Search Results for: government

Full fibre broadband could boost UK economy by billions

Full fibre broadband could boost UK economy by billions

The deployment of full-fibre broadband could boost the UK economy by around £59 billion, according to a new report from the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), commissioned by Openreach. The Full fibre broadband: A platform for growth report claims that connecting the UK to fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) broadband could increase productivity, reduce commuting, enable smarter ways of working and improve public services. More →

Companies should publish their flexible working policies 

Companies should publish their flexible working policies 

flexible working and family lifeNew figures from work-life balance charity Working Families suggests that both parents/carers and best-practice employers alike are overwhelmingly in favour of greater transparency around companies’ flexible working and family-related leave and pay policies. Over 700 parents and carers and 74 Working Families employer members were surveyed.

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Working Families announces the most family friendly workplaces in the UK 

Working Families announces the most family friendly workplaces in the UK 

working familiesWork-life balance charity Working Families has announced its annual list of the top family-friendly employers in the UK. Employers large and small from across the public, private, and third sectors compete annually to gain a coveted place on the charity’s list of Top Employers for Working Families. The announcement coincides with Working Families’ National Work Life Week campaign. More →

WeWork, false narratives and the superstate of office design

WeWork, false narratives and the superstate of office design

WeWork New YorkSo, WeWork then. As the dust settles on whatever has happened, some lessons may be emerging. Many of them are presented in this comment in The Economist and this piece in The Intelligencer in which Scott Galloway of NYU Business School claims that the problems have been evident for a long time. He doesn’t hold back. More →

UK organisations falling behind on AI

UK organisations falling behind on AI

Image from Microsoft AI reportUK organisations risk falling behind global competitors unless they act now to accelerate their use of AI technology, according to a new report unveiled today by Microsoft UK. The report claims that organisations currently using AI are now outperforming those that are not by 11.5 percent – a boost that, in the face of unprecedented economic and political uncertainty, UK businesses can ill-afford to pass up, the authors suggest. More →

Tech skills now more important than maths and science say business leaders

Tech skills now more important than maths and science say business leaders

More than two-thirds (68 percent) of British businesses think that acquiring tech skills such as coding trumps the importance of more classic subjects such as maths and science. The research, from tech job board CWJobs, also claims that 71 percent of businesses urge candidates to learn tech specialisms in order to futureproof their careers. Active jobseekers should take note of skills that can push them to the top of the hiring list, with eight out of 10 (80 percent) business leaders revealing candidates having a tech specialism is an important factor in their future hiring decisions across any job sector. More →

The role of AI in creating a more human workplace

The role of AI in creating a more human workplace

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to infiltrate modern society, the benefits and pitfalls the technology receive almost peerless attention. The emergence of AI is of particular importance to how organisations might recruit, with clear signs that they are becoming more interested in the benefits it brings to their businesses.

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Triangulum smart cities project reaches completion

Triangulum smart cities project reaches completion

Manchester at heart of new smart cities programmeThe €30 million award-winning Triangulum project is drawing to a close as the participating cities in the pioneering project begin to share the first results from the five-year long future smart cities programme. Triangulum is one of 14 European Smart Cities and Communities Lighthouse Projects funded by the European Union’s Research and Innovation Framework Programme Horizon 2020. More →

The office of the future should be circular

The office of the future should be circular

The WWF Living Planet Centre gives a taste of the office of the futureMinimising the impact of business on the wider environment is no longer a ‘nice to have’ but a business imperative. Pressure is coming from all stakeholders including employees, investors, customers and clients, government and the media. According to the Leadership in Corporate Sustainability – European Report 2018, three quarters of European business leaders believe that ignoring sustainability will affect their company’s ability to create long-term value. More →

Skills gap driven by changing structure of labour market

Skills gap driven by changing structure of labour market

skills gapRecent years have seen a widespread drop in global unemployment rates but what continues to puzzle economists has been the subsequent failure of wage inflation to follow suit. This has created an unusual phenomenon of wage stagnation across global markets, according to the eighth edition of the Hays Global Skills Index, a report into skills and the skills gap published by recruitment firm Hays in collaboration with Oxford Economics. More →

Having data about people and their behaviour does not create a science

Having data about people and their behaviour does not create a science

dataTwo questions: is it good or bad that professional athletes earn 400 times what nurses do, and is string theory a dead end? Each question goes to the heart of its discipline. Yet while you probably answered the first, you’d hold an opinion on the prospects of string theory only if you’ve studied physics. More →

Flexible working continues to thrive in the public sector

Flexible working continues to thrive in the public sector

More than two in five public sector workers were able to enjoy flexible working in the last quarter of 2018, official figures from the Office for National Statistics show. According to the data, around 42 percent of public sector workers said they had worked flexibly in the period from October to December 2018.  The proportion of people offered flexible working patters was double that of private sector workers, 21 percent of which reported arrangements such as flexitime, compressed hours and term-time only work. More →