Search Results for: information

Information Commissioner warns on poor BYOD practice

Data theftThe Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has published new guidance on the practice of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) following the findings of a YouGov poll  which reported that while nearly half of UK workers use  their own phones, tablets and other devices for work, under a third of have been offered any form of formal guidance by employers. The ICO warns that without a policy or guidance in place, staff run the risk of theft of their personal information and other data.  In addition, employers need to be reminded that the Data Protection Act is also relevant for personal technology used in a work context.

Shortage of high-quality data threatens the AI ‘boom’

Shortage of high-quality data threatens the AI ‘boom’

A number of fundamental issues, including a shortage of high-quality data with which to ‘train’ the technology is threaten the AI ‘boom’, according to a new white paper from the Open Data InstituteA number of fundamental issues, including a shortage of high-quality data with which to ‘train’ the technology is threatening the AI ‘boom’, according to a new white paper from the Open Data Institute. The paper Building a better future with data and AI is based on research carried out by the Institute in the first half of 2024. It claims to identify significant weaknesses in the UK’s technological infrastructure that threaten the predicted potential gains – for people, society, and the economy – from the surge of interest in artificial intelligence and its applications. It also outlines the ODI’s recommendations for creating diverse, fair data-centric AI. More →

Increase in social media use and ‘doomscrolling’ could affect mental health and productivity in Gen-Z workers

Increase in social media use and ‘doomscrolling’ could affect mental health and productivity in Gen-Z workers

doomscrollingNuffield Health’s 2024 ‘Healthier Nation Index’ – a survey of 8,000 UK adults has highlighted how the young workforce is more social media obsessed than ever before. The study claims that social media use has increased for Gen-Z, with 16-24-year-olds spending over two hours a day doomscrolling on social media apps like TikTok, Instagram and Facebook per day (129 minutes), which is a seven percent increase and nearly ten minutes more a day than they were last year (119 minutes). This is four times the daily recommended amount for improved wellbeing. More →

CIBSE and IBPSA-England announce their partnership for 2025 Technical Symposium

CIBSE and IBPSA-England announce their partnership for 2025 Technical Symposium

CIBSE and IBPSA-England are pleased to unveil their partnership for the upcoming 2025 Technical Symposium.CIBSE and IBPSA-England are pleased to unveil their partnership for the upcoming 2025 Technical Symposium. This joint effort merges two premier events in building performance and sustainable design: CIBSE’s annual Technical Symposium and IBPSA-England’s biennial Building Simulation and Optimisation event. Themed “Fit for 2050 – Achieving Net-Zero through Intelligent, Resilient and Sustainable Design in the Built Environment,” the CIBSE IBPSA-England Technical Symposium 2025 aims to serve as a platform for the latest research and innovations in sustainable practices. This partnership underscores a shared dedication to advancing knowledge and best practices in building performance. More →

How IT Simplification creates a superior Digital Employee Experience

How IT Simplification creates a superior Digital Employee Experience

Digital Employee Experience refers to the quality of employees' interactions with technology in their work environment, and as remote work becomes the norm, a seamless DEX is crucial. The workplace continues to evolve rapidly, with the shift to hybrid models now featuring heavily in employees’ expectations. Indeed, a recent global study of workers from 11 countries, including the UK, shows 44 percent of employees prefer hybrid work. This new chapter in workplace dynamics could explain Gartner’s recent research, which has shown a growing focus on the Digital Employee Experience (DEX). The findings revealed that by 2025 half of IT organisations will have a DEX strategy, up from just 20 percent in 2023. DEX refers to the quality of employees’ interactions with technology in their work environment, and as remote work becomes the norm, a seamless DEX is crucial. More →

Recovery Journey: Starting Fresh After Addiction

Recovery Journey: Starting Fresh After Addiction

Recovery is not just a destination; it’s a continuous journey that requires perseverance, commitment, and courage. Those taking the brave step to start over after addiction often finds themselves at the threshold of transformation met with challenges yet ushered into a period of profound personal growth. Embracing sobriety means more than abstaining from substances — it involves redefining one’s life and identity. Below, we delve into the various aspects of navigating the winding road to recovery and sustaining sobriety. More →

We still display status in office design, but in new and subtle ways

We still display status in office design, but in new and subtle ways

There was a time, not so long ago, that one of the most important factors to consider when designing an office was the corporate hierarchy. The office was once the  embodiment of the corporate structure. In Joanna Eley and Alexi Marmot’s 1995 book Understanding Offices, quite a lot of space is dedicated to the idea of the ‘space pyramid’, which means simply that the higher up the organisation you were, the more space you were allocated. Even then, the idea of office design as a signifier of dominance was starting to wear thin, as the authors acknowledge. Ostentatious displays of status were already seen as somewhat gauche, but they were to be fatally undermined by the technological advances to come.

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Book review – Working Assumptions by Julia Hobsbawm

Book review – Working Assumptions by Julia Hobsbawm

This is almost certainly the most important book about work and workplaces to appear in the first half of this year. Working Assumptions by Julia Hobsbawm will be one of the two most important published this year, as we shall soon discover. It is also one packed with wisdom, knowledge and a central premise that is undoubtedly true. Namely that the events of the past four years have given us the opportunity to rethink how we work and so how we spend our days and our lives more generally. More →

Incoming government sets out its plans for changes to employment law

Incoming government sets out its plans for changes to employment law

One of the Labour Party's key pledges during the election was to initiate a large-scale reform of UK employment law within the first 100 days of taking officeOne of the Labour Party’s key pledges during the election was to initiate a large-scale reform of UK employment law within the first 100 days of taking office. As a result, we can expect some changes relatively quickly, although it may take some time for many of them to become law. The proposed reforms are set out in their ‘Plan to Make Work Pay: Delivering a New Deal for Working People’ and highlight what UK employers can expect to see immediately and in the future. More →

Understanding enterprise search software and its importance in the business landscape

Understanding enterprise search software and its importance in the business landscape

Businessman using enterprise search tool and talking on the phoneAs the digital landscape of business continues to expand, the ability to navigate vast repositories of information swiftly and accurately is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. In this article, we will explore the span of enterprise search, its central features, and the positive outcomes it ripples through an organization. Keep reading to understand how enterprise search software can transform your business processes. More →

Supporting young cancer survivors in the workplace

Supporting young cancer survivors in the workplace

The growing number of people, especially young people, working with cancer creates a new challenge for HR leaders: are their organisation adequately supporting employees facing cancer? And what truly constitutes best practice in this context?Cancer rates in under-50s have surged by 24 percent since 1995, despite common misconceptions that it primarily affects older generations. With this alarming increase, more young professionals are being diagnosed and returning to the work in the midst of their treatment and recovery. The growing number of people, especially young people, working with cancer creates a new challenge for HR leaders: are their organisation adequately supporting people? And what truly constitutes best practice in this context? More →

Introducing Planters by Bisley

Introducing Planters by Bisley

The Bisley range of complementary planters are the perfect addition for bringing the outside inWe know that biophilic elements are key to boosting mental and physical wellness. The Bisley range of complementary planters are the perfect addition for bringing the outside in. The benefits of biophilia are endless, including reduced employee absenteeism, improved health, reduced stress levels, an increase in mood and mental restoration. And it’s something that many businesses have embraced with open arms. Some spaces are even taking it to the next level by planting full sized trees in the lobby or reception, while greenery is appearing in lights, fixtures, and furniture throughout the office. More →