including productivity, energy, creativity and confidence in their work. More →

A grey tsunami, three goldfish, the red pill of coworking and some other colourful stuff

A grey tsunami, three goldfish, the red pill of coworking and some other colourful stuff

A right leaning think tank’s suggestion that the UK should set a new retirement age of 75 and introduce a range of measures to extend people’s working lives to boost the economy and improve people’s wellbeing sparked an inevitable paroxysm of rage. Immediately followed by an equally inevitable and furious level of what passes for debate these days. A stramash the Scottish would call it. More →

London is the most productive region in the UK

London is the most productive region in the UK

London is the most productive region in the UK, followed by the South East and Scotland according to new research from the the University of Durham Business School. Economists Professor Richard Harris and Professor John Moffat conducted the research and also found that the least productive region was Wales, with London having productivity levels over double the amount of Wales. London receives between twice and three times as much per capita funding for transport than any other region. More →

London demand for tech skills threatens new North-South divide

London demand for tech skills threatens new North-South divide

A new analysis of the UK’s jobs market by Accenture claims that despite growing opportunities in other cities, London has increasingly greater demand for talent in emerging technologies than ten other UK cities combined. According to the report,  there are currently 422,000 UK-based professionals with skills in emerging technologies such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, blockchain, extended reality and quantum computing.

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