Search Results for: Gen Z

Organisations struggle to nurture creativity even though they see it as essential

Organisations struggle to nurture creativity even though they see it as essential

Despite the widespread belief in the importance of creativity, many organisations are struggling to create environments that nurture and encourage innovative thinking.A new report from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, in collaboration with Canva, claims to have uncovered the significant challenges organisations face when it comes to fostering creativity within the workplace. Despite the widespread belief in the importance of creativity, many organisations are struggling to create environments that nurture and encourage innovative thinking. More →

Getting the long term unemployed back into work will transform the economy, says Government adviser

Getting the long term unemployed back into work will transform the economy, says Government adviser

He argues that this approach is essential to address the unsustainable welfare costs associated with the long term unemployed and to mitigate the "toxic" reliance on immigrationThe rising costs of welfare and the country’s increasing dependency on immigration have become significant concerns, prompting a call for reform from a prominent government health adviser. Alan Milburn, a former health secretary, has emphasised the need for individuals with long-term illnesses and others stuck in a cycle of long term unemployment to actively seek employment. He argues that this approach is essential to address the unsustainable welfare costs associated with the long term unemployed and to mitigate the “toxic” reliance on immigration for the workforce. More →

If you offer people universal basic income, they work less but have more choice, study finds

If you offer people universal basic income, they work less but have more choice, study finds

A new study from the Open Research Lab found that while unconditional cash transfers such as universal basic income slightly reduced employment rates and work hours, they increased the financial stability and agency of recipientsA new study from the Open Research Lab found that while unconditional cash transfers such as universal basic income slightly reduced employment rates and work hours, they increased the financial stability and agency of recipients. People were 2 percent less likely to be employed and worked 1.3 fewer hours weekly but had higher incomes when including the cash transfers. The financial support allowed individuals to pursue education, caregiving, health improvements, and more meaningful work. Overall, cash transfers provided recipients with the flexibility to make employment decisions aligned with their personal goals and circumstances. More →

British icons showcase sustainable design at Material Matters during London Design Festival

British icons showcase sustainable design at Material Matters during London Design Festival

Bisley and MARK Product have announced their participation in Material Matters, as part of London Design Festival 2024Bisley and MARK Product have announced their participation in Material Matters, as part of London Design Festival 2024. This marks the debut of their collaboration since their strategic partnership was announced earlier this year, spotlighting their commitment to a sustainable and circular economy. Material Matters bring together over 40 world-leading brands, designers, makers and manufacturers. MARK and Bisley have been invited as part of the Room 12 exhibit, curated by designers TP Bennett and The Furniture Practice in celebration of the importance of material intelligence in architecture and design. Their installation focusses on the social aspect of the circular economy – how good jobs and skills along with building strong manufacturing and creative communities are essential for a sustainable future. More →

Urban Infill Architects secures planning win for latest office scheme

Urban Infill Architects secures planning win for latest office scheme

Urban Infill ArchitectsUrban Infill Architects has secured planning consent for a 58,000 sq ft (GEA) redevelopment of New Devonshire House in Bromley, within the borough’s Business Improvement District. The redevelopment of New Devonshire House will provide a 10-storey office building designed to the latest BCO Grade A standards. The specifications include 78 cycle spaces, EV charging facilities and a communal sky deck level with break-out spaces, bar and sky garden. More →

Office attendance levels continue to rise across Europe

Office attendance levels continue to rise across Europe

Efforts to bring employees back to the office over the past year have generated high degrees of success, according to the 2024 European Office Occupier Survey from CBREEfforts to bring employees back to the office over the past year have generated high degrees of success, according to the 2024 European Office Occupier Survey from CBRE. According to the research, the proportion of companies reporting average building utilisation of 41-80 percent has risen to 61 percent, up from 48 percent in 2023. Conversely, the proportion of companies reporting lower utilisation has fallen, with only a third of companies reporting utilisation of 40 percent or below, compared with nearly half of the companies surveyed last year. More →

