October 9, 2023
The future of work has no destination, there is only the journey
One of the truisms about depictions of the future is that they often have more to say about the world in which we live than the one to come. So, when George Orwell wrote Nineteen Eighty-Four the story goes that its title was derived by inverting the numbers of the year in which it was written – 1948. Whatever the truth of this, Orwell understood it was a book as much about the world in which he lived as the one it portrayed. Our images of the future are invariably refracted through the prism of the present. This is just as true for predictions about the future of work, many of which are explored in the new issue of IN Magazine.
December 8, 2023
Ten years of Insight and a few things I think I know (one of our most read pieces this year)
by Mark Eltringham • Comment, Flexible working, Technology, Workplace, Workplace design