Search Results for: opportunities

There will be a near universal adoption of generative AI in businesses, say bosses

There will be a near universal adoption of generative AI in businesses, say bosses

An overwhelming majority (91 percent) of executives say that their companies are now using generative AI or are planning to do so within the next 18 monthsAn overwhelming majority (91 percent) of executives say that their companies are now using generative AI or are planning to do so within the next 18 months, according to a new poll from Thomson Reuters. The Thomson Reuters Future of Professionals C-Suite Survey reported on responses from 148 C-Suite leaders (CFOs, CEOs etc) from the United States, United Kingdom and Canada. The survey suggests that use of AI across businesses is becoming ubiquitous as leaders start to recognize the true potential of the technology, such as in developing new products and driving operational efficiency. More →

Flexible workplace provider creates ‘first ever’ metaverse office

Flexible workplace provider creates ‘first ever’ metaverse office

The flexible workplace provider Clockwise has opened what the firm claims is the first office space in the metaverseThe flexible workplace provider Clockwise has opened what the firm claims is the first office space in the metaverse, the Clockwise Campus.  According to Microsoft, 51 percent of Gen Z expects to be working in the metaverse in some capacity by 2024. The firms say the space is heavily influenced by Clockwise’s physical offices and provides a digital platform for its members and the public to connect, collaborate and interact in various spaces including; meeting rooms, dedicated desks, breakout spaces, call zones and a contemplation room. More →

Women value work-life balance more than men – unless they are a manager

Women value work-life balance more than men – unless they are a manager

Women value their work-life balance much more than men do when at a junior-level on average, but not at the managerial-level, according to new researchWomen value their work-life balance much more than men do when at a junior-level on average, but not at the managerial-level, according to new research by Durham University Business School. The researchers also found that women on the whole were much less satisfied within their job roles than male colleagues who held the same positions. More →

Tailored workplace management for modern organisations

Tailored workplace management for modern organisations

Workplace management used to be a secondary concern for organisations in the past, but it has now become a top priority.Workplace management used to be a secondary concern for organisations in the past, but it has now become a top priority. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the process of digital transformation, leading to the implementation of new processes and technologies that focus on facilitating remote and at-home work. As a result of these changes, organisations have recognized the importance of finding a balance in their work environments. More →

Flexible workspace market will be worth up to $50bn by end of decade

Flexible workspace market will be worth up to $50bn by end of decade

The worldwide flexible workspace market could exceed between 35 and 50 billion US dollars by 2030, reflecting the growing demand for flexible and agile work environmentsAccording to a new market intelligence report, the worldwide flexible workspace market could exceed between 35 and 50 billion US dollars by 2030, reflecting the growing demand for flexible and agile work environments. The report claims that the escalating demand for flexible workspaces is on the rise, propelled by a heightened desire for convenience and comfort in prime locations such as offices and auditoriums. More →

One year on from generative AI hype, people are scared and excited about its use

One year on from generative AI hype, people are scared and excited about its use

Nearly one year after ChatGPT burst into the public consciousness, generative AI (GenAI) has left employees and their organisations both excited and uneasyNearly one year after ChatGPT burst into the public consciousness, generative AI (GenAI) has left employees and their organisations both excited and uneasy. According to a recent study [registration] commissioned by Betterworks and conducted by Propeller Insights, over half of employees are using GenAI at work for complex activities and believe it has the potential to reduce bias across a swath of HR processes, despite the fact that only 41 percent of organisations are actively evaluating it or have made GenAI a priority. At the same time, many employees are concerned about the potential impact of GenAI on both their roles and the possibility of unintentional amplification of bias. More →

Can smart glasses be the key to unlocking productivity in the workplace?

Can smart glasses be the key to unlocking productivity in the workplace?

One of the emerging tools showing immense promise for improving productivity is smart glassesTechnology is the foremost resource for shaping the world—and in the modern workplace, it’s crucial for keeping brands competitive in an increasingly fast-paced business environment. Our article “Why new technologies still make employees happier, healthier, and more efficient” explains that technology must meet increasingly agile strategies like remote work. In these cases, it can help optimise manpower and productivity. As a result, 70 percent of firms believe new technologies improve business resilience. One of the emerging tools showing immense promise for improving productivity is smart glasses. More →

Massive investment programme needed to facilitate carbon neutral future, WEF report claims

Massive investment programme needed to facilitate carbon neutral future, WEF report claims

To facilitate the transition to a more sustainable and carbon-neutral future, $13.5 trillion in investments will be needed by 2050, particularly in the production, energy and transport sectorsTo facilitate the transition to a more sustainable and carbon-neutral future, $13.5 trillion in investments will be needed by 2050, particularly in the production, energy and transport sectors, according to a new World Economic Forum report. The Net-Zero Industry Tracker 2023, published in collaboration with Accenture, takes stock of progress towards net-zero emissions for eight industries – steel, cement, aluminium, ammonia, excluding other chemicals, oil and gas, aviation, shipping and trucking – which depend on fossil fuels for 90 percent of their energy demand and pose some of the most technological and capital-intensive decarbonization challenges. More →

If you want people to feel fulfilled at work, you’d better cough up

If you want people to feel fulfilled at work, you’d better cough up

According to a new poll from United Culture, salary is what makes most people feel fulfilled at workAccording to a new poll from United Culture, salary is what makes most people feel fulfilled at work. More than half of employees (55 percent) ranked it as their key consideration, ahead of ‘softer’ factors such as doing something worthwhile (41 percent), or working with people they like (39 percent). It also ranks significantly higher than opportunities that will play out over the longer term, such as having a clear sense of career progression (37 percent). More →

Most women say menstruation symptoms have a negative impact on their work

Most women say menstruation symptoms have a negative impact on their work

more than two thirds (69 percent) of women have a negative experience at work because of their menstruation symptomsThe latest findings from the CIPD’s report Menstruation and support at work, which surveyed more than 2,000 women, found that more than two thirds (69 percent) of women have a negative experience at work because of their menstruation symptoms. In response, the CIPD is calling on organisations to create awareness, tackle the stigma associated with menstruation and train managers to be confident, comfortable and inclusive when talking to employees about menstrual health. More →

People spending more time in offices in search of social interaction

People spending more time in offices in search of social interaction

Office workers now spend more time in the office, with the average creeping up to three and a half days per week compared to three days in 2022, according to a new report from international law firm, Gowling WLG. The report, titled Strategic moves: why the office is now a business-critical decision [registration], surveyed senior representatives responsible for making office lease decisions in companies, and a selection of office workers. It identifies that a more permanent approach to office usage is now emerging, as the shadow of the pandemic recedes, as well as demonstrating the changing metrics being applied by occupiers to decisions relating to premises requirements and the more complex environment for landlord asset management. More →

One in ten working mothers quit jobs because of childcare pressures

One in ten working mothers quit jobs because of childcare pressures

The ongoing challenges that come with balancing childcare with work have forced over 249,124 working mothers of children aged 4 or under to leave their employerThe ongoing challenges that come from balancing childcare with work have forced over 249,124 working mothers of children aged 4 or under to leave their employer due to a lack of childcare support, according to new research. The new report from Totaljobs and the Fawcett Society, Paths to parenthood: Uplifting new mothers at work, claims to demonstrate the disproportionate impact childcare responsibilities have on women and their careers. More →