Search Results for: jobs

Employers brace for ‘talent exodus’ as people seek better pay

Employers brace for ‘talent exodus’ as people seek better pay

56 percent of employees in the UK are looking to move jobs in the first half of the year, with 49 percent selecting better pay as the primary reasonOver half (58 percent) of employers in the UK believe that they will lose staff in the next six months as they seek to earn more by moving jobs, according to a new poll. According to the survey by talent services company, Morgan McKinley for its 2023 Salary Guide, 56 percent of employees in the UK are looking to move jobs in the first half of the year, with 49 percent selecting better pay as the primary reason, followed by ‘better career growth and development opportunities’ (17 percent). More →

UK businesses are out of touch with the real sources of employee stress

UK businesses are out of touch with the real sources of employee stress

96 percent of firms do not believe that employee salaries are a major stress factor for staff during the cost-of-living crisisThe cost-of-living crisis is driving a wedge between employers and their staff. In a recent research report, we surveyed 500 employers to discover what they believe causes their staff the most stress. Surprisingly, an overwhelming 96 percent did not believe that employee salaries are a major stress factor for staff during the cost-of-living crisis. Instead, they felt major contributors included heavy workloads, long hours, and tight deadlines. More →

Poor air quality affects chess players, and it might be affecting you too

Poor air quality affects chess players, and it might be affecting you too

Air pollution poses such a threat to strategic thinking under pressure that chess players often monitor the air quality of their surroundings.Humans are exposed to poor air quality and pollution almost everywhere. The World Health Organization estimate that 99 percent of the world’s population breathe in polluted air each day. Chess players competing indoors are no exception – and it can affect their performance. A recent study conducted by researchers from Maastricht University (Netherlands) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) analysed the quality of chess moves across multiple German chess tournaments. They found that chess experts perform worse when there is more particulate matter (PM2.5) in the air. More →

Sector leaders implore EU to be ambitious when setting carbon targets for buildings

Sector leaders implore EU to be ambitious when setting carbon targets for buildings

With a crucial vote fast approaching on the EU’s key piece of building legislation, a coalition representing 35 organisations is calling on politicians to seize a once-in-a-generation opportunity to eliminate carbon emissions from Europe’s building stockWith a crucial vote fast approaching on the EU’s key piece of building legislation, a coalition representing 35 organisations is calling on politicians to seize a once-in-a-generation opportunity to eliminate carbon emissions from Europe’s building stock. Europe’s buildings account for around 40 percent of energy consumption and 36 percent of CO2 emissions. Currently, EU policy only addresses the operational emissions of buildings but to support total decarbonisation of the EU building stock, policy must evolve to cover both operational and embodied emissions, known as Whole Life Carbon. Without addressing both sources of emissions it is inconceivable that the EU will be able to achieve its climate targets. More →

Evening Standard SME XPO celebrates new, small and growing businesses

Evening Standard SME XPO celebrates new, small and growing businesses

Building on the success of its launch event, the Evening Standard’s SME XPO 25-26 April 2023 at ExCeL London, once again invites founders, entrepreneurs and business leaders to attend an action-filled two-day programme and exhibition connecting the scaleup community, a vital part of the UK economy. SME XPO has established itself as the UK’s leading event dedicated entirely to ambitious SME founders and decision-makers who are looking to scaleup. The event will appeal to a wide variety of industries from micro businesses to medium and large SMEs, welcoming 4000+ owners, showcasing over 60+ speakers. More →

Debrett’s unveils etiquette guide for hybrid working

Debrett’s unveils etiquette guide for hybrid working

Debrett’s, the well-known authority on manners and etiquette, has created a guide to hybrid working etiquetteDebrett’s, the well-known authority on manners and etiquette, has created a guide to hybrid working etiquette, sponsored by Poly. The guide claims to offer updated advice for the hybrid work era at a time when -it says here – etiquette at work has never been more important. More →

Half of tech workers bracing themselves for layoffs, but fears may be unfounded

Half of tech workers bracing themselves for layoffs, but fears may be unfounded

Tech workers are pre-empting layoffs in 2023 and taking steps to protect their careers, but their fears may be unfounded, says a new reportTech workers are pre-empting layoffs in 2023 and taking steps to protect their careers, according to a new poll from CWJobs. The survey – carried out among 2,000 UK tech workers – revealed more than half (53 percent) are pre-emptively applying for new jobs in case of redundancies at their firm. The research suggests that London tech workers feel at most risk, with nearly two thirds (63 percent) pre-emptively applying for a new job in case of layoffs – the highest out of any region. Young people are also more likely to make sure they have a Plan B in place, with 62 percent of 18-24-year-old tech workers actively applying for new jobs in case they are laid off, compared to 24 percent of those aged 55+. More →

Flexible working and work-life balance most important features of new job roles

Flexible working and work-life balance most important features of new job roles

A woman breathes in deeply and looks relaxed to illustrate the issue of work-life balance and the importance of flexible workingOne in three (33 percent) employees say the most important factor to them when contemplating a move to a new job, after pay, is work-life balance, according to a new poll of 13,000 UK based employees from Hays. The survey suggests that the extent to which employees are satisfied with their work-life balance has been improving over the last three years. More →

How businesses can support employee wellbeing over a difficult festive period

How businesses can support employee wellbeing over a difficult festive period

Wellbeing at ChristmasWhen we think about the festive period, the financial pressures that Christmas brings, amid rising energy bills and not having enough to eat shouldn’t be first and foremost on our minds. With thirty million people employed by businesses in the UK, that is a huge number of employees who could benefit if employers acted now to support them and their wellbeing. This winter has been extremely challenging for many people across the UK. And for the first time since 2009, the UK is in recession. More →

How different European countries tax working from home

How different European countries tax working from home

A man working from homeWhen it comes to the tax implications of working from home, Belgium seems to be the most attractive European country. Those regularly working from home in Belgium can claim over €1,700. No other of the eleven nations examined by The Mobile Bank N26 manages to match the Belgians in this regard. In addition to Germany’s neighbour, Spain, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Portugal, Greece, Poland and France were also analysed. As the data suggests, regulations and tax relief opportunities differ between nations, sometimes significantly. More →

Lambeth plans major expansion in sustainable office space

Lambeth plans major expansion in sustainable office space

Lambeth plans major investment in sustainable office developmentsLambeth is set for London’s biggest increase in sustainable office space over the next decade with an estimated six million square feet of extra space for business set to be created. A report commissioned by Lambeth Council details this expansion, how it supports the borough’s growth priorities and delivers space fit for the future of work. The report ‘Lambeth: The Future of Sustainable Work’ sets out how expansion supports the council’s bold ambitions to foster well-paid jobs in growth sectors for the borough’s young people, to achieve its Net Zero by 2030 outcome and to create an environment for local entrepreneurs to flourish. More →

People in the West continue to express ambivalence about the metaverse

People in the West continue to express ambivalence about the metaverse

An illustration of a suited man using a headset to access the metaverseA new poll from law firm Gowling WLG claims to reveal a stark difference in attitudes in Western and Eastern nations when it comes to the metaverse. It claims that the technology is set to change how we work and socialise forever, and that early adopters like China and the United Arab Emirates are already reaping the economic benefits. The firm’s Immaterial World report compared attitudes towards the metaverse in six international markets. The research found that four-in-five (83 percent) Chinese consumers would consider taking part in virtual experiences, more than twice as many as in the UK (37 percent). More →