Search Results for: climate change

Smart cities infrastructure investment to top US$375 billion in 2030

Smart cities infrastructure investment to top US$375 billion in 2030

smart citiesAccording to technology intelligence firm ABI Research, investments in urban infrastructure aimed at implementing new visions for smart cities will reach US$375 billion by 2030 as cities invest in brownfield and greenfield projects. Drivers behind urban innovation are numerous but both the digitalisation of lifestyles, accelerated by Covid-19, and the increasingly pressing need to address climate change are powerful engines for metropolitan transformation. Additional agents of change include the call for more equity and inclusiveness, scalable economic development, and more affordable living. More →

Net zero target will be missed by over half of organisations, claims report

Net zero target will be missed by over half of organisations, claims report

missing net zeroJust 41 percent of UK organisations are on track to meet the Government’s target for net zero carbon emissions by 2050, according to new research released by Dr Chris Brauer, Goldsmiths, University of London in partnership with Microsoft. The findings suggest strong ambition and strategic vision on sustainability within UK organisations, but most leaders are struggling to translate that intent into action, with almost three quarters (74 percent) described as having “one foot in and one foot out” on sustainability. More →

London office market falls thanks to uptake of remote work

London office market falls thanks to uptake of remote work

london office marketA new report from property consultancy Cluttons looks at the new challenges the Prime Central London office market faces in 2021/22, with issues such as Brexit and the immediate impacts of the global pandemic – but also longer-term problems like changing lifestyle preferences, the uptake of remote working and climate change. More →

Remote workers to enjoy increased tax relief, Irish government announces

Remote workers to enjoy increased tax relief, Irish government announces

remote workers

Remote workers in Ireland will now enjoy increased tax relief on the cost of heating, electricity and broadband, following the government’s latest budget announcement. Those working from home will see income tax deductions of 30 percent of the cost of certain expenses, which the Minister for Finance claims will help to offset some of the expected increases in energy costs. More →

Developing a future of work strategy depends on asking the right questions

Developing a future of work strategy depends on asking the right questions

future of work strategyThe rapid changes to our working lives caused by the global pandemic have prompted a great deal of debate about the future of work, the workplace and corporate real estate generally. At the highest levels of management within many organisations, leaders are now reflecting on their experiences and asking searching questions about their ways of working. More →

Air quality guidelines from WHO aim to save millions of lives

Air quality guidelines from WHO aim to save millions of lives

air qualityNew World Health Organization (WHO) Global Air Quality Guidelines (AQGs) claim to provide clear evidence of the damage air pollution inflicts on human health, at even lower concentrations than previously understood. The guidelines recommend new air quality levels to protect the health of populations, by reducing levels of key air pollutants, some of which also contribute to climate change. More →

Resilient companies need the trust of their employees more than ever

Resilient companies need the trust of their employees more than ever

Since offices reopened, there has naturally been a much greater focus on health and safety. Office managers everywhere have deployed one-way corridors, anti-viral disinfectant wipes, and daily temperature checks in order to ensure that those who have returned to the office feel safe. Globally, businesses have learned to cope with these adverse circumstances, but there are other lessons from the past year that we should use to refresh the workplace as well. More →

iOFFICE + SpaceIQ announces strategic investment by Autodesk

iOFFICE + SpaceIQ announces strategic investment by Autodesk

iOFFICE + SpaceIQ announce a strategic investment by Autodesk, a technology firm spanning architecture, engineering, construction, product design, manufacturing, and media and entertainment. The investment, which follows the recent combination of iOFFICE + SpaceIQ, will provide integrated solutions that give businesses unequaled ability to analyse and optimise all aspects of their real estate and mission-critical assets. Terms of the investment were not disclosed. More →

Metrics can help businesses define their impact on the environment

Metrics can help businesses define their impact on the environment

impact on the environmentToday, companies cannot shy away from their responsibilities towards the environment. With Extinction Rebellion keeping the climate crisis firmly on the news agenda, and COP26 in November gathering more international attention than ever, how businesses approach and champion sustainability is under significant scrutiny. At a local level, organisations are being set targets by the UK government to commit to 100 percent renewable energy sources by 2050, and failing to meet these objectives could have substantial repercussions. More →

Hybrid working pushes up corporate Australia’s carbon emissions

Hybrid working pushes up corporate Australia’s carbon emissions

hybrid workingWhile lower occupancy has reduced the carbon footprint of many commercial office buildings amid the pandemic, higher CO2 emissions from hybrid working significantly outstrips these declines, according to data analysed by Cushman & Wakefield’s sustainability team. More →

Business confidence back to pre-pandemic levels, with fewer plans to shrink offices

Business confidence back to pre-pandemic levels, with fewer plans to shrink offices

CEOs of the world’s largest businesses are increasingly optimistic about the outlook for their own business, according to the latest KPMG CEO Outlook Survey. Despite a slower ‘return to normal’ than expected, their confidence in the global economy has returned to levels not seen since the start of the pandemic. The number planning to reduce their office footprints has fallen dramatically since the height of the pandemic, and instead there is a growing focus on introducing flexible working cultures. More →

Artificial Intelligence is critical enabler of the energy transition

Artificial Intelligence is critical enabler of the energy transition

artificial intelligenceThe World Economic Forum has published a new study on how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to accelerate a more equitable energy transition and build trust for the technology throughout the industry. As the impacts of climate change become more visible worldwide, governments and industry face the urgent challenge of transitioning to a low-carbon global energy system. More →