Search Results for: office design

Ten years of Insight and a few things I think I know (one of our most read pieces this year)

Ten years of Insight and a few things I think I know (one of our most read pieces this year)

This website started in late 2012 as a way for me to explore both a new media format and a new way of thinking about work and workplaces. I’d already been active in various roles in the workplace, design and facilities sector for twenty odd years, but needed a new challenge. And this was it. I was going for a ride with an idea to see where it went. More →

The future of work has no destination, there is only the journey

The future of work has no destination, there is only the journey

One of the truisms about depictions of the future is that they often have more to say about the world in which we live than the one to come. So, when George Orwell wrote  Nineteen Eighty-Four the story goes that its title was derived by inverting the numbers of the year in which it was written – 1948. Whatever the truth of this, Orwell understood it was a book as much about the world in which he lived as the one it portrayed. Our images of the future are invariably refracted through the prism of the present. This is just as true for predictions about the future of work, many of which are explored in the new issue of IN Magazine.

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Are the days of landmark corporate headquarters over?

Are the days of landmark corporate headquarters over?

There’s something in the idea that the creation of a bespoke, landmark corporate headquarters is a sign that something has gone wrong - or is about to - for the firm behind it.There’s something in the idea that the creation of a bespoke, landmark corporate headquarters is a sign that something has gone wrong – or is about to – for the firm behind it. I’d first developed or come across this idea when visiting British Airway’s Waterside building in the late 1990s. At the time it was arguably the most talked about office building in the world, lauded for its inbuilt urban landscape, mix of settings and humane, biophilic design features. More →

From the archive: The way to create a successful workplace is simple, but never easy

From the archive: The way to create a successful workplace is simple, but never easy

This was originally published in December 2020. All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. As is now the way of these things, the famous opening words of Anna Karenina have been used to name a principle that is applied across a wide range of fields. It describes how success can only happen in one way, but failure comes in many forms. More →

The Works Place

Can we talk about sustainable design?

“There are no solutions, there are only trade-offs; and you try to get the best trade-off you can get, that’s all you can hope for.”

Does Thomas Sowell’s (in)famous dictum about the harsh reality of economics and existence describe a permanent condition for sustainable design? Are the materials, supply chains and processes we use merely less worse than their alternatives or can we hope to achieve something that is genuinely better?

That is one of the many complex questions we’ll be addressing at a new interactive event we are hosting at the London Design Festival this year. And we’d love you to come talk to us about it as we look for some answers to the most pressing issues of our time. You can book tickets here.

We have created a space and conversation forum that will showcase the latest and most innovative thinking on sustainable design, circularity, new materials and innovation. Known as The Works Place, products and ideas will be presented in a range of working settings. And most importantly it’s a chance to talk and share your views about what is possible and what we might dream to do better.

Partners include Flokk, Area, Mater, Humanscale, The Collective Agency, Material Matters, Woven Image, Crafting Plastics, Obo, Future Designs, Women in Office Design and The Sustainable Design Collective.

The Works Place is at the iconic five-storey Bargehouse building from 20-23 September as part of Material Matters.

The words we borrow from other languages to talk about work and wellbeing

The words we borrow from other languages to talk about work and wellbeing

We are prone to borrow words from other languages to express ideas that otherwise need some explaining in English. This includes the way we talk about work, and specially the way we talk about wellbeing and happinessWe are prone to borrow nuanced words from other languages to express ideas that otherwise need some explaining in English. This includes the way we talk about work, and especially the way we talk about wellbeing and happiness. Perhaps most famously, there was a lot of talk about hygge a couple of years ago. A straight dictionary translation of hygge would be something like cosiness, but the word also embodies an emotion and an approach to life that embraces a certain degree of slowness and an enjoyment of the present moment. It’s no coincidence that it became modish in a distracted and hurried world. Although the concept is usually referred to as Danish, the word itself is shared with Norwegian, which also offers us the word koselig, which means cosiness but also hints at it being best enjoyed at a fireside. More →

Issue 16 of IN magazine is now available for you

Issue 16 of IN magazine is now available for you

The new issue of IN Magazine is now available to read online. The print edition will be posted shortly.The new issue of IN Magazine is now available to read online. The print edition will be posted shortly. In this issue, we look at the ongoing shift in the way we think about work and workplaces but without falling back on the simple, cliched thinking that defines much of that conversation. We consider what happens now for the world’s fringe business districts as Canary Wharf sets out its plans for the future in the wake of HSBC’s announced departure. We report on how domestic design is changing in response to a rapidly evolving world. We look at how the changing work practices of architects are playing out in buildings and cities. And we announce details of our first major event. More →

What Aldous Huxley can teach us about acoustics and distractions at work

What Aldous Huxley can teach us about acoustics and distractions at work

Aldous Huxley who had some thoughts on acoustics and unwanted noiseOver the last few years there has been something of a loud and widespread backlash to the idea that we need to have constant access to information and our colleagues to work effectively. The touchstone for this pushback is of course the open plan office which has become something of a scapegoat for the universal problem of interruption and distraction and a renewed interest in the complexities of acoustics in office design. It is also one of the main reasons people prefer to work anywhere other than offices some or all of the time. More →

Are workplace gyms and other perks out of step with hybrid working?

Are workplace gyms and other perks out of step with hybrid working?

Are workplace gyms and other traditional workplace perks still as relevant in the hybrid working era, asks Anthony ThompsonIt should go without saying that looking after employee mental health and wellbeing is important. If employers do not prioritise employee wellbeing, the whole team can feel the impact of this. There is compelling evidence that suggests strong employee wellbeing is a precursor to a more resilient workforce, which enjoys better staff retention, engagement and productivity, as well as reduced absenteeism. More →

Casala launches Omega – a new but classically beautiful chair with outstanding environmental credentials

Casala launches Omega – a new but classically beautiful chair with outstanding environmental credentials

Sustainable office design pioneer Casala has added to its portfolio of ground-breaking products with the launch of the Omega range of seating. Omega is a stylish and comfortable seating range, unmistakeable thanks to its slender shell made from recycled PET felt, combined with a lightweight steel frame. The diversity of the product family makes Omega a multifunctional all-rounder for the office, receptions, hospitality and break out spaces. More →

BCO Awards for Central England continue focus on wellbeing and the environment

BCO Awards for Central England continue focus on wellbeing and the environment

the BCO Awards for the region set out to recognise projects that demonstrate best practice in office design, fit-out, operation and sustainabilityWhat are claimed to be the Midlands and Central England’s most outstanding workplaces have been announced, with British Council for Offices Awards going to five office buildings across the region. Held at ICC in Birmingham, the BCO Awards for the region set out to recognise projects that demonstrate best practice in office design, fit-out, operation and sustainability. The organisers claims that the winners of this year’s competition in the Midlands and Central England stand out for their user-centred design credentials, as well as their creative implementation of wellbeing and sustainability measures. More →

Environmental concerns and wellbeing continue to dominate BCO Awards

Environmental concerns and wellbeing continue to dominate BCO Awards

As was the case with the winners of other regional BCO awards, the winners of this year’s competition seem to focus on user-centric design, wellbeing and sustainabilityThe BCO Awards for the South of England and South Wales have been announced, with recognition going to six office buildings across the region. Held at The City Hall in Cardiff, the BCO’s annual South of England and South Wales Awards Dinner claims to recognise projects that demonstrate best practice in office design, fit-out, operation and sustainability, setting the standard for excellence across the sector. More →