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Did you hear the one about offices and creativity?

Did you hear the one about offices and creativity?

the places we go for ideas

There is a famous episode of Seinfeld in which the character George is insulted in a business meeting and only thinks of a perfect retort while driving away from the office. This being George, he decides that he doesn’t want to waste his ‘killer line’ so engineers a second meeting so he can use it with the person who had insulted him, only for it to blow up in his face yet again. It’s an example of what the French refer to as l’esprit de l’escalier and the Germans as Treppenwitz, in both languages the wit you develop on a staircase.

It describes the phenomenon we all experience of having our best ideas when we stop trying to have them. When our mind wanders, and especially when the body is wandering too, it is free to have its own moments of insight and inspiration. And, contrary to the idea that structured collaboration leads to good ideas, when we are alone.

Unsurprisingly, there are good reasons why this happens. In his book The Eureka Factor: Aha Moments, Creative Insight, and the BrainProfessor John Kounios argues that our brains have essentially two ways of solving problems. One is analytical in which we use a rigid methodology to arrive at a solution. It is based on the frontal lobe of our brains that is responsible for attention, organising information and focus. The other is one where we experience a eureka moment in which an idea seems to pop out of nowhere.

His own insights into these phenomena are based on his research into what happens to the brain when it has ideas or solves problems. Using neuroimaging technology, he and his fellow researchers invited a number of research subjects to solve puzzles. What they found was that shortly before a burst of activity in the right temporal lobe of the brain indicating a moment of inspiration, the brain would shut down its own visual cortex which processes sight and perception.

Kounios and his fellow researchers compare it to the way we might close our eyes or look away immediately before a eureka moment. For a moment we become unaware of our surroundings while the idea flares into being. The brief change in function in the brain allows it to focus inwards and use the subconscious to make links between information it has stored and then present it to our conscious mind.

By contrast, when thinking methodically about a problem, the brain uses the frontal lobe to focus attention outwards to acquire as much information as it possibly can.



The process of having creative epiphanies is best served when we are not in a methodical frame of mind and ideally when we are not processing information in a formal way. That is why a walk in the park, a change of activity or setting or doing something routine like taking a shower are conducive to those aha moments. Sitting at our workstation in an office may be a great way of completing many tasks, but it is not necessarily suited to the creative spark.

Merely being in the outdoors or being able to perceive the natural world from our place in the office building can release endorphins and increase our feelings of wellbeing, putting the brain into the right frame of mind for an aha moment. Stepping away from a problem also gives the brain a chance to place less emphasis on its frontal lobe and allows the subconscious to intervene.

A study published in the Journal Psychological Science called Inspired by Distraction: Mind Wandering Facilitates Creative Incubation found that when we create the conditions in which our minds can wander, the brain makes connections between pieces of information unconsciously, massively increasing our ability to have revelatory insights and ideas.

We can achieve this by doing simple things like exercising outdoors, going for a walk or simply relaxing, by changing our behaviours but also by changing our surroundings. An office that encourages people to move and be aware of the natural world is not just good for physical and psychological wellbeing, it allows us to work in different ways that are best suited to the ways our brains function.

That includes moments of doing nothing in particular or sitting back or closing our eyes or simply walking up some stairs to tap the potential for creativity we all have hidden within.


GenAI will change the nature of work and encourage people to spend more time working together

GenAI will change the nature of work and encourage people to spend more time working together

UK chief executives see implementing Generative AI (GenAI) as an opportunity to change the nature of work and create highly skilled workforces without reducing the number of jobs in the marketUK chief executives see implementing Generative AI (GenAI) as an opportunity to change the nature of work and create highly skilled workforces without reducing the number of jobs in the market, according to KPMG’s 10th annual CEO Outlook survey. KPMG surveyed more than 1,300 CEOs around the world – 150 in the UK – in July and August, revealing that two thirds of UK CEOs (65 percent and 76 percent globally) see GenAI as a positive disruptor with 68 percent (65 percent globally) agreeing that GenAI remains a top investment priority. More →

Third of people would like workplace AI ban, half feel jobs are insecure

Third of people would like workplace AI ban, half feel jobs are insecure

A new poll from CYPHER Learning claims that one in three workers would like to see AI banned from the workplace, while nearly half express concern that AI poses a threat to their future job securityA new poll from CYPHER Learning claims that one in three workers would like to see AI banned from the workplace, while nearly half express concern that AI poses a threat to their future job security. The study, suggests that women, workers over the age of 55, and those in clerical or manual labour roles feel most at risk. The survey of 4,543 workers across the US, UK, and Mexico found that AI is reshaping job roles, with 63 percent of respondents reporting that AI technologies has already changed the skills required for their jobs. More than half of those surveyed (52 percent) believe that AI will either completely transform or have a major impact on their roles within the next two years. As a result, 38 percent of workers anticipate the need for retraining due to job obsolescence, and almost half (45 percent) are worried about their future job security. More →

Graduates don’t offer employers enough creativity in the workplace

Graduates don’t offer employers enough creativity in the workplace

A new report claims to reveal that UK graduates are falling short when it comes to offering organisations the creativity they need in the workplace.A new report claims that UK graduates are falling short when it comes to offering organisations the creativity they need in the workplace. The poll from Canva of around 1,000 recent university graduates, educators, and hiring managers in the UK, suggests that over three quarters (77 percent) of graduates and 66 percent of hiring managers consider creativity essential for landing a job and succeeding in the workplace. More →

