Search Results for: government

NHS to offer workplace health checks to middle aged staff

NHS to offer workplace health checks to middle aged staff

The NHS is set to launch a comprehensive initiative aimed at preventing heart attacks and strokes by conducting health checks in workplaces across the UK. Over the next six months, more than 130,000 middle-aged employees will be offered free workplace health checks in their places of work. This national drive, known as Health MoTs, is designed to identify individuals at risk of type 2 diabetes or heart disease through a 20-minute evaluation that includes weighing staff and measuring their blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

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How younger generations are redefining workplace exits

How younger generations are redefining workplace exits


The modern workplace is witnessing a significant shift in the dynamics of workplace exits, largely driven by younger generationsThe modern workplace is witnessing a significant shift in the dynamics of workplace exits, largely driven by younger generations—especially those born after 1997, known as Gen Z. It’s not just in the places we might expect. For example, in Japan, a country with a reputation for long tenures and employee/employer loyalty, resignation agencies such as Momuri offer services that allow individuals to quit their jobs remotely. Even where moving jobs is relatively rare, this “resignation-as-a-service” has sprung up as a result of discontent within the workforce. This phenomenon, particularly pronounced among younger demographics, is challenging traditional notions of loyalty in the face of workplace dissatisfaction. More →

UK startups economy relies on high quality immigration

UK startups economy relies on high quality immigration

A new report highlights the significant role that high-quality immigration plays in driving business growth and innovationNew data suggests that 39 percent of Britain’s top 100 fastest-growing companies were founded by individuals born outside the United Kingdom, even though immigrants make up less than 15 percent of the overall population. The research, conducted by think tank The Entrepreneurs Network and supported by Fragomen, highlights the significant role that high-quality immigration plays in driving business growth and innovation. Previous research from 2019 showed an even higher proportion, with 49 percent of Britain’s top 100 fastest-growing companies having a foreign-born founder.
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Right to disconnect law comes into force in Australia

Right to disconnect law comes into force in Australia


Australia has introduced a "right to disconnect" rule, offering what is claimed to be ‘significant relief’ to employees who feel pressured to respond to work-related calls or messages outside of their official working hoursAustralia has introduced a so-called right to disconnect rule, offering what is claimed to be ‘significant relief’ to employees who feel pressured to respond to work-related calls or messages outside of their official working hours. The new legislation allows employees to ignore communications after hours without fearing repercussions from their employers. More →

Most people support shift to a four day week

Most people support shift to a four day week

A new poll claims that a significant majority of voters who supported the new Labour government are in favour of transitioning the UK to a four day weekA new poll claims that a significant majority of voters who supported the new Labour government are in favour of transitioning the UK to a shorter working week. According to data collected by Survation and commissioned by The Autonomy Institute, 72 percent of Labour voters back the idea of a four-day work week. The survey, which included responses from 2,048 adults, specifically asked whether participants would support a government initiative to move towards a shorter working week, with no loss of pay, by the year 2030. More →

People can be so obedient in the workplace, they become Stepford Employees

People can be so obedient in the workplace, they become Stepford Employees

The ‘Stepford Employee’ is a growing phenomenon in the workplace, where staff become overly agreeable, seldom ask questions, and rarely push boundariesThe ‘Stepford Employee’ is a growing phenomenon in the workplace, where staff become overly agreeable, seldom ask questions, and rarely push boundaries, hindering both their personal growth and their organisation’s success.  The term ‘Stepford Employee’ originates from the popular feminist horror novel, “The Stepford Wives”, which highlighted the dangers of subservience and docility for women. This growing trend in the world of work sees employees getting stuck in the status quo – not challenging leaders or pursuing professional growth. More →

