Search Results for: productivity

Frontline leaders blocked from strategic decision making

Frontline leaders blocked from strategic decision making

strategicNew research commissioned by Workplace from Facebook claims frontline managers are being shut out from making strategic decisions, due to a prevailing disconnect with leaders in HQ. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic highlighting the importance of the frontline and its leaders, managers in this environment have not been empowered to make decisions. More →

Mentally demanding tasks are harder to handle at home

Mentally demanding tasks are harder to handle at home

Mentally demandingA new study looking at skills in online chess tournaments from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) claims that working from home could be damaging for mentally demanding tasks. More →

Is remote working a ticking timebomb?

Is remote working a ticking timebomb?

Remote workingAt a time when working from home looks set to continue for many in both the short and long term, ‘hidden fractures’ are forming in the workforce which risk causing irreparable damage to cultures and productivity. That’s according to new research from Totem which is urging employers to take action now to better manage remote working and prevent employee engagement and retention levels falling to an all-time low. More →

Younger people most affected by disconnect of remote work

Younger people most affected by disconnect of remote work

remote work and the officeOver a third of younger office workers forced to work from home feel remote, unfocused and less committed to their employers, posing a real threat to businesses in the medium and long term, new research from Oktra claims. Of 1,500 people surveyed, who used to work in an office full time but have been working at home for the last six months, the experience has changed the way that 71 percent of them feel about their employer; 85 percent have struggled with the experience of remote work. More →

Employees want to see a redesign for better hybrid meetings

Employees want to see a redesign for better hybrid meetings

hybridA new global study by Barco ClickShare claims that employees worldwide are desperate to get back to the office and are looking for their employers to invest in a technology-driven hybrid working environment post-COVID-19. The study, which surveyed 1,750 employees around the world through global research panel provider Dynata – claims that only 15 percent of employees want to continue to work from home full-time after COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. More →

Half of Brits would resign if forced to return to the office during the pandemic

Half of Brits would resign if forced to return to the office during the pandemic

pandemicWith current government advice encouraging all those who can work from home to do so, it’s no surprise that Britain’s businesses and employees are navigating a new normal. New research from Owl Labs, sheds light on Britain’s attitudes to work during, and after, a Global Pandemic. More →

The office has the potential to adapt to meet new needs

The office has the potential to adapt to meet new needs

office80 percent of us want to get back to the office, according to a new report from Dale Office Interiors, but only if they become more than just “places to work”. The research, which surveyed the opinions of UK employees and HR professionals, suggests a disconnect between what we believe offices should do, and the performance of our actual real-world offices – a problem HR heads feel is all the more stark now that we face a return to the office in a post-COVID world. More →

The world may be going mad, but we don`t have to

The world may be going mad, but we don`t have to

If you want to determine the nature of anything, entrust it to time: when the sea is stormy, you can see nothing clearly. Seneca’s advice from nearly 2,000 years ago still rings true. More →

Uncompetitive companies pose threat to future prosperity

Uncompetitive companies pose threat to future prosperity

uncompetitive companiesA new model of competitiveness devised by academics at Goldsmiths, University of London in partnership with Microsoft scores almost half (46 percent) of UK firms in the lowest quadrant, posing a threat to Britain’s prosperity as organisations rally from the impact of COVID-19, and prepare for Brexit as UK-EU negotiations reach their conclusion that such uncompetitive companies pose a serious threat to the country’s future prosperity . More →

Matrix of pain threatens new era of hybrid working life

Matrix of pain threatens new era of hybrid working life

hybrid workingOrganisations could be caught up in a matrix of pain if they do not carefully manage the new realities of hybrid working, claims Advanced Workplace Associates (AWA). The management consultancy has identified at least five different classes of workers and failure to create strategies to manage them could lead to a potential loss of momentum and productivity for employers. More →

Working from home seems to relieve the burden of imposter syndrome

Working from home seems to relieve the burden of imposter syndrome

imposter syndromeIn a new study of around 2,000 workers conducted in partnership with the University of Nottingham, Totaljobs claims to have seen a 57 percent decrease in feelings of imposter syndrome compared to a similar survey last year, with just 3 in 10 workers in 2020 finding themselves experiencing feelings of what the study describes as Imposter Phenomenon. The 2019 study claims that 7 in 10 workers in the UK had suffered from complex ‘imposter’ feelings that can sabotage careers and harm our mental health. More →

Home workers in America spend four percent of their week resolving tech issues

Home workers in America spend four percent of their week resolving tech issues

Home workersThere are some good things about working in an office. Constant supplies of tea and coffee (if you’re lucky), gossip with your co-workers, and paper clips in every colour. But one of the best things has to be that when something goes wrong with your computer, the in-house IT helpdesk will have it sorted out quicker than you can say ‘so which buttons do you want me to press?!’ However, home workers don’t have this luxury. More →