Search Results for: business

Demand outstrips supply for Edinburgh office space

Demand outstrips supply for Edinburgh office space

Demand strips supply for Edinburgh office space as tech sector dominatesThe majority (90 percent) of Grade A deals for commercial offices in Edinburgh so far this year came from the tech sector, according to Savills, resulting in TMT being the most active business sector of the first quarter of 2019. Key deals included Amazon signing for 30,000 sq ft at Exchange Crescent and Epic Games taking 10,000 sq ft at Quartermile 2. This reflects that fact that over the past five years, Edinburgh has seen employment growth of 7 percent in the professional scientific and tech industries and is forecast to see a further 11 percent over the next five years; resulting in a projected 3,800 net additional jobs in these industries

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Young people increasingly sceptical about work and institutions

Young people increasingly sceptical about work and institutions

Younger people across the world are increasingly disillusioned with traditional institutions, sceptical of business’ motives and pessimistic about economic and social progress, according to the 2019 Deloitte Millennial Survey. The survey claims that despite global economic growth, expansion and opportunity, younger generations are wary about the world and their place in it. But they remain hopeful and lean on their values as both consumers and employees. More →

The new normal of flexible work transforming workplaces

The new normal of flexible work transforming workplaces

Digital innovations, and in particular, cloud computing is enabling increasing numbers of employees to work remotely and flexibly. This means the central company workspace is rapidly becoming an administrative hub, rather than a traditional central focus where everyone gathers during set hours. This is according to Condeco’s new research paper, The Modern Workplace 2019: People, places & technology (registration) which claims that 41 per cent of employers already offer remote working, while 60 per cent now allow employees to set their own flexible hours. More →

New guidance on making meetings more accessible

New guidance on making meetings more accessible

To mark the launch of its new guide, Meetings Matter, Business Disability Forum is offering advice to all businesses on how to make meetings and events more accessible for disabled employees and clients. The 10-point meeting checklist is adapted from the not-for-profit membership organisation’s new 24-page guide. The practical and up-to-date resource provides advice on arranging meetings which meet the needs of all colleague and attendees. More →

Rise in employment discrimination claims by new parents

Rise in employment discrimination claims by new parents

Rise in employment discrimination claims by new parentsNearly three quarter (70 percent) of employment law experts have seen an increase in women claiming they were fired when on maternity leave; the use of ‘gagging orders’ following pregnancy and maternity related disputes and an increase in men claiming harassment by their employer for taking paternity leave.

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Office design stifling creativity, claims study

Office design stifling creativity, claims study

WeWork offices in London are a great example of modern office designBritish businesses could be hindering their own innovation and creativity due to poor office design, according to a study carried out by YouGov and commissioned by Oktra. The survey of over 2,000 British employees claims that fewer than half (43 percent) believe the design of their workplace encourages innovation and creativity. Over a third (36 percent) of respondents would be less likely to take sick days if they worked in an inspiring workplace. More →

Overconfidence can be misinterpreted as competence, claims study

Overconfidence can be misinterpreted as competence, claims study

The higher a person rates their social class, the more likely they are to overestimate their talents and the more likely they are to be promoted to a level beyond their competence, a new study from researchers at Stanford and the University of Virginia claims. According to the study published by the American Psychological Association in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,  people who see themselves as being in a higher social class tend to have an exaggerated belief that they are more adept than their equally capable lower-class counterparts, and that overconfidence can often be misinterpreted by others as greater competence in important situations, such as job interviews.

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Calls for urgent reform of skills policy development and implementation

Calls for urgent reform of skills policy development and implementation

City & Guilds Group is calling on Government to urgently rethink how skills and education policy in the UK is designed and delivered, in light of a new report launched by the Group today. Sense and Instability 2019 finds that important lessons from the implementation of skills policy over several decades have not been learned, meaning badly-needed training and education programmes are not fit for purpose or delivering the right results for people, businesses and the economy.
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CRE investment highest in cities with strong tech culture

CRE investment highest in cities with strong tech culture

Corporate real estate investment highest in cities with tech cultureCities with tech innovation-oriented cultures have a strong competitive advantage amongst those investing in commercial real estate, claims a new report from JLL (registration). Of 109 cities analysed, the nine leading global markets – Boston, London, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Seattle, San Jose, Sydney and Tokyo, accounted for around 37 percent of total annual real estate investment volumes over the past decade. Like real estate investors, corporate occupiers also search for locations that have advanced innovation ecosystems, the report suggests. These cities sustain highly skilled workforces and are best placed to succeed in the future.

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Adversity and chaos can help to foster creativity

Adversity and chaos can help to foster creativity 0

Senecio by Paul Klee who had some interesting things to say about creativityWe may live in a knowledge economy in a world, where the most highly-prized people as far as employers are concerned are knowledge workers, but the thing that sets us apart from the machines is not knowledge at all, but creativity. Acquiring managing and sharing knowledge is essential, but it’s what we do with it that really matters. So it’s no surprise that creativity has become the de facto Holy Grail for many modern businesses.

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Firms do not know how to measure productivity

Firms do not know how to measure productivity

A new report claims to reveal fresh insights into how firms assess workplace productivity. The report, published by Jabra,  argues that many businesses cannot decide how to tackle the problem of measuring productivity – or who is ultimately responsible for doing so. The report is based on interviews with 688 CEOs and board level executives in the US, UK, France, Germany, Sweden and Denmark.

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Working from home up more than a quarter in decade

Working from home up more than a quarter in decade

Young woman working from homeThere are 374,000 more employees working from home than 10 years ago, new TUC analysis published today to mark Work Wise UK’s National Work from Home Day implies. The analysis suggests a 27.7 percent increase in the number of homeworkers in the last decade. But not enough bosses are giving their workers the option of homeworking, which could help people to see more of their family and improve work-life balance. More →