Organisations need to address the rising problem of workplace sickness

Organisations need to address the rising problem of workplace sickness

Rising levels of workplace sickness are costing UK businesses billions each year, according to a new report from the Institute for Public Policy ResearchRising levels of workplace sickness are costing UK businesses billions each year, according to a new report from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR). The think tank’s analysis reveals that the annual hidden cost of employee sickness has surged by £30 billion since 2018. Of this increase, £25 billion is attributed to lower productivity from employees working while ill, with only £5 billion due to an increase in sick days. More →

Tech workers and young people will need a major skills upgrade if they are to keep up with AI

Tech workers and young people will need a major skills upgrade if they are to keep up with AI

The vast majority (92 percent) of ICT roles are expected to undergo big changes as a result of advancements in AIThe vast majority (92 percent) of ICT roles are expected to undergo big changes as a result of advancements in artificial intelligence and the technology continues to transform the information and communications (ICT) sector according to a new report from tech giants, Cisco, Microsoft and Google. The AI-enabled ICT Workforce Consortium, led by Cisco has published the “Transformational Opportunity of AI on ICT Jobs” report, offering guidance on the areas for of concern for workers to reskill in response to the evolving job landscape. This transformation will impact professionals in 47 ICT roles, including cybersecurity, data science and software development, according to the report. More →

Chancellor to accelerate the sale of public buildings to plug budget gap

Chancellor to accelerate the sale of public buildings to plug budget gap

Chancellor Rachel Reeves is set to announce significant measures aimed at reducing government spending and optimising public sector assets including public buildingsIn an effort to tackle the fiscal challenges and balance the UK’s budget, Chancellor Rachel Reeves is set to announce significant measures aimed at reducing government spending and optimising public sector assets including public buildings, today. Reeves will lay out her plans in her first major speech as chancellor, where she will highlight what she describes as a £20 billion gap in government spending, attributing it to the economic mismanagement of the previous government. More →

Shortage of high-quality data threatens the AI ‘boom’

Shortage of high-quality data threatens the AI ‘boom’

A number of fundamental issues, including a shortage of high-quality data with which to ‘train’ the technology is threaten the AI ‘boom’, according to a new white paper from the Open Data InstituteA number of fundamental issues, including a shortage of high-quality data with which to ‘train’ the technology is threatening the AI ‘boom’, according to a new white paper from the Open Data Institute. The paper Building a better future with data and AI is based on research carried out by the Institute in the first half of 2024. It claims to identify significant weaknesses in the UK’s technological infrastructure that threaten the predicted potential gains – for people, society, and the economy – from the surge of interest in artificial intelligence and its applications. It also outlines the ODI’s recommendations for creating diverse, fair data-centric AI. More →

People and firms are shifting away from remote work, survey suggests

People and firms are shifting away from remote work, survey suggests

One of the most prominent findings from the report is the pronounced decline in both the practice and preference for remote workThere has been a recent significant shift in working habits and preferences among employees in the post-pandemic landscape, according to the fourth Commuter Census from Mobilityways. One of the most prominent findings from the report is the pronounced decline in both the practice of and preference for remote work. The survey of 10,325 participants suggests that 40 percent of people no longer engage in any form of remote work, despite a mere 15 percent of employees expressing a preference for this arrangement.  Only 26 percent of respondents would consider working from home as an alternative to their current commuting routine, marking a significant 42 percent drop from the previous year. More →

The city and the office have much to teach each other

The city and the office have much to teach each other

It’s common to hear people say that the boundaries between the traditional workplace and the outside world have become blurred but it might be closer to the truth to say that in a growing number of cases they have been eradicated and that the evolution of cities and offices is informed by a two way exchange of DNA. Whatever you might hear, these times are far from unprecedented. History has lessons for us both in terms of how we view the events of 2020 and how we might respond to them, including how we progress as a species and make our lives and the world a better place. In 1832, there was an epidemic of cholera in the UK’s towns and cities. In those with a population of 100,000 or more life expectancy was just 26 years. The reasons for this were picked up on by a government official called Edwin Chadwick as a member of the Poor Law Commission.   More →