Book review: Workspace Made Easy

Book review: Workspace Made Easy

Workspace Made Easy by Kursty Groves and Neil Usher offers a step-by- step-guide through the complexities of creating and implement a workplace strategy from first principles through to occupying a space and changing it over timeThere’s a dog-eared, yellowing paperback on my bookshelf called Understanding Offices. Written by Joanna Eley and Alexi Marmot, it dates from 1995. It is a handbook for everybody who needed to know how to develop a workplace strategy during the infant phase of the digital and cultural revolution of the late 20th Century. I used to refer to it all the time, but now it serves mainly as a reminder of how much has changed over the past thirty years, and also how little. More →

Connection through design: The role of office designers in fostering workplace ties

Connection through design: The role of office designers in fostering workplace ties

For office designers creating spaces that foster rich, interpersonal connections between colleagues both in-person and remote is essential.For office designers creating spaces that foster rich, interpersonal connections between colleagues both in-person and remote is essential. Design with Impact is a philosophy that can help workplaces prepare to host these meaningful interactions, cultivating a shared sense of purpose among employees. There are many ways that people connect with spaces and within spaces. Physical connection is the most fundamental, and perhaps most obvious type of workplace connection. In-person interaction allows for immediate communication, the ability to read body language, and some would argue, a more meaningful connection than any relationship that can be built over video call. More →

The city and the office have much to teach each other

The city and the office have much to teach each other

It’s common to hear people say that the boundaries between the traditional workplace and the outside world have become blurred but it might be closer to the truth to say that in a growing number of cases they have been eradicated and that the evolution of cities and offices is informed by a two way exchange of DNA. Whatever you might hear, these times are far from unprecedented. History has lessons for us both in terms of how we view the events of 2020 and how we might respond to them, including how we progress as a species and make our lives and the world a better place. In 1832, there was an epidemic of cholera in the UK’s towns and cities. In those with a population of 100,000 or more life expectancy was just 26 years. The reasons for this were picked up on by a government official called Edwin Chadwick as a member of the Poor Law Commission.   More →

CIBSE and IBPSA-England announce their partnership for 2025 Technical Symposium

CIBSE and IBPSA-England announce their partnership for 2025 Technical Symposium

CIBSE and IBPSA-England are pleased to unveil their partnership for the upcoming 2025 Technical Symposium.CIBSE and IBPSA-England are pleased to unveil their partnership for the upcoming 2025 Technical Symposium. This joint effort merges two premier events in building performance and sustainable design: CIBSE’s annual Technical Symposium and IBPSA-England’s biennial Building Simulation and Optimisation event. Themed “Fit for 2050 – Achieving Net-Zero through Intelligent, Resilient and Sustainable Design in the Built Environment,” the CIBSE IBPSA-England Technical Symposium 2025 aims to serve as a platform for the latest research and innovations in sustainable practices. This partnership underscores a shared dedication to advancing knowledge and best practices in building performance. More →

Is it fair that AI defines if you deserve a job?

Is it fair that AI defines if you deserve a job?

As AI continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, impacting not just personal endeavours but also professional pursuits, one important question emerges: is it fair that AI defines if you deserve a job?The rise of AI-driven hiring processes has undoubtedly transformed the recruitment landscape, and we know it. But is it fair that AI defines if you deserve a job? Ultimately, the answer to this question is not just a technical or logistical issue, it is a profoundly ethical one. AI (artificial intelligence) has revolutionised the way we interact with technology, increasingly permeating various aspects of our lives, from virtual assistants to complex algorithms shaping our online experiences. More →

People are cautiously optimistic about the impact of AI and other tech

People are cautiously optimistic about the impact of AI and other tech

both employers and employees are optimistic about the impact new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will have on their workplace – even though decision makers feel more optimistic than staffEmployers and staff are optimistic about impact of new technologies, despite uncertainty about safety according to a new British Safety Council survey. The YouGov survey commissioned by British Safety Council among 4018 UK employers and employees claims that both employers and employees are optimistic about the impact new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will have on their workplace – even though decision makers feel more optimistic than staff. More →