Search Results for: organisations

Stress, anxiety and a beamish response to it all

Stress, anxiety and a beamish response to it all

Stress, uncertainty and the medicalisation of dissatisfactionWe now have a policy of not offering ourselves as an outlet for any of the deluge of comment pieces and surveys that are published each year to accompany the various days – and increasingly weeks and months – dedicated to certain conditions like stress and anxiety. They are a gift both to and from the PR industry. This is largely because we cover such issues year round so don’t feel the need to add to the PR feeding frenzy they generate. Whatever you make of the findings of the reports and others like them, even cynics would have to acknowledge they tap into an unmistakable feeling that work is not as enjoyable as it should be. More →

A philosophical take on meaningful work

A philosophical take on meaningful work

But what exactly makes a particular job an instance of “meaningful work”? Is it just any sort of work people happen to believe is meaningful? Or is it a job with certain objective features?Work is an inescapable feature of the modern world. Most of us, except for a lucky few, spend a significant portion of our lives working. If this is the case, we may as well try and make it meaningful. In a 2019 report, 82 percent of employees reported that it is important to have a purpose in their work and that creating meaningful work was one of their top priorities. But what exactly makes a particular job an instance of “meaningful work”? Is it just any sort of work people happen to believe is meaningful? Or is it a job with certain objective features? More →

VMA GROUP launches 10th edition of Inside Insight, offering exclusive industry perspectives for the UK Internal Communications profession

VMA GROUP launches 10th edition of Inside Insight, offering exclusive industry perspectives for the UK Internal Communications profession

VMA GROUP, a trusted name in the world of communications, marketing, digital and change recruitment, has announced the release of its highly anticipated research report, Inside InsighVMA GROUP, a trusted name in the world of communications, marketing, digital and change recruitment, has announced the release of its highly anticipated research report, Inside Insight. This all-encompassing benchmarking report delves deep into the current state of the internal communications industry, providing invaluable insights to professionals and organisations alike. Formulated from the survey responses of nearly 600 UK-based internal communications professionals, along with commentary from key internal communications leaders and VMA GROUP’s specialist team of recruitment and executive search consultants, this report focuses on emerging trends, opportunities, and challenges within the industry. More →

A look back at The Stoddart Review: the once and future guide to workplace productivity?

A look back at The Stoddart Review: the once and future guide to workplace productivity?

A new edition of the Stoddart Review would offer a deep dive into the realities of working from home and what the measurement of ‘productivity’ means in the 2020sThe Stoddart Review, published in 2016, was one of the most significant reports of recent years to explore the role of the workplace for employee productivity in extensive detail and why the office environment was key for productivity purposes. There has been a huge shift in the world of work since then. What we once knew as the workplace has changed forever. More →

All change. Jennifer Bryan on the Workplace Cocktail Hour

All change. Jennifer Bryan on the Workplace Cocktail Hour

Change management consultant and author Jennifer Bryan invites Mark Eltringham to share a Cosmopolitan and discuss how firms can better help people to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Along the way they talk about the futility of trying to work out how much time everybody should spend in an office, how an American came to use words like brilliant and Zed so effortlessly, the need for crises to get things moving some times, and what happens next. More →

A day of learning for workplace designers

A day of learning for workplace designers

The Sustainable Design Forum (SD Forum) – a one day interactive event designed specifically for workplace designers and specifiers – is returning to the Crypt on the Green in Clerkenwell,

The Sustainable Design Forum (SD Forum) – a one day interactive event designed specifically for workplace designers and specifiers – is returning to the Crypt on the Green in Clerkenwell, London on Thursday 25th April 2024. Incorporating an innovative format of presentations, panel discussions, interactive workshops, a materials lab and the SD awards ceremony, the SD Forum offers the opportunity for learning and collaboration between designers, manufacturers, suppliers, and not-for-profit organisations. More →

Half of bosses now live in fear that AI could steal their jobs

Half of bosses now live in fear that AI could steal their jobs

Hundreds of UK chief executives believe that artificial intelligence (AI) could steal their job, underlining widespread fears over the technology’s potential to shake up traditional working modelsHundreds of UK chief executives believe that artificial intelligence (AI) could steal their job, underlining widespread fears over the technology’s potential to shake up traditional working models. Nearly half (43 percent) of CEOs said they felt that their job could be at risk due to the technology, according to a new poll from AND Digital. The survey has been published in The CEO Digital Divide: are you accelerating enterprise value or slowing it down [registration], which surveyed 600 global CEOs and was conducted by independent research company Censuswide. More →

MIPIM has changed, and mostly for the better

MIPIM has changed, and mostly for the better

With an estimated 27,000 delegates from 90 countries, MIPIM is still a force to be reckoned with when it comes to opportunities to network and learnWith an estimated 27,000 delegates from 90 countries, MIPIM is still a force to be reckoned with when it comes to opportunities to network and learn as delegates, with organisations using the week to deliver news, insights and thinking. The theme for MIPIM this year was The Global Urban Community; and it really did feel more international than previous years, the majority of attendees are still from France, Germany and the UK, but there were significant delegations from the United States, Canada, Oman, Egypt and Hong Kong, more from Asia generally and a show stopper from Saudi Arabia, more of which later. More →

The scale of the problem for the workplace

The scale of the problem for the workplace

There is a typically telling and intelligent Pixar moment in the film A Bug’s Life in which an already well-lubricated mosquito goes up to a bar and orders a ‘Bloody Mary, O Positive’. The barman plonks a droplet of blood down on the bar. The mosquito sinks his proboscis into it, sucks it down in one go and promptly falls over. The mosquito doesn’t need a glass because that is for animals who have a problem with gravity. For insects, the major force in their lives isn’t gravity, but surface tension. More →

Flexible working rights stand to benefit millions of people

Flexible working rights stand to benefit millions of people

From today (April 6th 2024), UK employees will have the legal right to request flexible working from their first day in a new job.From today (April 6th 2024), UK employees will have the legal right to request flexible working from their first day in a new job. Under the updated regulations, employers must engage in discussions with employees and consider alternative solutions before declining a flexible working request. Decisions on applications must now be made within two months, reducing the previous timeframe of three months, which includes any appeals. Additionally, employees will be entitled to submit two flexible working requests within a 12-month period, rather than the previous allowance of one. More →

People who work from home are less likely to get pay rises and promotions

People who work from home are less likely to get pay rises and promotions

People who work from home all or part of the time are less likely to get pay rises and promotions, a new study of outcomes from hybrid working suggestsPeople who work from home all or part of the time are less likely to get pay rises and promotions, a new study of outcomes from hybrid working suggests. The survey of 937 UK managers found that they were 11 percent less likely to give a promotion to staff who worked entirely from home than to those who were completely office-based. Hybrid workers – those working partly in the office and partly at home – were on average 7 percent less likely to be promoted. More →

Business leaders and employees are not on the same page when it comes to productivity

Business leaders and employees are not on the same page when it comes to productivity

there are significant disconnects between how organisational leaders and their employees and managers view their ability to perform optimally to maximise productivityA new poll of 2,000 people suggests that while 90 percent of business leaders think their performance management process is a success, only 55 percent of employees agree with them. According to the State of Performance Enablement report from Betterworks, there are significant disconnects between how organisational leaders and their employees and managers view their ability to perform optimally and maximise productivity. More →