Most firms have little to no idea how people get their work done

Most firms have little to no idea how people get their work done

The report suggests that nearly half of organisations (45 percent) do not conduct "employee journey mapping," leaving them uninformed about how digital friction -the difficulties people have working with technology - affects people's ability to perform tasks at workMany companies remain unaware of how their employees’ digital workplace experiences impact productivity, according to a new report by Scalable Software [registration]. The report suggests that nearly half of organisations (45 percent) do not conduct “employee journey mapping,” leaving them uninformed about how digital friction -the difficulties people have working with technology – affects people’s ability to perform tasks at work. The report claims that this limits their understanding of the challenges people face when working with tech. More →

Traditional models of facilities management are no longer fit for purpose, report claims

Traditional models of facilities management are no longer fit for purpose, report claims

facilities managmentWorkplaces need to be maintained and managed in a more agile and responsive way if they are to serve the needs of hybrid working and the so-called return to the office, according to new research from Colliers. Colliers Global Occupier Services’ new report Adaptive Facilities Management – a new vision in agility reveals traditional facilities management (FM) models, where services are delivered at fixed frequencies and costs, are no longer fit for purpose, due to occupancy levels at many workplaces remaining in flux. More →

Commercial property market should be more optimistic, but it still needs to change

Commercial property market should be more optimistic, but it still needs to change

JLL’s latest Future of Work Survey claims to reveal new opportunities for the commercial property sector as two-thirds of business leaders expect their CRE budget to riseJLL’s latest Future of Work Survey claims to reveal new opportunities for the commercial property sector as two-thirds of business leaders expect their CRE budget to rise between now and 2030. Despite challenges in the commercial real estate sector and bumpy economic conditions, global business leaders are optimistic about the future, with two-thirds (65 percent) expecting their CRE budgets to increase by 2030, according to the poll. This survey sets out to explore the evolving nature of work, assessing the key priorities, challenges, and strategies for more than 2,300 business and CRE decision-makers. More →

Digital transformation efforts yet to translate into greater productivity at many firms

Digital transformation efforts yet to translate into greater productivity at many firms

British and Irish firms are increasing their investment in digital transformation, according to Docusign’s Digital Maturity Report 2024, but this hasn’t yet translated into improved productivity or digital maturityBritish and Irish firms are increasing their investment in digital transformation, according to Docusign’s Digital Maturity Report 2024, but this hasn’t yet translated into improved productivity or digital maturity. The poll of 600 decision makers in the UK and Ireland, now in its second year, reveals what it claims is a ‘stark productivity and efficiency paradox’ for employers, as well as a Catch-22 for workers. More →

Firms are optimistic about AI, but most have little idea what to do with it

Firms are optimistic about AI, but most have little idea what to do with it

Despite high levels of optimism about their adoption of AI, two thirds of firms say they are not ready to implement AI in projects yetDespite high levels of optimism about their adoption of artificial intelligence, two thirds of firms say they are not ready to implement AI in projects yet, according to a new poll. The Riverbed Global AI & Digital Experience Survey suggests that while 94 percent of those surveyed say AI is a top C-Suite priority and 91 percent agree it provides a competitive advantage, only 37 percent are fully prepared to implement projects now,  However, 86 percent of leaders say they expect their organisation to be fully prepared to implement a strategy and projects by 2027.  More →

US law firms make up two thirds of global law firm office leasing activity

US law firms make up two thirds of global law firm office leasing activity

Together, US cities accounted for 69 percent of overall H1 law firm office leasing activity in the world’s largest legal marketsNew York accounted for a third of all leasing activity globally in the legal sector in the first half of 2024, says Savills, equating to over 1.4 million sq ft of space, out of a total of 4.3 million sq ft across the world’s 15 largest legal markets, reflecting its position as the world’s principal legal hub. Together, US cities accounted for 69 percent of overall H1 law firm office leasing activity in the world’s largest legal markets, reflecting the dominance of American firms in the sector overall, as well as the tendency for US legal offices to have a lower occupancy density and thereby requiring more space, according to Savills. More →

A brief history of the working week

A brief history of the working week


The conversation about how we change the working week has centred on determining rigid times and places of work. But there is another wayThere’s a lot to be said for not being slaves to the clock and the screen. Ironically, the way we measure time has its roots in a famous instance of daydreaming. The story goes that in 1583 a young student at the University of Pisa called Galileo Galilei was daydreaming in the pews while his fellow students were dutifully reciting their prayers. He noticed that one of the altar lamps was swaying back and forth and even as its energy dissipated, the arc of each swing slowed so that each took the same amount of time as the last, measured against his own pulse. More →

Information overload and FOMO are major risk factors for remote work

Information overload and FOMO are major risk factors for remote work

While remote work has its advantages for most people, a new academic study found that there are at least two under-discussed risks  While the shift to remote work has reportedly brought about numerous benefits for many people, such as increased flexibility and autonomy, a new study published in SAGE Open by researchers from the University of Nottingham claims to reveal significant downsides that are often overlooked. More →