Search Results for: employee

Over-55s feel full force of workplace ageism

Over-55s feel full force of workplace ageism

over-55sMore than two thirds (68 percent) of over-55s feel that the job market is closed to them, despite one in four wanting to work into their 80s, according to a study commissioned by 55/Redefined and ProAge. More →

DESSO Serene and Serene Colour carpet tiles for offices that people want to return to

DESSO Serene and Serene Colour carpet tiles for offices that people want to return to

Working from home has not only laid bare just how much we miss interaction with colleagues, but also how the office could and should support employees to work and feel better, so that they will not only feel safe to return, but will want to return. Through Tarkett’s extensive research on office worker’s attitudes towards returning to the office, a successful workplace that supports employees to thrive needs to prioritise collaboration, flexibility and sustainability. More →

Arrival of paperless office may have been accelerated by lockdowns

Arrival of paperless office may have been accelerated by lockdowns

paperless officeOne of the least talked about potential casualties of the recent lockdowns is the printed page. In a sign that the arrival of the paperless office may have been accelerated, total worldwide page volumes printed from office and home devices plummeted nearly 14 percent year in 2020 after several years of stable but slow decline. According to the research from International Data Corporation (IDC), 2.8 trillion pages were printed in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic and the dramatic shift from offices to work from home models are behind the sharp decline, even for those who can manage to get a printer to work in the first place. More →

Negative perceptions of remote work persist among both managers and workers

Negative perceptions of remote work persist among both managers and workers

remote workNew research from the US based Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) claims that there are widespread, persistent negative perceptions of remote work amongst line managers who are likely to express a preference for local work. In addition, remote workers themselves continue to express reservations about losing opportunities for networking and increased pay. More than two thirds of supervisors of remote workers surveyed by SHRM, or 67 percent, admit to considering remote workers more easily replaceable than onsite workers at their organization, 62 percent believe full-time remote work is detrimental to employees’ career objectives and 72 percent say they would prefer all of their subordinates to be working in the office. More →

Pleasanteeism plagues UK businesses as many mask mental health issues

Pleasanteeism plagues UK businesses as many mask mental health issues

Pleasanteeism‘Pleasanteeism’ – the pressure to put on a brave face – is undermining efforts to promote an open dialogue about mental health at work, according to new research by Lime, which is urging the UK’s businesses to take simple steps to help employees improve their mental health. More →

Data breaches caused by phishing is a problem for most organisations now

Data breaches caused by phishing is a problem for most organisations now

phishing and data breachesEgress’ 2021 Insider Data Breach Survey claims that almost three-quarters (73 percent) of organisations have suffered data breaches caused by phishing attacks in the last year. Remote work has increased the risk, with over half (53 percent) of IT leaders reporting an increase in incidents caused by phishing. More →

No rush to get back to the office despite easing of restrictions

No rush to get back to the office despite easing of restrictions

Why rush back to the office?Restrictions may have been lifted but there is no major rush for everyone to head back to the office. Many firms are being cautious about bringing employees back and the official government guidance is for employers to plan a gradual, safe return to places of work. Official guidelines aside, this doesn’t even start to factor in employees’ own attitudes to being back in the office. Certainly, there are plenty of people itching to be in and amongst the buzz of an office, popping out somewhere different each day for lunch and having that commute to distance work and home life. More →

Shared parental leave pioneered by Nordic and Eastern European countries

Shared parental leave pioneered by Nordic and Eastern European countries

shared parental leaveThroughout the pandemic many workplaces have offered their employees more flexibility. Flexible working options such as adjusting hours, days, or place of work, are attractive to many employees. New research by Bupa claims that 27 percent of working parents want to see more flexibility at work, too. One area that’s surged in popularity over recent months is shared parental leave. This is where both parents can take time off in a more flexible way during a baby’s first year. The new research claims there has been a 33 percent increase in Google UK searches for ‘shared parental leave’ over the past year, too. More →

Majority of people would cycle to work if their employer offered better facilities

Majority of people would cycle to work if their employer offered better facilities

cycleEmployers should be doing more to encourage staff to start commuting into the office by bicycle, suggests research from Graham Coffey & Co.Solicitors. Ahead of Cycle to Work Day (August 5th), the law firm surveyed more than 1,500 people to better understand attitudes towards cycling safety and what can be done to make cycling a more attractive prospect for employees. More →

Employers believe the way we work has changed forever

Employers believe the way we work has changed forever

working After more than a year of remote working, the majority of UK workers are well-versed in office-free employment. We’ve had plenty of time to think about how the experience has affected our working habits. Gazprom Marketing & Trading surveyed 1,000 employees across a range of sectors, asking participants about their working hours, mental health, and the challenges they’ve encountered along the way. More →

Inclusive workplaces will be focus of new disability strategy

Inclusive workplaces will be focus of new disability strategy

two people talking to illustrate inclusive workplacesA new strategy from the UK government promises more inclusive workplaces, easier commuting and better job prospects for millions of disabled people. The strategy sets out 100 immediate commitments supported by £1.6bn of funding alongside an ambitious agenda for future reform. As well as inclusive workplaces, the strategy covers a range of other areas including accessible housing and better access to justice, culture and the arts. More →

Differing global vaccine programmes create challenges for employers with overseas staff

Differing global vaccine programmes create challenges for employers with overseas staff

overseasThe situation across the world is at hugely differing stages with regards to the Covid pandemic. Many employees have been abroad throughout the pandemic and more will now be going overseas as lockdown in the UK eases.
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