Search Results for: employees

The future of work is hybrid with a firm focus on employees

The future of work is hybrid with a firm focus on employees

employeesCompanies are searching for ways to reinvent the office and give employees reasons to return to their workplace and a new report by JLL says the focus must be on the workforce. The report, Reimagine: the new future of work to shape a better world predicts that the future of work will involve companies prioritising the health, wellness and mental well-being of employees. More →

A workplace divided: Employees split over COVID-19 vaccine

A workplace divided: Employees split over COVID-19 vaccine

vaccinePerceptyx, the employee survey and people analytics platform, has released new data focused on the role of the COVID vaccine in return to work scenarios. As the world nears 10 months of quarantine and other restrictions, organisations grapple with deciding if and when it will be safe for employees to return to the workplace. As vaccines are rolled out, organisations must tread a fine line with employees as there is a significant divide in perceptions around the vaccine. More →

Volunteering boosts employees during lockdown, research claims

Volunteering boosts employees during lockdown, research claims

VolunteeringAs companies struggle to motivate teams working remotely, new research by the charity Education and Employers and the CIPD, claims that employers who support their staff with volunteering in schools and colleges has found employees to be more motivated, more productive and have a better sense of well-being. More →

Fewer than half of employees in Europe feel trusted at work

Fewer than half of employees in Europe feel trusted at work

trustedA new survey from Catalyst claims that only 46 percent of employees in Europe report often or always being trusted at work. This experience of being trusted is consequential; as the data highlights, when managers lead more inclusively, experiences of trust increase, and organisations as well as employees benefit. More →

Businesses warned of a looming crisis of trust from employees in 2021

Businesses warned of a looming crisis of trust from employees in 2021

employeesOrganisations face a crisis of trust this year if they continue to make workplace decisions in the dark, according to employee experience platform, Leesman. A study across 145,000+ global employees claims a series of acute factors impacting an employees’ ability to work remotely. More →

Mental wellbeing needs of employees should be a greater priority for businesses

Mental wellbeing needs of employees should be a greater priority for businesses

Mental healthData from thousands of employees across the country has been aggregated in a new report, detailing the mental wellbeing of the workforce over the course of the year. The research from 87 percent, a digital platform that provides mental health assessment and support to businesses and their employees, shows how the workforce has struggled with the mental pressures of Covid-19. Since March, circumstances at work and pressures in our personal lives have badly affected our mental wellbeing. More →

The majority of employees admit to boozing while working from home

The majority of employees admit to boozing while working from home

working from homeTo say that 2020 has been a tough year is an understatement, and it appears that there has been an increase in the amount of alcohol being consumed whilst working from home since the pandemic began, according to Health and Safety software company More →

Almost half of employees would like less work stress in 2021

Almost half of employees would like less work stress in 2021

EmployeesStatistics released from payroll and HR company PayFit claim that almost nine in ten UK workers are unsatisfied with their jobs. With employees working longer hours, increased pressure and limited opportunities for pay increases in 2021, the research indicates that overall employee wellbeing remains an ongoing challenge for HR leaders – whilst wellbeing trends are evolving. More →

Tech industry employees three times more stressed working from home than others

Tech industry employees three times more stressed working from home than others

EmployeesUnify Square, the services provider for Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Slack platforms, has released survey results around remote collaboration and communication among enterprises. The survey highlights key perspectives of enterprise employees on workplace collaboration and communication in the midst of the global pandemic.  More →

Majority of employees struggling with ‘always on’ work culture

Majority of employees struggling with ‘always on’ work culture

employeesHeightened anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic has led to employees working longer hours and taking fewer sick days, all the while becoming less fulfilled by work and life, according to the latest analysis from Aviva. More →

UK businesses still aren’t providing the flexible working employees want

UK businesses still aren’t providing the flexible working employees want

flexible workingAccording to new research from Tiger Recruitment, UK businesses still aren’t offering workers enough flexibility. While the pandemic has required many to work more flexibly from home, more than a quarter of employees questioned say they still aren’t happy with the flexible working options available to them, and men are just as dissatisfied as women. More →

Employees are twice as motivated and productive if they’re resilient

Employees are twice as motivated and productive if they’re resilient

ResilientAon plc, has released new research that highlights the impact on employee motivation and productivity if they are resilient. The data, gained across five European countries, including the UK, claims that employees are nearly twice as likely to be motivated and therefore productive, if they are resilient. More →