Search Results for: employee engagement

A Field Guide to Workplace Terminology

As the ecosystem around the workplace industry grows ever more complex, so too does the language we use to describe it. In an attempt to bring order to chaos, guest writer Simon Heath presents here a glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations to help you navigate these linguistic waters. (For example Business Intelligence – A commonly used oxymoron.) For more of Simon’s worldly, wise and witty writing on all things work and workplace related, visit his blog at

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Report reveals wider impact than ROI for wellness programmes

Workplace wellness edit

The Return on Investment of workplace wellness programmes goes way beyond cost savings a major new report reveals. Making the Right Investment: Employee Health and the Power of Metrics found smoking cessation incentives help increase productivity, nutrition and exercise drives and centralised programmes which utilise the latest technology leads to increased employee engagement which helps reduce staff turnover. Said Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman World Economic Forum “Over 50% of the working population spend the majority of their time at work, so the workplace provides a unique opportunity to raise awareness, as well as guide and incentivise individuals to develop healthier behaviours.” More →

Workplace transformation strategies are an essential element of CSR


Adopting 21st-century workplace practices that meet the needs of employers and employees is an important form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), according to a new corporate real estate (CRE) industry advocacy statement by CoreNet Global. The report finds the nature of work is “changing dramatically, transcending the traditional definitions of productivity to include the concepts of enabling work, employee engagement, employee satisfaction and employee wellness, framed around an emerging ‘work-life support’ business model.” More →

Information overload and FOMO are major risk factors for remote work

Information overload and FOMO are major risk factors for remote work

While remote work has its advantages for most people, a new academic study found that there are at least two under-discussed risks  While the shift to remote work has reportedly brought about numerous benefits for many people, such as increased flexibility and autonomy, a new study published in SAGE Open by researchers from the University of Nottingham claims to reveal significant downsides that are often overlooked. More →

Is it fair that AI defines if you deserve a job?

Is it fair that AI defines if you deserve a job?

As AI continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, impacting not just personal endeavours but also professional pursuits, one important question emerges: is it fair that AI defines if you deserve a job?The rise of AI-driven hiring processes has undoubtedly transformed the recruitment landscape, and we know it. But is it fair that AI defines if you deserve a job? Ultimately, the answer to this question is not just a technical or logistical issue, it is a profoundly ethical one. AI (artificial intelligence) has revolutionised the way we interact with technology, increasingly permeating various aspects of our lives, from virtual assistants to complex algorithms shaping our online experiences. More →

Why AI is not getting the green light for sustainability

Why AI is not getting the green light for sustainability

We think of digital solutions such as AI as being more sustainable and eco-friendly. Nothing could be further from the truthWe might think of online and digital solutions such as AI as more sustainable and eco-friendly. We have email signatures reminding us to think before hitting print and are encouraged to send e-cards with seasonal greetings to save the trees. Our overall preference to switch to all things online means that we rarely question, or even consider, the environmental impact of our computers. It’s also how the truly enormous impact of AI has, thus far, stayed off our radar. More →

People are increasingly comfortable with – and scared of – AI

People are increasingly comfortable with – and scared of – AI

The sentiments of employees around the world about AI and GenAI are evolving significantly, but cautious optimism endures, with 42 percent reporting confidence about the technologies’ impact on their work, compared to 26 percent at around this time last year. However, anxiety about the technologies is also on the rise, by 5 percentage points, and 49 percent of regular users believe their job may disappear in the next ten years, a view shared by only 24 percent of workers who do not use them. More →

Bleep off. Workplace devices interrupt people every fifteen minutes

Bleep off. Workplace devices interrupt people every fifteen minutes

The majority of employees and managers surveyed agree that companies are not effectively addressing the issue of digital noise - the way apps and devices interrupt people constantly.A new poll from Unily, claims to highlight the negative impact digital notifications have on wellbeing and productivity. The majority of employees and managers surveyed agree that companies are not effectively addressing the issue of digital noise – the way apps and devices interrupt people constantly. According to the Digital Noise Impact Report [registration], nearly half of all employees are distracted at least once every 30 minutes, and almost a third report being distracted at least once every 15 minutes by a workplace notification. That means employees working 8-hour days could be experiencing over 160 distractions from their workplace digital tools each week. More →

AI could save the public sector millions of hours of time each week, claims report

AI could save the public sector millions of hours of time each week, claims report

A new report from Microsoft argues AI could save more than four hours per week on administrative tasks - per staff member across all public sectorsA new report commissioned by Microsoft claims that the scale of administration required of the UK’s public sector is drawing front line workers away from delivering frontline services, and impacting the motivation, engagement and even mental health of large proportions of the public workforce. The research, developed by Dr Chris Brauer, Director of Innovation at Goldsmiths University and Symmetry features in a new report from Microsoft, Harnessing the Power of AI for the Public Sector and argues AI could save more than four hours per week on administrative tasks per staff member across all public sectors. More →

A new generation of workplace apps is transforming people’s experience of work

A new generation of workplace apps is transforming people’s experience of work

These days, workplace apps promise a much more sophisticated experience, which can be accessed in the palm of your handDisseminating information about a building to the people who occupy it has come a long way from a basic, intranet desktop interface with warnings about wet floors or notices about charity fundraising. These days, workplace apps promise a much more sophisticated experience, which can be accessed in the palm of your hand. Gartner has a useful definition of workplace apps’ capabilities, stating, “They are used to explore and reserve workspaces, navigate the workplace, find colleagues, plan the best days to attend the workplace, access services and ensure that employees could feel safe in a future post pandemic workplace.” More →

Mismatched technology may be driving down productivity

Mismatched technology may be driving down productivity

A new poll from Apogee Corporation claims that current workplace environments are failing to cater to different personality types, leading to significant collaboration challenges, reduced productivity and potentially driving away 'talent'A new poll from Apogee Corporation claims that current workplace environments are failing to cater to different personality types, leading to significant collaboration challenges, reduced productivity and potentially driving away ‘talent’. The survey of 1,001 UK employees in mid-sized businesses suggests that 79 percent of workers struggle with meeting technology when collaborating with colleagues. This is particularly detrimental to extroverts, with 84 percent reporting a drop in productivity while working remotely. More →

Some questions about AI, a world drowning in content and the human centipede of creativity

Some questions about AI, a world drowning in content and the human centipede of creativity


We still don't even know what questions to ask about AI, so the idea we can provide answers is a bit premature

One unintended but welcome result of the new fixation with AI is that many of the people who became experts on the workplace in 2020 are now experts on AI. You’ll find them on social media and they’ll have written a book about it by May to sit on the shelf alongside the one about hybrid working and The Great Resignation. So, if you want some certainty about where generative AI taking us, go talk to one of them because people who know about the subject seem to have little or no idea or raise even more questions. More →