February 27, 2018
Fifth of employees think the stated core values and vision of their company do not reflect reality
Over a quarter (27 percent) of employees in the UK feel their organisation’s vision or values have too much corporate jargon and almost one in five (18 percent) say they don’t reflect what the company is actually like, claims a new survey. Research by Rungway found that more than half (52 percent) of employees can’t recite their organisation’s vision, and nearly half (49 percent) can’t recite their organisation’s values. Two in five (39 percent) also said they wish they had more involvement in contributing to their company’s vision and values. Among demographics, men (45 percent) are more likely than women (32 percent) to want to be involved in contributing to the company’s vision or values than women, and those aged 25 to 34-years-old are the most likely to be able to recite their company’s vision and values (both 64 percent). That said, they are also the most likely (31 percent) among age groups to say the vision and values have too much corporate jargon.