Search Results for: benefits

A brief history of the future of work

A brief history of the future of work

The future of work has always existed but never arrives. It is best seen as a way of thinking about current and emerging issues The past few years and our current predicaments should serves as a reminder of that tragic, unchangeable feature of the human condition, best expressed by Kierkegaard, that we are doomed to live our lives forwards but only understand them backwards. Retrospect is particularly important when we look back on sudden, large changes that knock us off our normal path. It’s important to remember this as we continue to grapple with the nature of the present and future of work in the wake of the pandemic. More →

People are more loyal to employers in the Asia Pacific region than Europe and the US

People are more loyal to employers in the Asia Pacific region than Europe and the US

Employees’ commitment to their employer varies greatly by region, a new global report has foundEmployees’ commitment to their employer varies greatly by region, a new global report has found. According to nudge’s annual Global Financial Wellbeing Report [registration], which surveyed 11,500+ people around the world, how valued employees feel at work varies significantly from East to West. In Europe, attitudes appear to be more cynical in relation to loyalty in the workplace. Two thirds (66 percent) of employees in the UK believe that companies view workers as ‘interchangeable’ and ‘easily replaceable’, followed closely by France (62 percent), Spain (58 percent) and Italy (54 percent). More →

MIT professor pours cold water on the prevailing hype about AI and the economy

MIT professor pours cold water on the prevailing hype about AI and the economy

A study by MIT economist Daron Acemoglu appears to challenge the prevailing optimism surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and its economic impactA study by MIT economist Daron Acemoglu appears to challenge the prevailing optimism surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and its economic impact. While many experts predict a future fuelled by AI-driven productivity booms and reduced inequality, Acemoglu’s research paints a more cautious picture. His findings suggest that AI’s impact on productivity and inequality may be far less dramatic than anticipated, and could even exacerbate the gap between the rich and the poor. More →

Remote work boom creates risk of professional isolation, study finds

Remote work boom creates risk of professional isolation, study finds

Researchers from the US have concluded that remote work can make people feel isolated and at risk of burnoutWhile the pandemic ushered in a wave of remote work with benefits for both employers and employees, a new study warns of a hidden risk: professional isolation. Researchers from Colorado State University found that remote employees experiencing isolation reported feeling less engaged and more depleted at work, potentially leading to burnout. The study published in the Journal of Business and Psychology, surveyed 445 participants across two points in time. It measured professional isolation, schedule flexibility, and the level of support supervisors provided for work-life balance.

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UK economy could get a £550 billion boost from AI by 2035, Microsoft claims

UK economy could get a £550 billion boost from AI by 2035, Microsoft claims

A new report commissioned by Microsoft suggests that the UK economy could see a significant boost of £550 billion by 2035 if the country embraces artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud technologyA new report commissioned by Microsoft suggests that the UK economy could see a significant boost of £550 billion by 2035 if the country embraces artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud technology. The report, titled Unlocking the UK’s AI Potential, claims to highlight several ways the technology can benefit the UK economy. These include increased productivity, improved public services, and the creation of new jobs. More →

We need a cultural revolution in the way we talk about women’s health

We need a cultural revolution in the way we talk about women’s health

Recent advancements in workplace inclusivity, focused on flexible working arrangements, parental leave, neurodiversity, and gender equality, have set the stage for the next significant corporate challenge: improving attitudes towards women’s health in the workplaceRecent advancements in workplace inclusivity, focused on flexible working arrangements, parental leave, neurodiversity, and gender equality, have set the stage for the next significant corporate challenge: improving attitudes towards women’s health in the workplace. Human Resources leaders are pivotal in driving this necessary cultural shift. Consider the fact that about three-quarters of people, regardless of gender, believe menopause could impact career progression into senior roles. And that almost a quarter of women in tech experiencing menopausal symptoms have delayed or cancelled promotion plans. Clearly there’s some work to do here. More →

Mastering GenAI: how to bridge skills gaps and boost employee confidence

Mastering GenAI: how to bridge skills gaps and boost employee confidence

The introduction of GenAI in the workplace means this skills gap is set to expandSix in ten employees will require training before 2027 according to the World Economic Forum, which estimates that the talent shortage will exceed 85 million people by 2030. The introduction of GenAI in the workplace means this skills gap is set to expand. In Udemy’s recent Global Learning & Skills Trends Report, we found that there are three key learning and skills trends for 2024. Firstly, we are seeing that companies are increasingly looking to hire based on skills rather than formal qualifications like degrees, as these hires more closely align with long-term strategic goals and are better equipped to upskill existing teams. More →

People are spending more time in the office, but no sign of a full return for many

People are spending more time in the office, but no sign of a full return for many

Many of the UK’s tech workers are embracing a structured return to spending more time in the office, according to a new report. According to the survey of 2,000 people from Techspace, there has been a ‘notable shift’ towards embracing structured office time, with Monday to Wednesday emerging as the top choices for in-office workdays. The report claims that this preference indicates a growing recognition of the benefits of face-to-face collaboration and a desire for a more traditional office environment. More →

We must embrace AI for sustainable workforce transformation

We must embrace AI for sustainable workforce transformation

Some say AI will take on “80 percent of the jobs that exist today”, but history has shown that technological advancements have consistently led to the creation of new job rolesEach technological revolution has gotten faster; and the era of Artificial Intelligence is accelerating at an unprecedented rate—an intimidating prospect, given Musk’s recent prediction of AI surpassing human intelligence. Some say the tech will take on “80 percent of the jobs that exist today”, but history has shown that technological advancements have consistently led to the creation of new job roles, elevating the standard of living and improving overall productivity. More →

Peace and quiet at work? Here are ten of the best and most far out solutions

Peace and quiet at work? Here are ten of the best and most far out solutions


Any survey that sets out to establish what people believe cuts their productivity and annoys them most about their workplace invariably throws up the same result; the noise and distractions generated by other people. So it will come as no surprise to learn that the same surveys usually find that employees believe that peace and quiet and freedom from distractions is the most important factor when it comes to getting some decent work done. More →

Most firms lack the right tech for hybrid working

Most firms lack the right tech for hybrid working

A new poll from Ricoh Europe claims that the majority of organisations lack the technology to support flexible working, with only 30 percent of European employees saying they have all the technology to collaborate seamlessly when working with other colleagues. More →

Commuting costs continue to put strain on office worker finances

Commuting costs continue to put strain on office worker finances

UK employees are suffering higher cost-of-living expenses, especially due to transportation costs and tensions may rise as many companies enforce return-to-office policies. That is according to the latest study conducted by Capterra on 248 U.K. employees, the majority (69 percent) say their work-related costs have increased over the past 12 months, especially the price of groceries (95 percent), utilities (85 percent), eating out (78 percent), and petrol (63 percent). More →