Search Results for: working hours

Flexible working is here to stay as organisations recognise effect on productivity

Flexible working is here to stay as organisations recognise effect on productivity

flexible workingTo mark the start of National Work Life Week, work-life balance charity Working Families has launched the results of a survey of employers who have invested in creating family-friendly workplaces with flexible working. Reflecting the views of 26 Working Families employer members, the survey gives a snapshot of employer best practice during the pandemic, showing how organisations have risen to the challenge of supporting their staff. More →

Working from home seems to relieve the burden of imposter syndrome

Working from home seems to relieve the burden of imposter syndrome

imposter syndromeIn a new study of around 2,000 workers conducted in partnership with the University of Nottingham, Totaljobs claims to have seen a 57 percent decrease in feelings of imposter syndrome compared to a similar survey last year, with just 3 in 10 workers in 2020 finding themselves experiencing feelings of what the study describes as Imposter Phenomenon. The 2019 study claims that 7 in 10 workers in the UK had suffered from complex ‘imposter’ feelings that can sabotage careers and harm our mental health. More →

Remote working set to triple in the post-COVID world

Remote working set to triple in the post-COVID world

Remote workingA new survey from XpertHR, claims that the average percentage of employees remote working at least part of the time is projected to nearly triple from 12 percent before the COVID-19 pandemic to 30 percent after the pandemic. The survey Employer Response to COVID-19 was completed by 835 US employers. More →

Millions of working days lost each year through poor mental health

Millions of working days lost each year through poor mental health

Poor mental healthMore than 11 million UK working adults have taken time off work for poor mental wellbeing, costing businesses an estimated 40 million working days each year, claims new research from healthcare provider, Benenden Health. As many as a third (35 percent) of UK employees took time off work due to poor mental health in 2019, with workers absent for between two and five days on average, costing UK businesses an estimated 4o million individual days of work. More →

Time to get on board with the psychological effects of working from home

Time to get on board with the psychological effects of working from home

It almost goes without saying that this year has seen a rapid shift towards remote working, with many companies now moving to a flexible working model. From a business perspective, many employees are proving that they can still get their work done working from home. But what is the psychological impact of this? And are companies doing enough to research and prevent any negative psychological effects of remote working? More →

Working from home may be more productive, but at the cost of wellbeing

Working from home may be more productive, but at the cost of wellbeing

working from homeNew research by the CIPD claims the shift to home working over the pandemic has been a positive experience for most employers, who report people’s improved work-life balance (cited by 61 percent of employers), enhanced employee collaboration (43 percent) and improved focus (38 percent). Overall, 28 percent of employers report that the increase in home workers has boosted productivity, while 37 percent say it has not impacted productivity levels, with 28 percent of employers reporting a decrease. More →

Parents dedicate two extra working days a month to new Covid school routine

Parents dedicate two extra working days a month to new Covid school routine

School routineNew research by Vita Health Group claims British parents are set to spend the equivalent of more than two working days extra a month on the school routine due to the additional childcare management needed due to the pandemic and employers will have to consider this in their workplace policies to ensure working parents don’t burn out. More →

Long hours main reason workers take their employer to tribunal

Long hours main reason workers take their employer to tribunal

TribunalUK workers are most likely to log a claim against their employer for making them work excessively long hours, claims new data by health and safety training provider DeltaNet International. The data, which looks at the number of employment tribunal cases over the last five years, suggests there have been 160,299 jurisdictions (complaints) in relation to employers breaking the Working Time Directive, which outlines the maximum weekly working hours. Under the directive, a UK employee cannot work more than 48 hours a week on average – normally averaged over 17 weeks – unless there is an exception. More →

Video call fatigue amounts to millions of unproductive businesses hours

Video call fatigue amounts to millions of unproductive businesses hours

Video callA recent study, which was commissioned by Bayfields Opticians & Audiologists and questioned 2000 people, claims people spent an average of three hours and 12 minutes each week on video calls – an increase of 120 percent compared to before lockdown. Connected Brits admit to spending hours getting ready for work-related video calls during lockdown and struggling to get back into the zone once the call is over, leading to millions of hours of ‘wasted’ work time since lockdown.

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People work longer (and different) hours under lockdown

People work longer (and different) hours under lockdown

A new study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research claims that the average lockdown working day worldwide is now around 48 minutes longer than before the pandemic. In addition, the number of meetings also increased by 13 percent and people send an average of 1.4 emails more per day. In addition, people were working at different times of day to free up time for other activities and responsibilities. More →

Firms not doing enough to support flexible working

Firms not doing enough to support flexible working

flexible workingA new study from academics at the University of Kent and the University of Birmingham claims that organisations still have work to do when it comes to understanding people’s experiences of flexible working. The report titled ‘Working from home during the COVID-19 lockdown: Changing preferences and the future of work’ was undertaken by researchers at the Work Autonomy, Flexibility and Work-Life Balance Project (Kent), and the Equal Parenting Project (Birmingham). More →

Working from home parents have struggled during lockdown

Working from home parents have struggled during lockdown

working from home parentsNew research from the University of Kent and the University of Birmingham suggests that the recent surge in the number of people working from home during the COVID-19 lockdown has presented significant challenges for those who are parents, particularly mothers. Despite this, the shift has also changed the way that many people intend to work in the future. More →