May 25, 2021
Search Results for: employees
May 14, 2021
One in five employees now more comfortable taking a sick day
by Jayne Smith • News, Wellbeing, Working lives
New research from Love Energy Savings claims that one in five people are now more comfortable taking a sick day compared to pre-pandemic. This is in stark contrast to their findings pre-pandemic, when they found that 80 percent of UK employees went to work when sick, with one in 10 people attributing this to employee pressure and one in five to not wanting to let their teammates down. More →
April 28, 2021
Strong mutual trust between managers and employees boosts company’s financial performance
by Jayne Smith • Business, News, Working culture
Companies that have a high-level of mutual trust between their management and employees are much more likely to have a greater economic and financial performance, according to new research from Durham University Business School. More →
April 22, 2021
Business leaders lose touch with remote working employees
by Jayne Smith • Business, Flexible working, News
EMEA business leaders are out of touch with what employees want in the hybrid workplace experience, and 66 percent of organisations plan to adopt a different operating model than they had before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new survey from Unisys Corporation. More →
April 21, 2021
HR professionals expect employees to split their time between the office and home
by Jayne Smith • Flexible working, News, Working lives
Research commissioned by CANCOM, conducted with UK HR professionals about post-COVID work habits claims that only one-in-ten organisations does not intend to run a hybrid way of working – with nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of HR professionals of the opinion that employees will divide their time between the office and home after all COVID restrictions have lifted. More →
April 19, 2021
Over a third of employees worry about job security if they report an accident at work
by Jayne Smith • News, Wellbeing, Working culture
Employees would worry about the security of their job if they were to report suffering an injury in the workplace, claims new research carried out by JMW Solicitors. More than 1,200 people were surveyed and results claim that 39 percent either ‘strongly agreed’ or ‘agreed’ that they were worried their job would be at risk if they reported their employer for negligence. More →
April 14, 2021
The digital transformation dilemma: UK employees want pandemic-era tech to stay
by Jayne Smith • News, Technology, Working lives
As the UK prepares to return to normal in the coming months and industries reopen, research from The Workforce Institute at UKG claims that as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, 87 percent of UK workers have been propelled into the future of work by accelerating their digital transformation projects. Furthermore, 86 percent are enjoying the benefits of these new technologies, and 38 percent are fearful that their organisation will go back to the “old way” of doing things post-pandemic. More →
March 26, 2021
Remote working one year on: three-quarters of employees feel worse
by Jayne Smith • Flexible working, News, Wellbeing
Remote workers are still struggling with distracting working environments, stress and an ‘always-on’ culture after a year of working from home. Egress’ Remote working: one year on report claims that three-quarters of remote workers reported feeling worse as a result of long-term working from home, with almost over one-third (39 percent) feeling more stressed. More →
March 26, 2021
Do business leaders trust employees when they work outside the office?
by Jayne Smith • Business, Flexible working, News
Remote work, rapidly accelerated by the pandemic, is now essential to business success and worker productivity. However, as parts of the world open up and hybrid work becomes a reality, research claims that companies must invest in establishing flexible work policies and programs, and address a sizeable disconnect in trust between decision makers and employees, according to a Forrester study commissioned by LogMeIn, Inc. More →
April 26, 2021
What are the limits of an employer’s duty of care to employees?
by Helen Jamieson • Comment, Wellbeing