About Jayne Smith

Posts by Jayne Smith:

Cities need to open themselves up to Nature, report claims

Cities need to open themselves up to Nature, report claims

natural world in citiesCities contribute 80 percent to global GDP – but they also account for 75 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Integrating nature-positive solutions can help protect cities from growing risks associated with extreme weather while driving sustainable economic growth, according to a new study from the World Economic Forum. In collaboration with the Alexander von Humboldt Institute and Government of Colombia, WEF’s BiodiverCities by 2030 Initiative published a report addressing the urgency of cities’ untenable relationship with nature. The Initiative’s goal is to reverse this existential global threat and move forward with a plan that will result in cities and nature co-existing in harmony by the end of the decade. More →

Women working from home four times more likely to think career is stagnating

Women working from home four times more likely to think career is stagnating

working from home careerA new report reveals that more than half of women (54 percent) employed in the UK believe their employer isn’t providing them with enough opportunities for career progression. As working from home has become more permanent over the last year, women are now four times as likely than men to feel their career has stagnated. More →

Majority of employees are rethinking their career paths

Majority of employees are rethinking their career paths

employeesLumApps is releasing new workplace data claiming how employees and employers are dealing with the fallout of the Great Resignation. The survey was conducted in collaboration with CMSWire during the Fall of 2021. More →

Warning over worker welfare on 2022’s first day ‘not back in office’

Warning over worker welfare on 2022’s first day ‘not back in office’

officeThe 4th January was the first working day of 2022 for many employees, but due to ongoing working from home restrictions the majority will not be attending their usual workplaces. According to the latest research from the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM), more than half of office workers had expected to be back in the office today, and three quarters would have been back by the end of this week. More →

One in six employees are retrained and ready for new careers

One in six employees are retrained and ready for new careers

retrainedA new survey has revealed that nearly one in six (15 percent) employees working in the UK have already retrained for a new role or profession. Their current employers just don’t know it yet. More →

More than a third of legal professionals considered quitting their jobs due to poor mental health

More than a third of legal professionals considered quitting their jobs due to poor mental health

legal professionalsMore than a third (37 percent) of legal professionals have considered leaving their role due to poor mental health and wellbeing, according to the latest research from Exizent. More →

Employers admit they would likely terminate an employee’s contract if they were homeless

Employers admit they would likely terminate an employee’s contract if they were homeless

homelessFour out of ten employers (42 percent) from across the UK have admitted they would likely seek to terminate an employees’ contract if they were homeless, despite nearly one in four households in England being at risk of or experiencing homelessness, claims a new report by Crisis. More →

Company culture, linked to share price, funding success and growth

Company culture, linked to share price, funding success and growth

cultureA new research report from Culture Amp, claims that company workforces’ overall confidence as well as employees’ belief in their leaders are the biggest differentiators when it comes to achieving sustained stock price increases between July 2020 and June 2021. More →

Poor data means most property investors fail to consider human health

Poor data means most property investors fail to consider human health

human healthProperty investors are not considering how the indoor conditions of a building will impact upon human health due to poor data, a new survey suggests. The ESG Data Challenge survey, which details the views of 121 real estate investors and professionals, claims there were serious issues in the quality of environmental, social governance (ESG) data being received, with many doubting its quality. More →

Majority of UK workers would consider quitting their job if hybrid working was axed

Majority of UK workers would consider quitting their job if hybrid working was axed

hybridMore than half (51 percent) of UK workers who currently have the choice to mix remote and office working would consider leaving their company if this hybrid option was removed, according to new research released by Microsoft in conjunction with YouGov (fieldwork undertaken 7th – 15th October 2021).
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Councils can meet net zero targets with help of building renovation

Councils can meet net zero targets with help of building renovation

Public Sector Estate and net zeroThe UK Green Building Council (UKGBC), together with the World Green Building Council, several European Green Building Councils, Climate Alliance and the Buildings Performance Institute Europe, has published a framework to support cities and local authorities to measure the impacts and wider benefits of building retrofit as a way of meeting their net zero targets. More →

Corporate boards struggle to act on climate change

Corporate boards struggle to act on climate change

climate changeHeidrick & Struggles (Nasdaq: HSII) in partnership with INSEAD, have published a report titled Changing the Climate in the Boardroom. The report addresses corporate leadership’s take on climate change, what boards around the world are currently doing to address climate change, and what they should be doing moving forward. More →