Search Results for: flex

A brief history of the working week

A brief history of the working week


The conversation about how we change the working week has centred on determining rigid times and places of work. But there is another wayThere’s a lot to be said for not being slaves to the clock and the screen. Ironically, the way we measure time has its roots in a famous instance of daydreaming. The story goes that in 1583 a young student at the University of Pisa called Galileo Galilei was daydreaming in the pews while his fellow students were dutifully reciting their prayers. He noticed that one of the altar lamps was swaying back and forth and even as its energy dissipated, the arc of each swing slowed so that each took the same amount of time as the last, measured against his own pulse. More →

Hybrid workers are more likely than colleagues to report poor mental health

Hybrid workers are more likely than colleagues to report poor mental health

Hybrid workers are the group most likely to say that work has a negative toll on their mental health, according to a new surveyHybrid workers are the group most likely to say that work has a negative toll on their mental health, according to a new survey from Pluxee UK. Two-fifths (42 percent) of hybrid workers reported that work negatively affects their mental wellbeing, compared to 32 percent of fully remote and 30 percent of fully office-based employees. The report claims thatits  findings highlight that while hybrid working offers flexibility, it requires thoughtful support to ensure employee wellbeing and work-life balance. More →

Is this last orders for the post-work drink?

Is this last orders for the post-work drink?


The traditional post-work drink may be falling from favour as a shift in attitudes means people increasingly prefer daytime social gatherings, a new poll claimsThe traditional post-work drink may be falling from favour as a shift in attitudes and working culture means people increasingly prefer daytime social gatherings, a new poll claims. Employers are being encouraged to move away from pub outings as a means of socialising, instead fostering “inclusive and healthy workplace cultures” that cater to employees who don’t drink alcohol or work remotely. As four different generations now share the workplace, new expectations around employee health and wellbeing are emerging, according to the survey commissioned by the International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD). More →

How do you encourage people to spend more time in the office? Here are seven things to consider

How do you encourage people to spend more time in the office? Here are seven things to consider


In a world in which people have more choice about how and where to work, how do you encourage people to spend more time in the office without issuing controversial mandates?

In a world in which people have more choice about how and where to work, how do you encourage people to spend more time in the office without issuing controversial mandates? Some of the UK’s most high-profile workplace, design, property and facilities management experts met recently at the London showroom of MillerKnoll to discuss the answers to this, one of the most vexed questions of recent years. How do you create workplaces that meet the needs of people who have more choices than ever of how, when and where to work? And its corollary: if you want people to spend more time in the office with each other, how do you entice them to do so without making it an obligation? More →

Women find it more difficult to separate remote work from their family lives

Women find it more difficult to separate remote work from their family lives


Remote work has often been lauded as a potential solution to gender inequality, given its flexibility, however these findings showcase that personal circumstances still have an effect on women’s careers.Women have much more difficulty separating their working lives and their family lives when they work from home, than men do, according to new research from Durham University Business School. Remote work has often been lauded as a potential solution to gender inequality, given its flexibility, however these findings showcase that personal circumstances still have an effect on women’s careers. More →

Capital One Office upgrades classic Zumtobel luminaire

Capital One Office upgrades classic Zumtobel luminaire

Capital One were still happy with the look and feel of their classic TECTON lighting system, but in search of improved efficiency, once again turned to Zumtobel for a fresh solutionTwenty years on financial services giant Capital One were still happy with the look and feel of their classic TECTON lighting system, but in search of improved efficiency, once again turned to Zumtobel for a fresh solution. Trent House, Nottingham, is financial services’ giant Capital One’s European HQ. It recently underwent a major remodelling project to create a stimulating and responsive working environment. In the dynamic landscape of corporate transformations, Capital One took a strategic leap to refurbish its 1st and 2nd floors, embarking on a journey towards modernisation and efficiency. Partnering with Zumtobel, a trusted name in lighting solutions, the project aimed to breathe new life into its 20-year-old Zumtobel TECTON System. More →

How can companies address the skills gap and ongoing talent shortage in their industry?

How can companies address the skills gap and ongoing talent shortage in their industry?


