About Mark Eltringham

Mark is the publisher of Workplace Insight, IN magazine, Works magazine and is the European Director of Work&Place journal. He has worked in the office design and management sector for over thirty years as a journalist, marketing professional, editor and consultant.

Posts by Mark Eltringham:

Brain rot is the word of the year and we only have ourselves to blame

Brain rot is the word of the year and we only have ourselves to blame

Brain rot is the word or phrase of the year 2024 according to the Oxford University Press. And right on time, we have the viral story of the hawk tuah girl meme coin rug pull to prove it. If you don’t know what any of that means, then do yourself a favour by not finding out. I do know and feel as if something meaningful and important has been cauterized from my brain for ever to make way for it. More →

The Internet and a pile of turtles that goes all the way down

The Internet and a pile of turtles that goes all the way down

alan_turingIn his 1998 book A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking relates the following anecdote: “A well-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the centre of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy. At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: “What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise.” The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, “What is the tortoise standing on?” “You’re very clever, young man, very clever,” said the old lady. “But it’s turtles all the way down!” 

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A divine spark of inspiration for office occupiers and designers

A divine spark of inspiration for office occupiers and designers

Organisations are having to rethink the form and function of their offices in ways unprecedented in their relatively short history. And perhaps the biggest challenge is to create places to work that reflect the organisation’s culture and the needs of the people who work there (some of the time). One possible framework for aligning an office design model with the culture of the organisation is presented in a supplement published for IN Magazine called Gods of Work. Published in partnership with Modus, it draws on management and organisational theory and established models of office design to suggest solutions to some of the challenges facing organisations as they rethink the way they work. The office of the future for most organisations will be smaller, but much better and we hope this becomes an invaluable guide for those setting out on that path.

How Charles Handy changed the way we speak about the workplace

How Charles Handy changed the way we speak about the workplace


Originally published in 2019. There are writers whose language pervades our discourse so extensively that even those who have never heard of them will echo not only their sentiments but also their means of expression. One of these people is Charles Handy, who has just published his latest book 21 Letters on Life and its Challenges at the age of 87. His work resonates to this day and not least because he was so far ahead of the curve in detailing many of the characteristics of modern organisations and the challenges created for everybody by the changing nature of work and business. More →

Measuring and rewarding what people do at work? It’s a rat trap, baby, and you’ve been caught

Measuring and rewarding what people do at work? It’s a rat trap, baby, and you’ve been caught


Life imitates art. Scientists have discovered that lab mice may be conducting their own experiments on us. A paper published in the journal Current Biology speculates that mice seem to be testing their testers. They do this by deviating from simple behaviours such as responding to rewards to work out what might happen. “These mice have a richer internal life than we probably give them credit for,” explained Kishore Kuchibhotla, senior study author and an assistant professor of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University. “They are not just stimulus response machines. They may have things like strategies.” More →

How you can help us to understand and shape the future of office design in Europe

How you can help us to understand and shape the future of office design in Europe

The results will help workplace professionals across the continent to better understand how they can optimise their own workplaces, office design and work culturesAfter four years, The Great Workplace Conversation continues apace as we try to understand the threats and opportunities presented by the shift in the way we think about the way we work in the wake of the pandemic. Now you can help us to understand the forces at work in this shift by taking part in a short survey we have developed in partnership with our friends at the Workspace Design Show. The results will help workplace professionals across the continent to better understand how they can optimise their own workplaces, office design and work cultures. More →

Where are the iconic office furniture products of yesterday?

Where are the iconic office furniture products of yesterday?

A new image of Bauhaus students from 1927 raises interesting questions about the design of office furnitureLate last year, this image went viral on social media. It is of a group of Bauhaus design students from around 1927. They are called Martha Erps, Katt Both and Ruth Hellos. The full image (reproduced below) shows them with legendary office furniture designer Marcel Breuer, who Erps would later marry. The story of the photograph can be found here. On social media, though, the standard response from people of a certain vintage – my vintage admittedly – is to suggest that they were last seen supporting Echo and the Bunnymen at the Barrowland Glasgow in 1984.  More →

Is salutogenic design the next big issue for the workplace?

Is salutogenic design the next big issue for the workplace?

