Wellbeing, a pile of turtles, office culture and some other stuff

Wellbeing, a pile of turtles, office culture and some other stuff

acoustics and wellbeingThis week is Clerkenwell Design Week amongst other things, and as part of it I chaired a discussion on Tuesday about acoustics at work in the showroom of Flokk and their effect on wellbeing. We were fortunate to have a panel that involved the likes of Nigel Oseland, Michelle Wilkie of tp bennett, Joachim Schubert of Offecct and Lee Jones of Wellworking as well as an informed audience, if for no other reason than everybody’s ability to talk about the subject as complex and multi-faceted and, to some extent, hardwired. More →

Office design stifling creativity, claims study

Office design stifling creativity, claims study

WeWork offices in London are a great example of modern office designBritish businesses could be hindering their own innovation and creativity due to poor office design, according to a study carried out by YouGov and commissioned by Oktra. The survey of over 2,000 British employees claims that fewer than half (43 percent) believe the design of their workplace encourages innovation and creativity. Over a third (36 percent) of respondents would be less likely to take sick days if they worked in an inspiring workplace. More →

Mental health “epidemic” amongst charity workers

Mental health “epidemic” amongst charity workers

Illustration of mental health issuesA confidential survey of 850 members of Unite, the UK and Ireland’s largest union, claims that there is an epidemic of stress related illness and massive mental health issues among people employed by charities and non-governmental organisations. The survey found that 80 percent of respondents said that they had experienced workplace stress in the previous 12 months, while 42 percent of respondents said their job was not good for their mental health.

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Study examines consequences of workplace bullying

Study examines consequences of workplace bullying

New research reveals how frequently being the target of workplace bullying not only leads to health-related problems but can also cause victims to behave badly themselves. More →

Workplace wellbeing improves with age

Workplace wellbeing improves with age

Older employees are likely to enjoy improved wellbeing, according to a new study from The Myers-Briggs Company. The research claims that workplace wellbeing progressively increases with age and also highlights workplace relationships as one of the most important elements of wellbeing. More →

New training initiative helps firms address mental health and wellbeing

New training initiative helps firms address mental health and wellbeing

Mental healthMental ill-health is responsible for almost 13 percent of all sickness absence days in the UK, while it has been shown that UK businesses could save up to £8 billion per year through better support in the workplace. To empower workers and employers across the country, iHASCO has launched a new campaign aimed at removing the stigma that surrounds mental ill-health in the workplace. Six brand new courses are now available through the eLearning provider, including a short stress awareness course. More →

Mental health stigma drives unexplained sick days

Mental health stigma drives unexplained sick days

mental health iin the workplaceA new report from Breathe commissioned to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 implies that British workers are still uncomfortable disclosing mental health issues or burnout, as nearly a quarter (23 percent) admit they would rather take an unexplained sick day than discuss their issues with their employers. More →

Workers have little interest in table football and dogs in the office

Traditional workplace benefits like holiday allowances and pensions trump quirkier ‘benefits’ like being allowed to take your dog into the office, according to a survey by Aviva.  Out of a wide range of workplace benefits, 43 percent of UK employees said they were least interested in being allowed to take their dog into the workplace. More than a third of workers (34 percent) also said they weren’t interested in office entertainment like table football and video games. And more than 1 in 4 people (26 percent) even said workplace socials like summer and Christmas parties were among the benefits they were least interested in. More →

Are workers waiting too long for mental health support?

Are workers waiting too long for mental health support?

Mental health in the workplaceSome people with mental health conditions could be waiting for over a year for employers to put in place much needed workplace adjustments, new findings published today suggest. The findings come from The Great Big Workplace Adjustments Survey 2019, a comprehensive study of disability and long-term conditions conducted by Business Disability Forum and based on the views of over 1,200 employees and managers working with adjustments. More →

New Acas advice on creating a positive mental health environment at work

New Acas advice on creating a positive mental health environment at work

New Acas advice on creating a positive mental health environment at workTwo thirds of workers (66 percent) have felt stressed or anxious about work over the past year claims a new report from Acas. As part of Mental Health Awareness Week (13-19 May) Acas commissioned YouGov to ask employees in Great Britain about their experiences of stress and anxiety in the workplace. The most common reasons given for the way they felt included workloads (60 percent), the way that they were managed (42 percent) and balancing home and work lives (35 percent). As a result of the research Acas has produced a framework to help employers boost positive mental health at work.

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People three times more likely to discuss physical than mental health

People three times more likely to discuss physical than mental health

People are three times more likely to discuss common physical ailments over mental health issues at work according to a new study published to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week (13-19 May). The OnePoll survey of 2,000 employed adults reveals that, on average, 42 percent of employees feel comfortable discussing prevalent physical conditions, compared to just 14 percent who feel they can talk about common psychological issues. More →

A balanced approach to stress has its benefits

A balanced approach to stress has its benefits

Stress is an unavoidable part of everyday life and our bodies are hard-wired to respond to it. It’s often wrongly labelled as a sign of being unable to cope, but in reality, manageable stress can give us the boost to perform better at work. When we view the demands placed upon us as close to/exceeding the resources we have to cope, a sense of stress occurs. The situation is seen as threatening. When we experience stress, our brains release chemicals and hormones that prepare us for danger. They elevate our heart rate, sharpen our senses and get us ready to act. In the short term, it can boost our ability to perform, giving us more energy and increased concentration. More →