Employers can, however, take proactive measures to address these problems and thrive by implementing smart solutions and adopting innovative tactics like Employer of Record (EOR) services to acquire top talent and bridge the skills gapThe modern business landscape is facing a significant challenge: a growing skills gap and a persistent talent shortage across various industries. Companies are finding it difficult to find qualified candidates with the necessary skills to fill important roles as technology changes quickly and job requirements change. This talent shortage may hinder general productivity, growth, and innovation. Employers can, however, take proactive measures to address these problems and thrive by implementing smart solutions and adopting innovative tactics like Employer of Record (EOR) services to acquire top talent. More →

Remote work is holding back innovation, study claims

Remote work is holding back innovation, study claims

Remote work and 'hybrid working' models may greatly enhance employees' work-life balance, but new research suggests they might also be stifling innovationRemote work and ‘hybrid working’ models may greatly enhance employees’ work-life balance, but new research suggests they might also be stifling innovation. The study, led by economists from the University of Essex and the University of Chicago found that employees who worked in a hybrid model were less likely to come up with innovative ideas compared to their colleagues who always worked in the office. Additionally, employees working entirely from home tended to produce lower quality ideas than those who consistently worked in the office. More →
Tech workers and young people will need a major skills upgrade if they are to keep up with AI

Tech workers and young people will need a major skills upgrade if they are to keep up with AI

The vast majority (92 percent) of ICT roles are expected to undergo big changes as a result of advancements in AIThe vast majority (92 percent) of ICT roles are expected to undergo big changes as a result of advancements in artificial intelligence and the technology continues to transform the information and communications (ICT) sector according to a new report from tech giants, Cisco, Microsoft and Google. The AI-enabled ICT Workforce Consortium, led by Cisco has published the “Transformational Opportunity of AI on ICT Jobs” report, offering guidance on the areas for of concern for workers to reskill in response to the evolving job landscape. This transformation will impact professionals in 47 ICT roles, including cybersecurity, data science and software development, according to the report. More →

Challenging the concept of work-life balance as we know it

Challenging the concept of work-life balance as we know it

Rather than encouraging people to aim for the mythical work-life balance, why not support them to experiment with opportunities?The notion of work-life balance has been talked about for decades with the underlying claim that if you achieve it, everything will be perfect. In post-Covid workplaces, hybrid working is becoming the norm and promises of flexibility and yoga on a Thursday lunchtime adorn recruitment adverts. From a distance, it would be easy to think we’ve now nailed the work-life balance challenge. Yet hybrid working hasn’t waved a magic wand and many people struggling feel more like a circus performer, juggling with different-sized objects with sharp corners, whilst riding a unicycle, than they do a calm and collected master balancer. More →

How do you encourage people to spend more time in the office? Find out in our special report

How do you encourage people to spend more time in the office? Find out in our special report

If you want people to spend more time in the office with each other, how do you entice them to do so without making it an obligation?In a world in which people have more choice about how and where to work, how can organisations meet their diverse and ever-changing needs? And how can they attract them to the office without issuing controversial mandates? Some of the UK’s most high-profile workplace, design, property and facilities management experts met recently at the London showroom of MillerKnoll to discuss one of the most vexed questions of recent years. Namely, how do you create workplaces that meet the needs of people who have more choices than ever of how, when and where to work? And its corollary: if you want people to spend more time in the office with each other, how do you entice them to do so without making it an obligation? More →

If you offer people universal basic income, they work less but have more choice, study finds

If you offer people universal basic income, they work less but have more choice, study finds

A new study from the Open Research Lab found that while unconditional cash transfers such as universal basic income slightly reduced employment rates and work hours, they increased the financial stability and agency of recipientsA new study from the Open Research Lab found that while unconditional cash transfers such as universal basic income slightly reduced employment rates and work hours, they increased the financial stability and agency of recipients. People were 2 percent less likely to be employed and worked 1.3 fewer hours weekly but had higher incomes when including the cash transfers. The financial support allowed individuals to pursue education, caregiving, health improvements, and more meaningful work. Overall, cash transfers provided recipients with the flexibility to make employment decisions aligned with their personal goals and circumstances. More →