December 15, 2016
Commuting – stressful, annoying or just another opportunity? 0
December 12, 2016
Can an organisation simply buy employee motivation? 0
by Matias Rodsevich • Comment, Workplace
It’s the end of the year and like in most companies it’s probably time to start calculating and reassessing your employee’s compensation. But can you actually use money to motivate and retain your employees? A study by Willis Towers Watson found that only 20 percent of employers in North America actually believe merit pay is […]
December 8, 2016
Book review…. HQ:Nerve Centres of the World’s Leading Brands 0
by Mark Eltringham • Case studies, Comment, Workplace design
Some people would have you believe that the office is dying out. But the absolute dead giveaway that it is not is the creation of tech enclaves and palaces around the world that exists solely to bring lots of people to work together in real space and real time. Some of these buildings are presented […]
December 7, 2016
Business as usual for recruitment and retention in post-Brexit Britain … for now 0
by Oliver Watson • Comment, Flexible working, Legal news, Workplace
On 24 June 2016 Britain voted for Brexit. The shock (and narrow) victory caused country-wide concern among the 48 percent of the voting public that favoured remain – apprehension seemingly justified by the immediate weakening of the pound, Cameron’s resignation and the start of ongoing political in-fighting. Speculation over job losses and potential hiring freezes added […]
November 28, 2016
Britain is missing a trick by not getting workplace training right 0
by Steve Hill • Comment, Workplace
New research from PwC highlights Britain’s failure to provide opportunities for young people. The study brings attention to the fact that the country ranks a lowly 21st out of 35 OECD members for its ability to get 15 to 24 year olds into work, education or training. If the UK could equal Germany’s low youth unemployment rate […]
November 25, 2016
Reducing paper-weight is the key to maintaining a healthy business in the digital age 0
by Chas Moloney • Comment, Technology
The idea of creating a paperless office has been circulating for at least 40 years. Business Week famously forecast its arrival in 1975, predicting that paper would be on its way out by 1980 and dead by 1990. However, it’s almost 2017 and even with new and innovative digital technologies that enable us to operate […]
November 25, 2016
Workplace professionals should look to the consumer sector for boosting engagement 0
by Jeff Flanagan • Comment, Facilities management, Workplace, Workplace design
More and more businesses are recognising the power of the workplace experience to drive employee performance and engagement. Global brand Airbnb, for example, has now renamed its head of human resources as “chief employee experience officer.” This is good news for workplace design and management professionals. We are well placed to capitalise on this shift […]
November 9, 2016
Will Brexit mean business as usual for employment law? 0
by Michael Farrelly • Comment, Legal news, Workplace
The decision by the UK electorate to leave the European Union has created widespread uncertainty in almost all areas of law, with employment law particularly affected. A large amount of present UK employment law has its base in EU law, which means a withdrawal from the EU could result in UK employment rights no longer […]
November 4, 2016
Lack of flexible working a major reason for junior staff’s discontent 0
by Sara Bean • Comment, Facilities management, Flexible working, News, Wellbeing, Workplace
As we highlighted last month, it seems that flexible working is becoming the 21st century equivalent of the ‘executive washroom,’ with only the more senior members of staff being afforded that perk. Now a new survey suggests that a lack of opportunity for agile working is one of the reasons why junior members of staff are […]
October 25, 2016
Millennials have just the same needs for peace and quiet as everybody else 0
by Steven Lambert • Comment, Wellbeing, Workplace design
Asked for the dream millennial workplace, most people would probably envision a brightly coloured open environment with pool tables, bean bag chairs and maybe a small basketball court. But it turns out that young people in the workplace have the same psychological requirements as the old crowd, and may even be more sensitive to distractions. A […]
December 23, 2016
Presenteeism doesn’t aid productivity, so employers should set workers free 0
by Mark Eltringham • Comment, Flexible working
At this time of year, the days are short, the morning commute can be hellish and traffic grid-locked. Wouldn’t it be ideal if more employers recognised this and offered a solution involving flexible hours, remote collaboration or even home-working? And not just at Christmas, but the whole year round? More and more companies are switching […]