Search Results for: career

Organisations routinely undervalue and overlook talent of older workers

Organisations routinely undervalue and overlook talent of older workers

New data from Generation, an employment non-profit, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), claims that employers need to radically rethink how they approach midcareer and older workers.New data from Generation, an employment non-profit, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), claims that employers need to radically rethink how they approach midcareer and older workers. The Midcareer Opportunity: Meeting the challenges of an ageing workforce report outlines insights from OECD data and from an eight-country survey of thousands of employers, job seekers, and employees in Europe and the US. The research in Europe was funded by, and in the United States by Clayton, Dubilier & Rice. More →

Generative AI will outperform humans on traditional recruitment processes

Generative AI will outperform humans on traditional recruitment processes

The use of Generative AI is common with around seven in ten of younger people set to use it to complete job applications and assessmentsA new report from Arctic Shores, a psychometric assessment provider, claims that the use of Generative AI is already common among students, younger workers and job applicants, with around seven in ten of 2,000 respondents to a survey expecting to use ChatGPT while completing a  job application or assessment over the next 12 months, and 17 percent already using it.  With 72 percent of students and candidates using some form of Generative AI on a regular basis – a number that has increased by 50 percent in just four months – the implications for employers and talent acquisition leaders are profound, the report argues. More →

Three days in the office seems to be the ‘sweet spot’ for hybrid working

Three days in the office seems to be the ‘sweet spot’ for hybrid working

A new report provides analysis into the impact that remote and hybrid working are having on employee experience, culture and productivityA new survey concludes that three days a week in the office appears to be optimal for many people to optimise key aspects of workplace culture and performance. The report claims to provide empirical analysis into the impact that remote and hybrid working are having on employee experience, culture and productivity. The report commissioned by Ipsos Karian and Box is based on a survey of 1,400 full-time UK office workers. More →

What doesn’t kill leaders makes them stronger, say academics

What doesn’t kill leaders makes them stronger, say academics

People that experience frequent disruptive events are much more likely to become aware of their own identity as leaders, according to new researchPeople that experience frequent disruptive events are much more likely to become aware of their own identity as leaders, according to new research by Durham University published in the Journal of Business and Psychology. Whilst many believe that impactful, disruptive, and novel events could be detrimental to building a leader’s confidence, the study proves the term “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, as experiencing strong events made people more aware of their leader capabilities. More →

Hybrid working is here to stay. Squawk

Hybrid working is here to stay. Squawk

I hold to the idea that nobody knows what hybrid working is, by which I mean there is no universally shared idea about what it isIn his recent book, The Constitution of Knowledge, the author Jonathan Rauch argues that knowledge consists of something about which nearly everybody can agree, and which has been arrived at by a structured, ongoing and benign process of debate and discovery. More →

Poor workplace design means a quarter of people may consider quitting job

Poor workplace design means a quarter of people may consider quitting job

A new poll claims that over a quarter (27 percent) of workers would consider leaving their job due to poor workplace designA new poll claims that over a quarter (27 percent) of workers would consider leaving their job due to poor workplace design, as an increasing number of companies phase out remote working.  Commissioned by design and architecture studio MoreySmith, the survey of 2,000 UK adults by Yonder asked the public about the importance of the office environment for their wellbeing at work. Half of those that responded said that the amenities of a workplace would impact their decision on whether to work for a company, rising to 57 percent of 25-34 year olds. More →

Women continue to struggle with the return to work after maternity leave

Women continue to struggle with the return to work after maternity leave

A new poll suggests that while 98 percent of women want to return to work after maternity leave, only 13 percent say it’s actually viable for themA new poll suggests that while 98 percent of women want to return to work after maternity leave, only 13 percent say it’s actually viable for them. The survey of 848 mothers commissioned by Careers After Babies looked at what happened to their careers after having children. The survey looked into four areas – maternity leave, returning to work, career progression and what women actually want. More →

Is the Flexible Working Bill a game changer or paper tiger?

Is the Flexible Working Bill a game changer or paper tiger?

The need for more flexible working arrangements has been heard and employees are getting what they want – right? As LinkedIn data has shown, demand for work flexible working is high. And it outpaces the current availability of remote work offers. In the UK alone, listings for remote jobs have increased by 277 percent. Job postings for hybrid or remote positions received an increase in applications (189 percent) over in-office roles. People want to work remotely for various reasons. So they can live in their chosen home rather than in a tiny flat in London without sacrificing their career. So they can care for family – children, parents, grandparents. The demand for flexible work is driven by a desire for balance. The need has been clearly voiced – and the workforce is hungry for new modes of work. Looking at this background – the cheerful response to the passing of the bill is understandable. More →

Exploring the gender pay gap in Germany: a closer look at salary inequality

Exploring the gender pay gap in Germany: a closer look at salary inequality

This article explores the gender pay gap in Germany, investigating the underlying factors and possible remedies to tackle the problemIn Germany, just like in numerous other nations, the gender pay gap remains a subject of significant worry and discussion. The persistent issue of unequal pay between men and women, where women frequently earn less than their male colleagues for the same job, persists. This article seeks to explore the gender pay gap in Germany in more detail, investigating the underlying factors that contribute to this gap and considering possible remedies to tackle this problem. More →

From ego to eco – a universal approach to  workplace transformation

From ego to eco – a universal approach to workplace transformation

Going from ‘ego to eco’ extends beyond the narrow confines of the workplace and our personal and professional lives, additionally it is not just confined to ecology and the environmentYou might quite rightly be thinking about the relevance of such a ‘hippy, dippy’ soundbite on the hard-hitting world of work and the workplace, especially in this climate of uncertainty with a myriad of challenges facing business, the workforce and commercial real estate globally. I first heard the phrase ‘going from ego to eco’ at a series of presentations cum incubator events EverythingOmni ran with participants of all ages/backgrounds/career levels representing 18 countries on the Uncertainty of Work.

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Commercial Interiors UK appoints new managing director

Commercial Interiors UK appoints new managing director

Commercial Interiors UK (CIUK), the Trade Association for the UK’s Commercial Interiors Sector has appointed Sean Holt as its new Managing Director. As the new Managing Director, Sean will be responsible for leading a dedicated team to deliver the revised strategy of CIUK following its recent re branding from BCFA, improving member engagement and  benefits, increasing membership and growing the CIUK events portfolio whilst working closely with  its media partner Design Insider to build on its growing reputation as the premier online portal dedicated to commercial interior designers and architects. More →

Advancing accessibility and reaping the rewards of disability inclusion

Advancing accessibility and reaping the rewards of disability inclusion

two people talking to illustrate the growing number of disabled people in self-employment disability inclusionIn business, companies have a responsibility to balance profit-driven strategies with wider social commitments. As well as being the right thing to do, a focus on the latter can invariably drive economic value. Companies that prioritise diversity, for instance, earn 2.5 times higher cash flow, while inclusive teams are 35 percent more productive. As a result, diversity in the workforce is now widely accepted to be both a moral necessity and a commercial opportunity, with more and more corporates incorporating DE&I policies into their operational frameworks. Despite this progress, the disability community is still largely excluded from these discussions around inclusion.  More →