Search Results for: flexibility

Majority of employees are rethinking their career paths

Majority of employees are rethinking their career paths

employeesLumApps is releasing new workplace data claiming how employees and employers are dealing with the fallout of the Great Resignation. The survey was conducted in collaboration with CMSWire during the Fall of 2021. More →

‘Great Resignation’ offers a one off opportunity to rethink our relationship with work

‘Great Resignation’ offers a one off opportunity to rethink our relationship with work

great resignationAfter nearly two turbulent years, which for many knowledge workers have been dominated by a ground-hog day like existence, people are looking for change. This is only natural as workers around the world are re-evaluating their priorities, reigniting their passions, or simply looking for something new. This has led to a mini-exodus from businesses, which is now being dubbed the ‘Great Resignation’. More →

You gotta get IN to get out

You gotta get IN to get out

It was only towards the end of the development of IN Magazine that we became aware of something called COVID 19. By the time of the official launch in March of 2020, it had become clear that the world was facing a challenge that would lead to a reassessment of many aspects of our lives. We’re not out of the woods yet and there remain more questions than answers about what lies ahead. Yet organisations are looking forwards and I’ve been privileged in recent weeks to listen in on several conversations from occupiers about both their plans for the future and the necessity of flexibility in applying them, as they tread uncertainly in a new era and learn more about it as they go. More →

New era of work leaves workers feeling empowered

New era of work leaves workers feeling empowered

new era of workA majority of Americans feel newly empowered in the new era of work, according to a new survey from Randstad USA. Nearly three-in-four (73 percent) respondents feel as though they can make changes to their work-life balance, and 79 percent reported gaining new clarity regarding their professional goals, higher than the global average of 72 percent. More →

Majority of UK workers would consider quitting their job if hybrid working was axed

Majority of UK workers would consider quitting their job if hybrid working was axed

hybridMore than half (51 percent) of UK workers who currently have the choice to mix remote and office working would consider leaving their company if this hybrid option was removed, according to new research released by Microsoft in conjunction with YouGov (fieldwork undertaken 7th – 15th October 2021).
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Working from home can increase work-family conflict for women in traditional gender roles

Working from home can increase work-family conflict for women in traditional gender roles

conflictNew research by the University of Kent claims that working from home can increase feelings that family responsibilities hinder work responsibilities, but only for women in traditional gender roles. Despite its advantages, such as less commuting and more flexibility, the study published in the journal Community, Work and Family discovered that working from home can increase rather than decrease feelings that work and family demands conflict with one another. More →

Nearly half of UK employees are ready for a workplace metaverse

Nearly half of UK employees are ready for a workplace metaverse

metaverseResearch released by Owl Labs suggests that nearly half (47 percent) of the UK population want companies to adopt the metaverse – a highly immersive virtual world that recreates opportunities for work, socialising, entertainment, and education – in the workplace. More →

Hybrid working success relies on three key factors

Hybrid working success relies on three key factors

hybrid workingOrganisations must focus on equipping people managers, who are the stewards of sustainable performance, with the right skillsets to ensure they and their teams succeed in the hybrid working world, according to Gartner, Inc. To achieve this, Gartner recommends organisations pursue three tactics to ensure managers are prepared to lead their teams in this setting. More →

Introvert entrepreneurs outnumber extroverts by more than two to one

Introvert entrepreneurs outnumber extroverts by more than two to one

The UK is a nation of “intro-preneurs”, according to new research by Virgin Money. A third (36 percent) of entrepreneurs surveyed described themselves as being an introvert, compared to just 15 percent who said they are an all-out extrovert. The findings are part of Virgin Money’s campaign to celebrate ‘Upstarts’ – the people who have taken the leap and launched a business on their own. More →

Majority of employers agree flexible working requests should be a day-one right

Majority of employers agree flexible working requests should be a day-one right

employersThe majority (57 percent) of employers agree that the right to request flexible working should be a day-one right, claims research from the CIPD. Agreement is highest from those in the public sector (69 percent) compared to those in the private sector (54 percent). In addition, larger organisations of 250+ employees were more likely to agree than SMEs (62 percent compared to 51 percent). More →

Seven in ten HR managers support greater flexible working in their workplace

Seven in ten HR managers support greater flexible working in their workplace

HR managersSeven in 10 (70 percent) of UK HR managers now say flexible working could work for their business – claims a new TUC poll. Half (49 percent) of UK HR managers polled said that greater flexible working could work for their business as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, building on the one in five (21 percent) who say that their business already enabled significant flexible working before the pandemic. More →

Employers expect significant organisational transformation due to technology advances

Employers expect significant organisational transformation due to technology advances

organisational transformationDue to the significant workplace technology changes brought on by the pandemic, more than half (53 percent) of employers plan extensive organisational transformation in the next two years. More →