Colleagues talk in a bright and lively office design

A number of progressive workplace issues have crossed into mainstream thinking over the past few years, and perhaps none more so than biophilia. It is now a principle that has become an issue talked about in the mass media, as shown by a CNN interview with one of Europe’s leading proponents of biophilic office design, Oliver Heath. The interview explores how biophilia taps into our embedded love of nature to evoke certain behaviours and emotions. More →

Four honest impressions of Orgatec 2024

Four honest impressions of Orgatec 2024


Here are four of my impressions of Orgatec 2024. Spoiler alert: Orgatec is big. It's the furniture that got small

I’ve been going to Orgatec in Cologne since 1992. It has always been one of the twin global behemoths of office design shows. The other being NeoCon in Chicago. Over that time, I’ve seen it dwindle significantly in size, if not relevance. It is held every two years, which means it can offer a better snapshot of current thinking about offices than an annual show might. The last show, two years ago, was still hungover from the pandemic (2020 was cancelled) so this year’s event was, in a way, the first chance to see how things stand in whatever era we might now be in. More →

Office design goes to the movies

Office design goes to the movies

What can the movies tell us about office designFollowing our recent attempts to create a rudimentary playlist of songs that tell us something, or perhaps nothing, about office design, office life and office furniture, here’s another look at how the parochial world of the workplace can brush up against popular culture. It does this unnoticed for most people, I suppose, but not for those of us bound up in this world. We’re not the sort of people who can ignore the regular, brief glimpse of an Aeron chair’s ubiquitous mesh without a synapse of recognition sparking up. So, here is a brief rundown of nine movies that use office design to make a plot point or set up a character development.

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Did you hear the one about offices and creativity?

Did you hear the one about offices and creativity?

the places we go for ideas

There is a famous episode of Seinfeld in which the character George is insulted in a business meeting and only thinks of a perfect retort while driving away from the office. This being George, he decides that he doesn’t want to waste his ‘killer line’ so engineers a second meeting so he can use it with the person who had insulted him, only for it to blow up in his face yet again. It’s an example of what the French refer to as l’esprit de l’escalier and the Germans as Treppenwitz, in both languages the wit you develop on a staircase.

It describes the phenomenon we all experience of having our best ideas when we stop trying to have them. When our mind wanders, and especially when the body is wandering too, it is free to have its own moments of insight and inspiration. And, contrary to the idea that structured collaboration leads to good ideas, when we are alone.

Unsurprisingly, there are good reasons why this happens. In his book The Eureka Factor: Aha Moments, Creative Insight, and the BrainProfessor John Kounios argues that our brains have essentially two ways of solving problems. One is analytical in which we use a rigid methodology to arrive at a solution. It is based on the frontal lobe of our brains that is responsible for attention, organising information and focus. The other is one where we experience a eureka moment in which an idea seems to pop out of nowhere.

His own insights into these phenomena are based on his research into what happens to the brain when it has ideas or solves problems. Using neuroimaging technology, he and his fellow researchers invited a number of research subjects to solve puzzles. What they found was that shortly before a burst of activity in the right temporal lobe of the brain indicating a moment of inspiration, the brain would shut down its own visual cortex which processes sight and perception.

Kounios and his fellow researchers compare it to the way we might close our eyes or look away immediately before a eureka moment. For a moment we become unaware of our surroundings while the idea flares into being. The brief change in function in the brain allows it to focus inwards and use the subconscious to make links between information it has stored and then present it to our conscious mind.

By contrast, when thinking methodically about a problem, the brain uses the frontal lobe to focus attention outwards to acquire as much information as it possibly can.



The process of having creative epiphanies is best served when we are not in a methodical frame of mind and ideally when we are not processing information in a formal way. That is why a walk in the park, a change of activity or setting or doing something routine like taking a shower are conducive to those aha moments. Sitting at our workstation in an office may be a great way of completing many tasks, but it is not necessarily suited to the creative spark.

Merely being in the outdoors or being able to perceive the natural world from our place in the office building can release endorphins and increase our feelings of wellbeing, putting the brain into the right frame of mind for an aha moment. Stepping away from a problem also gives the brain a chance to place less emphasis on its frontal lobe and allows the subconscious to intervene.

A study published in the Journal Psychological Science called Inspired by Distraction: Mind Wandering Facilitates Creative Incubation found that when we create the conditions in which our minds can wander, the brain makes connections between pieces of information unconsciously, massively increasing our ability to have revelatory insights and ideas.

We can achieve this by doing simple things like exercising outdoors, going for a walk or simply relaxing, by changing our behaviours but also by changing our surroundings. An office that encourages people to move and be aware of the natural world is not just good for physical and psychological wellbeing, it allows us to work in different ways that are best suited to the ways our brains function.

That includes moments of doing nothing in particular or sitting back or closing our eyes or simply walking up some stairs to tap the potential for creativity we all have hidden within.


Hybrid working may just be a kink in the road to something better

Hybrid working may just be a kink in the road to something better

The fixation with the form of hybrid working is not something that will take us to where we need to be. There is a better way.When you fixate on deciding precisely how much time everybody has to spend in an office, somebody is going to decide the answer is five days. The peculiar obsession with pronouncing the answer to be two days or three days can be dated back to 2020 when a load of people who had never previously taken much interest in the matter decided to reinvent a world that had never existed, by replacing it with something that couldn’t exist. We invented hybrid working when we didn’t need to. More →