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The latest edition of the Insight newsletter is now online

2.Insight_twitter_logo smThe April 10 edition of the Insight newsletter is now available to view online covering a range of themes from commercial property to ergonomics, human resources to workplace technology, office design to legislation, all done with the usual verve and willingness to tackle issues in a genuinely engaging and unique way. Office Insight is already the most widely read publication in the UK dedicated to workplace design and management with up to 1,000 unique readers daily. The online newsletter is available to read here and it’s quick and easy to subscribe through the main website if you don’t receive a copy already.

Will an upturn spark a revival of interest in the idea of employer branding?

Employer brandingYou may recall that a few years ago there was a voguish interest in the idea of employer branding. This is the kind of thing that has always gone on but can always be defined and popularised,  in this case following the publication of a book on the subject in 2005. By 2008 Jackie Orme, the head of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, was calling it ‘an integral part of business strategy’. Still, it appears to have dropped off the radar a bit over the last few years, a fact we might put down to the effect of the recession. Firms certainly seem to have their mind on other things. Research published last year by PriceWaterhouseCoopers showed that  in 2009, 54 per cent of businesses said they placed a special focus on retaining talent. By 2012 that had dropped to 36 per cent.

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What Alan Bennett can teach us about taste

Alan BennettThe idea of taste is a strange one, not least when we’re surrounded by people guiding our tastes in everything from cars to wine, food, clothes, house design, office design, restaurants, holidays, language, art, music, books and film. The problem with an acceptance of what we mean by ‘good taste’ is that it acts as a brake on change and innovation. Alan Bennett once made the point in typical style. ‘Taste is timorous, conservative and fearful,’ he wrote. ‘It is a handicap. It stunts. Olivier was unhampered by taste and was often vulgar; Dickens similarly. Both could fail and failure is a sort of vulgarity; but it’s better than a timorous toeing of the line. Taste abuts on self preservation. It is the audience that polices taste. Only if you can forget your audience can you escape.’

Cloud computing set to transform business models

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As an issue explored in our own briefing on the technologies that will do most to transform the workplace during 2013, we know the Cloud is set to be adopted (and understood) by more and more organisations and individuals in the coming year. Doubtless it will follow the usual process of technological adoption as people begin to understand its unintended consequences as well as its uses but it pays to know what some of its implications will be for office designers and managers as shown by this programme from Deloitte.

UK Government set to ditch ‘right to switch off’ and make concessions on other employment rights

UK Government set to ditch ‘right to switch off’ and make concessions on other employment rights

The government is set to abandon plans to introduce a legal right for employees to “switch off” outside working hoursThe government is set to abandon plans to introduce a legal right for employees to “switch off” outside working hours, in a move aimed at easing the burden of Labour’s employment reforms on businesses. The policy was a key element of Sir Keir Starmer’s pledge to establish a “new deal for working people.” Although it was not included in the Employment Rights Bill currently passing through Parliament, ministers had previously committed to implementing a right to switch off in the future. More →

HLW announces three new managing partners as part of new leadership team

HLW announces three new managing partners as part of new leadership team

Design and architecture practice HLW has announced a new Global Leadership Team as the firm enters its 140th year.Design and architecture practice HLW has announced a new Global Leadership Team as the firm enters its 140th year. Established in 1885, HLW has been led by partnership since 1900, when founder Cyrus Eidlitz joined with Andrew McKenzie to pioneer the design of a new building typology. From that foundation, the firm has grown into a dynamic global architecture practice  headquartered in New York with a flagship international office in London, and steward of the built environment. The new Global Leadership team will advance HLW’s legacy of innovation through collaboration in a historic expansion of its governance, codifying the commitment to integrated leadership at an international scale. More →

Getting Zoom fatigue? Chances are you’re tired of looking at yourself

Getting Zoom fatigue? Chances are you’re tired of looking at yourself

New research suggests that excessive self-monitoring during virtual meetings leads to dissatisfaction with appearance and Zoom fatigueThe rise of virtual meetings has transformed workplace communication, offering flexibility and global connectivity. However, this shift has not come without challenges, particularly in the form of virtual meeting (VM) fatigue, commonly referred to as “Zoom fatigue.” A new study published in the journal PLOS One examines how facial appearance dissatisfaction, impression management behaviours, and VM fatigue contribute to the adoption—or rejection—of virtual meeting technologies in professional settings. More →

The constant craving to put numbers on working relationships

The constant craving to put numbers on working relationships

The answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything is not 42, as you may have been led to believe. It’s 1/137 (or near enough). This is the greatest of the two dozen or so universal constants. According to current thinking, without the physical and quantum relationships it describes, the universe as we know it could not exist. More →

Forget all the talk of Blue Monday; work is still (largely) good for us

Forget all the talk of Blue Monday; work is still (largely) good for us

blue mondaySo here it is. Blue Monday. Today. Officially the most depressing day of the year. We say ‘officially’, but like the idea of ‘Body Odour’ its common usage hides the fact that it was originally created as part of a PR campaign, in this case one for Sky’s travel channel in 2005. The whole idea of Blue Monday is couched in a pseudo-mathematical equation which includes factors like the weather, levels of debt, time since Christmas, low levels of motivation and, apparently, an unspecified variable known simply as ‘D’. More →

Here’s how to support neurodivergent employees at work

Here’s how to support neurodivergent employees at work

Neurodivergent employees can offer many benefits to businesses. Employers should focus on retaining this talentBusinesses have much to gain from neurodivergent employees. According to a recent Deloitte report “teams with neurodivergent professionals in some roles can be 30 percent more productive than those without them”. Benefits of neurodivergent individuals to the workplace – according to the CIPD, range from “problem-solving, to creative insights and visual spatial thinking.” More →

NETGEAR adds blazing fast 5G WiFi 6 mobile router to Nighthawk lineup

NETGEAR adds blazing fast 5G WiFi 6 mobile router to Nighthawk lineup

NETGEAR®, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTGR), the provider of award-winning connected products designed to simplify and improve people's lives, has expanded its unlocked 5G mobile router lineup with the launch of the NETGEAR Nighthawk® M3 Mobile Hotspot Router (MH3150).NETGEAR, the provider of award-winning connected products designed to simplify and improve people’s lives, has expanded its unlocked 5G mobile router lineup with the launch of the NETGEAR Nighthawk® M3 Mobile Hotspot Router (MH3150). The new product meets the growing demands for accessible and powerful WiFi coupled with advanced security features anywhere, anytime. More →

Turns out people from Gen Z aren’t bone-idle and unambitious after all

Turns out people from Gen Z aren’t bone-idle and unambitious after all

The work ethic of so-called Gen Z is alive and well, according to a new report. And they want to get on at workMore than a third of office employees (37 percent) feel their work ethic has improved over the past 12 months, according to a new study. This is particularly apparent among younger people such as those belonging to so-called Gen Z, as the figure rises to more than half of those aged 18-24 (55 percent) and 25-34 (57 percent). One in five (22 percent) suggest they ‘always go above and beyond’, with the same number saying that they will ‘do whatever needs to be done to deliver’. More →