Search Results for: flexible

Time for businesses to step up and deliver flexibility and wellbeing for workers

Time for businesses to step up and deliver flexibility and wellbeing for workers

wellbeing and flexibility matterAt this time of year, with events such as Happiness at Work Week and Mental Health Awareness Day, mental health and wellbeing have been brought into sharp focus. Businesses are starting to look forward with a small degree of optimism. This optimism is not necessarily derived from the current state of their business or even their sector, but rather from being able to make proactive plans rather than in reactive mode which has been the default setting for the past 18 months.  This is a challenge, but one which can be met with a degree of excitement and anticipation as the business has a chance to make an impact both within its business surroundings, but also for the people who work within the business. More →

Brits shun traditional working hours, favouring flexibility and family life

Brits shun traditional working hours, favouring flexibility and family life

workingNew research released by Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, claims that Brits are feeling much more relaxed about the new world of work and redefining what is now ‘acceptable’ when it comes to working norms – including sending work emails from the school run, using short form and emojis in emails to the boss, or working in pyjamas from the bedroom. More →

Workers feel more trusted and motivated thanks to hybrid working

Workers feel more trusted and motivated thanks to hybrid working

workersNew research from Kadence (formerly Chargifi) claims that after a year of flexible working, almost two-thirds of US and UK office workers (62 percent) now feel more trusted to do their job effectively. Of those workers, half also feel more motivated to do a better quality job (51 percent) and go the extra mile (48 percent) thanks to their new working arrangements. More →

Disconnect between executives and employees on returning to the office

Disconnect between executives and employees on returning to the office

disconnectFuture Forum, a consortium launched by Slack to help companies reimagine work in the new digital-first workplace, has released the latest findings from the Future Forum Pulse, a global study that claims a huge divide between executives and non-executives on returning to the office: “the Great Executive-Employee Disconnect.” More →

‘Great Resignation’ means companies must adapt to needs of workers

‘Great Resignation’ means companies must adapt to needs of workers

Great resignationWorkers are leaving jobs like never before, and it’s causing a shortage of talent that has companies around the globe reeling, according to a survey conducted by Citrix Systems. Based on a poll of 1,000 US based knowledge workers, 40 percent have left at least one job in the past year or are considering doing so. The report from the firm sets out the factors behind the so-called Great Resignation and what firms may have to do in response. More →

Majority of UK GPs report uptick in patients seeking help for work related stress

Majority of UK GPs report uptick in patients seeking help for work related stress

work related stressResearch from Perkbox, claims that 92 percent of UK GPs report an increase in people seeking medical advice for work related stress and anxiety since the pandemic began. What’s more, 68 percent of GPs surveyed agree they have seen a hike in patients seeking support for this over the past three months compared to the start of the pandemic, and 80 percent are preparing for levels to increase further, suggesting the worst is yet to come if action isn’t taken. More →

Developing a future of work strategy depends on asking the right questions

Developing a future of work strategy depends on asking the right questions

future of work strategyThe rapid changes to our working lives caused by the global pandemic have prompted a great deal of debate about the future of work, the workplace and corporate real estate generally. At the highest levels of management within many organisations, leaders are now reflecting on their experiences and asking searching questions about their ways of working. More →

Create collaboration corners with ThinkingWall mobile walls from Logovisual

Create collaboration corners with ThinkingWall mobile walls from Logovisual

Collaboration furniture specialist Logovisual have expanded their range of ThinkingWall® mobile walls. The range answers the increasing demand on modern office spaces to be flexible to meet the needs of different workers and tasks. From small team huddles to a video call, the team at Logovisual believe building in visual and acoustic privacy is key in an open plan space. The new ThinkingWall® Mobile Acoustic Curve and ThinkingWall® AV Divider fit with other units from the ThinkingWall® Mobile range to create amazing, adaptable collaboration spaces. They are quick and simple to switch out and move around as often as required to divide workspaces and make flexible layouts. More →

Remote working led to drop in high quality output, Microsoft study concludes

Remote working led to drop in high quality output, Microsoft study concludes

remote workingA new study of 61,000 Microsoft employees claims that the sudden shift to remote working had a profound effect on their work behaviours and output. Overall, remote workers spent less time in meetings, had fewer real time conversations and worked in more siloed ways. Crucially it found that there was a reduction in the strengths of ties between people and fewer networking opportunities. While not suggesting that office based work and remote work are necessarily better than the other, the study concludes that the drop in loose connections and chances of networking with other teams could have a negative impact on higher quality work outputs and working culture. More →

UK business leaders to boost investment in employee wellbeing

UK business leaders to boost investment in employee wellbeing

wellbeingAccording to Bupa Global’s Executive Wellbeing Index 2021, UK business leaders are predicted to increase their spend on employee mental health and wellbeing by 18 percent in the coming year, among the highest rates in the world-wide study. More →

UK employers more worried about motivation than resignation

UK employers more worried about motivation than resignation

employersResearch from Omnipresent, in partnership with Remote Social, claims that four in 10 employers (40 percent) feel that COVID-19 has positively or extremely positively impacted employee retention. In contrast, less than a quarter (24 percent) feel that it has negatively or extremely negatively impacted this area. The survey considered the views of 250 HR managers and C-Suite professionals across the UK. More →

More hybrid working to bring 3.8 million Brits into employment

More hybrid working to bring 3.8 million Brits into employment

hybrid workingHybrid working could bring nearly four million people “locked out” from work such as parents, carers and disabled people into the workforce and enable part-time workers to work more hours adding £48.3bn to the UK economy each year, according to a new study by Virgin Media O2 Business and the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr). More →