Search Results for: risk

There is still time to avoid the regrexit of Brexit

There is still time to avoid the regrexit of Brexit

Still time to avoid BrexitSeveral months ago when we invited Jonty Bloom, one of the media’s most respected journalists to come and speak to our guest audience, we knew it would be informed, relevant and fascinating. What we didn’t know was that the day before (4th September 2019) Boris Johnson would deliver a stunningly inelegant performance at his inaugural Prime Minister’s Question time, the day after losing his first vote in parliament to prevent a further delay in delivering Brexit. More →

Flexible working needs not met by employers

Flexible working needs not met by employers

Fewer than a third (32 percent) of UK workers are allowed to work remotely whenever they want, according to research from Capita which explores employee attitudes to remote/flexible working and the challenge employers face meeting their expectations of IT to do so.  ‘The State of IT – The Employee Verdict’ report (registration)  claims that almost three quarters of workers (71 percent) would like the option to work remotely, citing a better work-life balance (60 percent), reducing their transport costs (47 percent), and carbon footprint (35 percent) as their biggest drivers for doing so. More →

Aping our robot overlords, Instagrammable buildings and some other stuff

Aping our robot overlords, Instagrammable buildings and some other stuff

What happens to people when their skills become obsolete? If you’re not asking yourself this question already, you probably should. A new study from researchers at MIT and Wharton is the basis for this piece in Quartz at Work which considers the implications for what looks like a small technological change and its consequences for a large number of people who had to reset what they offered employers. More →

Workplace experience to be main theme of CoreNet Global

Workplace experience to be main theme of CoreNet Global

Corenet Global to explore human workplace experience Optimising the human workplace experience to achieve greater productivity and creativity will be explored in depth at the CoreNet Global Summit in Amsterdam this September. Over a dozen diverse sessions will examine multidisciplinary approaches to achieving gains in health, productivity and creativity alongside both academic and commercial research showing measurable benefits. More →

Coworking continues to reshape property markets worldwide

Coworking continues to reshape property markets worldwide

Epicenter Coworking Space in StockholmAgainst a global backdrop of diminishing business confidence and a weaker outlook for economic growth, a robust labour market in the world’s largest economies continues to underpin demand for office space with high employment levels prevalent across a number of major markets. Demand continues to be driven by the knowledge economy, with the coworking boom continuing to broaden its reach across major markets, forcing traditional landlords to adapt their offering in order to best accommodate existing and potential occupiers. More →

Shifting cultural expectations in the workplace

Shifting cultural expectations in the workplace

workplace cultureThere has been much talk of digital, agile and organisational transformation for businesses for many years now. While the intricacies of each are separate discussions, one thing is clear – the world of work and the workplace are changing and as businesses we need to adapt.

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How a group of visionaries predicted the modern world

How a group of visionaries predicted the modern world

<img src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important; text-shadow: none !important" />From shamanic ritual to horoscopes, humans have always tried to predict the future. Today, trusting predictions and prophecies has become part of daily life. From the weather forecast to the time the sat-nav says we will reach our destination, our lives are built around futuristic fictions. More →

Firms with a balance of men and women outperform male dominated rivals

Firms with a balance of men and women outperform male dominated rivals

Women on board and gender balance in firmsThe share performance and other metrics of listed companies with a balance of men and women tend to be better than those of male-dominated rivals, according to a new report from Morgan Stanley. The report is based on Morgan Stanley’s HERS ranking, a new measurement the investment bank has developed to evaluate gender diversity at companies and its impact on performance. It determines the gender diversity of a company by factoring in the percentage of women on boards, in the executive and management team, and in the workforce generally. More →

Humans are main weakness in fight against data theft

Humans are main weakness in fight against data theft

cybersecurityOnly four in 10 (42 percent) businesses focus on compliance training as part of their cybersecurity protocol to ensure sensitive data is kept secure, claims a new report from ESET and The Myers-Briggs Company. The paper reports that most worryingly, 63 percent rely predominantly on passwords. According to the Cyberchology paper that investigates the link between personality types and vulnerabilities to cybercrime, cybersecurity should be on every boardroom’s agenda. More →

Insecure leaders prefer to take advice from machines than people

Insecure leaders prefer to take advice from machines than people

Leaders and machines

Leaders who are in danger of losing their position are more likely to take advice from a data algorithm than another human, research from BI Norwegian Business School claims. Psychologist Ingvild Müller Seljeseth conducted studies where participants were assigned to either stable or unstable leadership positions, which they would lose if they made a wrong decision. When asked to estimate the number of peas in a jar, leaders in a stable position were far more inclined to accept advice from previous participants than leaders in an unstable position. More →

Maternity leave progressing around the world

Maternity leave progressing around the world

With studies claiming almost as many women with children (74.1 percent) participated in the labour force as women without, in 2014, women who are juggling careers and motherhood benefit from flexibility at work the most. Recent research claims women account for 40 percent or more of the total labour force in several countries, making flexible working hours, extended maternity leave, breastfeeding rooms, free education and free healthcare just a few of the ways that some countries build the best working environments for mothers. More →

GDP should be replaced by new indicators of prosperity and wellbeing

GDP should be replaced by new indicators of prosperity and wellbeing

Two people laughing together to illustrate the principle of wellbeingAs the consequences of climate change, social tensions and high levels of inequality are increasingly evident, the Bennett Institute for Public Policy at the University of Cambridge, led by Professor Diane Coyle, has published its initial report on how to improve economic measurement by replacing GDP as the standard measure for national prosperity with others that include wellbeing and social and environmental capital. More →