Search Results for: hmrc

The government announces a major new office for public servants in the West Midlands

The government announces a major new office for public servants in the West Midlands

Thousands of public servants in the West Midlands will move to a new building in central Birmingham, as the government continues its drive to modernise its office estate. HMRC working with the Cabinet Office has signed a 25 year lease to take 238,988 sq ft at 3 Arena Central, which is a new office development in the centre of Birmingham. The building will see around 3,600 public servants from several government departments move there from 2020, including from HMRC and Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The hub will be the base for one of HMRC’s regional centres. DWP plans to move staff into the hub from existing offices in the city. The move is part of the Government Hubs Programme, which will reduce the number of isolated and under-used offices that the government has by co-locating departments in shared buildings across the UK. Departments moving to hubs will need less space as they adopt smart working principles, which will reduce their operating costs. Providing modern, flexible office space will further deliver value for money by improving staff wellbeing and productivity

Leeds latest city to announce major new Government Hub

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Government to create new civil service hubs in Cardiff and Edinburgh

Government to create new civil service hubs in Cardiff and Edinburgh

The UK government has announced that it has signed a 25 year lease at the Central Square development, Cardiff to create a new civil service ‘hub’. The news follows a similar announcement that a new lease had been signed for a hub in Edinburgh, as the government sets out to rationalise its estate and increase the number of civil service jobs outside London. The deal is part of the Government’s Hubs Programme which it claims ‘will transform the way the Civil Service works by accommodating several government departments in one building, across the country’. The programme plans to deliver over a billion pounds of savings, free up land for housing and reduce government buildings from 800 to around 200 by 2022. The UK Government has agreed to lease 265,000 sq ft in the Cardiff city-centre development, which will accommodate over 4,000 public servants from several different UK Government departments. HMRC will be the majority occupier and Central Square will become one of their regional centres. The office will be ready by 2020 for civil servants to occupy.

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Minimum wage should be extended to the self employed and gig economy

Minimum wage should be extended to the self employed and gig economy 0

The government should extend minimum wage legislation to protect some of the UK’s 4.8 million self employed workforce as part of its drive to tackle low pay and insecurity in the modern workforce, according to a new report published by the Resolution Foundation. The Minimum Required? – which forms part of the Resolution Foundation’s submission to the Taylor Review on modern employment practices – sets out a number of proposals to tackle endemic levels of low pay among the self-employed. Its new analysis claims that that while around in one in five employees are low-paid (earning less than two-thirds of typical weekly earnings), last year around half of the full-time self-employed workforce (49 percent) fell below this threshold, earning less than £310 a week.

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New wellbeing index measures level of support for staff with poor mental health

New wellbeing index measures level of support for staff with poor mental health 0

New wellbeing index measures level of support for staff with mental ill health

Just over half (53 per cent) of staff who had disclosed poor mental health at work said they felt supported, and 72 per cent said they’d been made aware of the support tools such as Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs), counselling, staff support network or informal buddying systems, a new piece of research has disclosed. The data has been gathered by mental health charity Mind to give an insight into the mental health of 15,000 employees participating in Mind’s first ever Workplace Wellbeing Index, a brand new benchmark of best policy and practice when it comes to staff mental health. Thirty organisations participated in Mind’s first ever Workplace Wellbeing Index, including Deloitte, HMRC, the Environment Agency, Jaguar Land Rover and PepsiCo. Over half (56 per cent) of employees who reported mental ill health were offered reasonable adjustments or support measures, such as changes to hours worked or the nature of some of their duties.

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While politicians squabble, here’s what the Budget meant for the workplace

While politicians squabble, here’s what the Budget meant for the workplace 0

Bash streetStrange as it may seem now, there was a Budget last week. We’d planned to produce a report on it once the dust had settled but given that whatever dust had originally been kicked up has now been swept away by a political storm, it’s only now we feel able to offer some perspective a few days out. As ever these days, the budget touched on a number of aspects of the workplace, sometimes hitting the mark and sometimes suggesting politicians don’t yet understand how people work. There was the usual stuff about rates and commercial property but also plenty to digest about the freelance economy, productivity, new technology, flexible working legislation and the current, often faltering attempts to develop wealth and infrastructure as well as the 21st Century creative and digital economy in places other than London. There’s plenty to digest here and plenty of people have already had their say, so a chance to grab a coffee and take all or some of it in.

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Case studies illustrate key role of HR in transformational change

Case studies illustrate key role of HR in transformational change 0

As economy picks up, implementing change is greatest management challenge in coming yearA growing understanding of the importance of breaking down silos between workplace disciplines has resulted in initiatives such as the launch of the Workplace Conversation. Now a new report from the CIPD and the University of Bath, features four change management case studies that demonstrate what can be achieved when HR becoming an integral part of the team responsible for designing and implementing all the processes required during periods of transformational change. The report, Landing transformational change: Closing the gap between theory and practice features BBC Worldwide, HMRC, News UK and Zurich UK Life and reveal that in all these cases, the HR function was most successful when it facilitated action, enabling managers to inject their own customisation to suit the needs of their divisions, rather than adopting a more centralised approach to implementing change.

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Government announces plans to improve national levels of fair pay

Government announces plans to improve national levels of fair pay 0

North south divideA package of measures designed to improve levels of fair pay have been announced by the Government  today; including doubling the penalties for non-payment of the National Minimum Wage and the new National Living Wage; increasing the enforcement budget and setting up a new team in HMRC to take forward criminal prosecutions for those who deliberately do not comply. A new team of compliance officers in HMRC will investigate the most serious cases of employers not paying the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage when it is introduced in April 2016. This team will have the power to use all available sanctions, including penalties, prosecutions and naming and shaming the most exploitative employers. Employers who fail to pay staff at least the minimum wage they are legally entitled to will have to pay double what they do now.

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