Search Results for: learning

We must embrace AI for sustainable workforce transformation

We must embrace AI for sustainable workforce transformation

Some say AI will take on “80 percent of the jobs that exist today”, but history has shown that technological advancements have consistently led to the creation of new job rolesEach technological revolution has gotten faster; and the era of Artificial Intelligence is accelerating at an unprecedented rate—an intimidating prospect, given Musk’s recent prediction of AI surpassing human intelligence. Some say the tech will take on “80 percent of the jobs that exist today”, but history has shown that technological advancements have consistently led to the creation of new job roles, elevating the standard of living and improving overall productivity. More →

The role of emotional intelligence in effective sales leadership

The role of emotional intelligence in effective sales leadership

Alt text: A woman in an office researching sales leadership on her computerThe sales industry has long esteemed the virtues of sharp negotiation skills and strategic thinking. However, a growing body of research suggests emotional intelligence (EI) is a pivotal force behind sales leadership success. More than just a buzzword, EI encompasses the ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions in ourselves and others. Leaders adept in emotional intelligence are often seen forging stronger relationships and achieving greater outcomes. Below, we explore how EI can enhance sales leadership and why it’s critical for those looking to excel in this dynamic field. More →

Trust gap on AI in the workplace must be overcome if businesses are to get ahead

Trust gap on AI in the workplace must be overcome if businesses are to get ahead

With many AI firms increasingly pivoting towards developing specialised tools for easier integration into the workplace, it may come as a surprise that half of the companies Freeths recently surveyed have no plans at all to implement them, with only 15 percent reporting that investing in artificial intelligence tools for human resources was a strategic priority. More →

AI is not coming for your job. But it will make it better

AI is not coming for your job. But it will make it better

Barry Murphy, Vice President GTM - Cloud, Applications & Infrastructure, Unisys, explains how business leaders can reassure workforces that AI will enhance their jobs, not replace them. “Artificial intelligence will outsmart humans, resolve all IT and business problems, and humans will not be needed in the workforce!” These are some of the most common misconceptions that too many companies and workforces currently have around AI and automation. To date, workforces have been inclined to broach AI with apprehension due to concerns that it will negatively affect or eliminate their jobs. Conversations have skewed towards the technology as a disruptive force, here to steal jobs and ultimately leave people redundant. A study found that 60 percent of workers are concerned about job loss in regards to working with Gen AI. Additionally, a further third worried that,  despite AI being unable to completely  replace them, it could make them less useful in the workplace. More →

From pixels to patterns: the unprecedented surge in screen time

From pixels to patterns: the unprecedented surge in screen time

With the rise of remote work and online learning, our screen time has skyrocketed to unprecedented levels.Technology has transformed our personal relationships by making communication more accessible than ever before. But, are we implementing best practices to ensure a positive and sustainable relationship with our technological devices? In today’s digital age, screens have become an integral part of our daily lives. From smartphones and tablets to laptops and televisions, we are surrounded by screens at every turn. With the rise of remote work and online learning, our screen time has skyrocketed to unprecedented levels. More →

Majority of people feel confident in their ability to adapt to era of AI

Majority of people feel confident in their ability to adapt to era of AI

Following yesterday’s news about the fears CEOs harbour with the advent of AI in the workplace, a new poll from Indeed suggests that nearly 9 in 10 UK workers (89 percent) feel confident in their ability to adapt to change over the next five years. According to the survey, nearly two-thirds (63 percent) feel the skills needed for their role will change in the next five years, with 15 percent expecting significant changes. More →

Microsoft announces new London AI research hub

Microsoft announces new London AI research hub

Microsoft AI is opening a new AI hub in Central London. The firm claims that the new Paddington based centre, dubbed Microsoft AI London will ‘drive pioneering work to advance state-of-the-art language models and their supporting infrastructure, and to create world-class tooling for foundation models’, collaborating closely with AI teams across Microsoft and with its partners, including OpenAI.  More →

AI turns out to be an effective administrator for academics

AI turns out to be an effective administrator for academics

Researchers Maximilian Koehler, PhD candidate at ESMT, and Henry Sauermann, professor of strategy at ESMT, explore the role of AI, not as a “worker” performing specific research tasks such as data collection and analysis, but as a “manager” of human workers performing such tasks. Algorithmic management (AM) suggests a significant shift in the way research projects are conducted and can enable projects to operate at larger scale and efficiency. The study Algorithmic Management in Scientific Research is published in the journal Research Policy. More →

When you empower your colleagues, you’re delivering excellence for them and your clients

When you empower your colleagues, you’re delivering excellence for them and your clients

The level of engagement within a company’s workforce significantly impacts clients satisfaction and its bottom line. Recent research by Gallup shows that teams with high levels of engagement enjoy a 10 percent uplift in client loyalty and a 23 percent increase in profitability compared to low-engagement teams. Empowering colleagues with learning and development programmes can dramatically improve their engagement with a business. Supporting them in this way is crucial if you want them to deliver excellence. When people are encouraged to own their careers, they care more about the outcomes of their work, which translates into exceptional productivity and happy clients. More →

New issue of Works magazine focuses on sustainable office design

New issue of Works magazine focuses on sustainable office design

As you’ll see as you make your way through this new issue of Works magazine, we’ve spent even more time than usual discussing and learning about sustainable office designAs you’ll see as you make your way through this new issue of Works magazine, we’ve spent even more time than usual discussing and learning about sustainable office design – and in particular how the interiors industry is determined to keep sustainable products, business practices and processes at the forefront of our thinking. More →

‘Fun’, great management and culture are what make a firm a great place to work

‘Fun’, great management and culture are what make a firm a great place to work

Great Place To Work has announced its annual UK’s Best Workplaces list, based on feedback from around 250,000 peopleGreat Place To Work has announced its annual UK’s Best Workplaces list, based on feedback from around 250,000 people. Taking into account culture audits and employees’ perspectives the organisers say they have identified what makes these employers the best. More →

UNESCO study reveals evidence of regressive stereotypes in LLMs

UNESCO study reveals evidence of regressive stereotypes in LLMs

To coincide with International Women’s Day, a UNESCO study revealed worrying tendencies in Large Language models (LLM) to produce gender bias, as well as homophobia and racial stereotyping.  Women were described as working in domestic roles far more often than men – four times as often by one model – and were frequently associated with words like “home”, “family” and “children”, while male names were linked to “business”, “executive”, “salary”, and “career”. More →