Search Results for: empathy

Embracing emotion and empathy to drive us beyond this crisis

Embracing emotion and empathy to drive us beyond this crisis

We’re currently living and working through some of the most intense, challenging conditions many of us will have had to endure – and we all will empathise that it can be particularly difficult to manage your working life. A recent study in Harvard Business Review found that tiredness, fear and panic all reduce our ability to think clearly, to be able to manage our relationships effectively, to focus on the right priorities, and to be able to make intelligent and informed decisions. More →

The far reaching impact of empathy in the workplace

The far reaching impact of empathy in the workplace

The average career length is 50 years, and according to Gallup’s State of The Global Workplace report, during this time only 1 in 10 people are actively engaged. This illustrates that within the current landscape there is a need for companies to actively pursue strategies to better engage their employees. Embedding empathy in working culture is one way of achieving actively-engaged workers but it also has the added benefit of increasing productivity and business growth. This was revealed by a piece in the Harvard Business Review, which highlighted the top ten most empathetic companies outperformed the bottom ten by at least 50 percent in productivity, earnings and growth. More →

Robotic managers likely to lack empathy and forget ethics, claims CMI report

RobotA new report into the judgements of managers has concluded that they are significantly more prone to responding in a ‘robotic’ way to moral questions than the general population, relying on handed-down rules rather than their own ethical standards. The report, Managers and their Moral DNA, was commissioned by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) in conjunction with personality testing website Moral DNA. It found that nearly three quarters of managers (74 percent) lack empathy and  do not fully consider the moral consequences  when they take decisions, which is 28 percent higher than the general population.  The report also claims that managers are 4 percent more compliant with rules and 5 percent less caring in their ethical decision-making at work than in their personal lives, a figure that tallies with other results from the Moral DNA database according to the report’s authors.

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The science and art of change management

The science and art of change management


change management, like potentially most professional roles, is actually split into two halves with one being science and the other being artWith all the talk about generative AI, the impact it will have on people, businesses and industries, I started to think what will be the impact on change management and particularly the role of a change professional? And I realised that change management, like potentially most professional roles, is actually split into two halves with one being science and the other being art. The science element is made up of the products that one can typically see/point to, like a change plan, stakeholder map, training plan, etc.  Whereas the art element is made up of what you can see as well, but only if you take the time to observe and notice the impact it has on environments, people, productivity, retention rates, etc. because it involves the people side of change. More →

You get what you give at the CoreNet Global Summit 2024 in Berlin

You get what you give at the CoreNet Global Summit 2024 in Berlin

CoreNet truly embraced its theme of ‘People Power’, emphasising the vital but often overlooked aspect of workplace strategy: connectionHave you ever attended a conference and been asked to gaze deeply into a stranger’s eyes for several minutes, standing just a metre apart in silence? No? Neither have I – until this September at the CoreNet Global Summit in Berlin. Gone are the days of handshakes and small talk. Today, it’s all about relationality, empathy, and hugging it out. For some, the summit’s emphasis on fostering human connections was a joyful opportunity to bond and share meaningful moments with fellow professionals. For others, it felt like being trapped in a never-ending therapy session nobody signed up for. More →

People are cautiously optimistic about the impact of AI and other tech

People are cautiously optimistic about the impact of AI and other tech

both employers and employees are optimistic about the impact new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will have on their workplace – even though decision makers feel more optimistic than staffEmployers and staff are optimistic about impact of new technologies, despite uncertainty about safety according to a new British Safety Council survey. The YouGov survey commissioned by British Safety Council among 4018 UK employers and employees claims that both employers and employees are optimistic about the impact new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will have on their workplace – even though decision makers feel more optimistic than staff. More →

Put on your own mask first: Leadership strategies for stress management and emotional resilience

Put on your own mask first: Leadership strategies for stress management and emotional resilience

It can be easy when we’re in high stress situations to think only about how the stress is affecting us.Put your own oxygen mask on before assisting other passengers. If you’ve been on a plane before, you’ve heard this saying. What would it look like if you put your own proverbial mask on before placing others? Looking after yourself first? As a leader, making sure that your own stress is properly managed translates to helping yourself so that you’re available to help others. When we don’t have a handle on our stress, it can reveal our negative personal tendencies, be it arrogance, melodrama or volatility. While those derailers have an immense effect on our ability to produce work, they also negatively affect those around us. More →

How AI will transform the way we design and manage the places we work

How AI will transform the way we design and manage the places we work

The future of work is here. It's AI-powered, human-centered, and brimming with possibility. Are you ready to shape it?The integration of Artificial Intelligence into the workplace is not just a technological shift; it’s a fundamental reimagining of how we work, interact, and manage our professional environments. As AI capabilities rapidly evolve, they promise to transform every aspect of workplace design and management, from physical layouts to organizational structures and employee experiences. More →

Supporting young cancer survivors in the workplace

Supporting young cancer survivors in the workplace

The growing number of people, especially young people, working with cancer creates a new challenge for HR leaders: are their organisation adequately supporting employees facing cancer? And what truly constitutes best practice in this context?Cancer rates in under-50s have surged by 24 percent since 1995, despite common misconceptions that it primarily affects older generations. With this alarming increase, more young professionals are being diagnosed and returning to the work in the midst of their treatment and recovery. The growing number of people, especially young people, working with cancer creates a new challenge for HR leaders: are their organisation adequately supporting people? And what truly constitutes best practice in this context? More →

Materialistic people are less bothered about fairness in the workplace

Materialistic people are less bothered about fairness in the workplace

Treating people with fairness at work will ensure they flourish, thus boosting the team’s performance, according to new research by emlyon business school. However, this is not the case with team members who are money-motivatedTreating people with fairness at work will ensure they flourish, thus boosting the team’s performance, according to new research by emlyon business school. However, this is not the case with team members who are money-motivated, and fair treatment actually doesn’t have any positive impact on their performance, the researchers say. These findings come from research by Thierry Nadisic, Professor of Organisational Behaviour at emlyon business school, France, alongside his colleagues, Professor Russell Cropanzano from the University of Colorado, Professor Jessica F. Kirk from the University of Memphis, and Rébecca Shankland from Grenoble Ecole de Management, France. More →

Generative AI could help UK workers save 19 million hours a week by 2026

Generative AI could help UK workers save 19 million hours a week by 2026

New research from Pearson claims to show the potential of Generative AI to boost workplace productivity by helping UK workers to save '19 million hours a week'New research from Pearson claims to show the potential of Generative AI to boost workplace productivity by helping UK workers to save ’19 million hours a week’ on routine and repetitive tasks. More →

We need a cultural revolution in the way we talk about women’s health

We need a cultural revolution in the way we talk about women’s health

Recent advancements in workplace inclusivity, focused on flexible working arrangements, parental leave, neurodiversity, and gender equality, have set the stage for the next significant corporate challenge: improving attitudes towards women’s health in the workplaceRecent advancements in workplace inclusivity, focused on flexible working arrangements, parental leave, neurodiversity, and gender equality, have set the stage for the next significant corporate challenge: improving attitudes towards women’s health in the workplace. Human Resources leaders are pivotal in driving this necessary cultural shift. Consider the fact that about three-quarters of people, regardless of gender, believe menopause could impact career progression into senior roles. And that almost a quarter of women in tech experiencing menopausal symptoms have delayed or cancelled promotion plans. Clearly there’s some work to do here. More →