About Neil Franklin

Neil Franklin is Insight's news editor

Posts by Neil Franklin:

Working parents still not getting enough support to deal with pandemic

Working parents still not getting enough support to deal with pandemic

A new report from work-life balance charity Working Families claims that there remains a pressing need for increased support for working parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report is informed by queries to the charity’s free legal advice helpline, which the charity says have quadrupled since the start of the pandemic. Since mid-March, over 36,000 people have accessed the charity’s coronavirus-focused legal advice web pages. More →

People lose half an hour a week to poor acoustics

People lose half an hour a week to poor acoustics

According to new research by market researchers IPSOS and EPOS, 95 percent of audio end-users and decision makers experience problems relating to sound that affect their concentration or efficiency at work. Common complaints include being disturbed by loud colleagues (50 percent), overall noise levels in working environments (48 percent) and interruptions from colleagues (46 percent). More →

Two thirds of SMEs confident of prospects after restructuring

Two thirds of SMEs confident of prospects after restructuring

Nearly two thirds (62 percent) of UK small business owners remain confident about their business prospects despite the coronavirus crisis, according to a study from Bionic. The government’s response to the pandemic has forced many SMEs, particularly in the retail, hospitality and leisure space, to close their doors to customers. Responding to the lockdown, 78 percent of small businesses have pivoted the way their business operates to continue trading through the crisis.

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Most workers not productive while working from home, report claims

Most workers not productive while working from home, report claims

working from homeNo more than 15 percent of healthy workers confined to their homes will work productively, argues new research from right leaning think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs. Government restrictions on social interaction designed to slow the spread of coronavirus have led to a rapid increase in the number of people working from home. But a new briefing paper from the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) suggests this is unlikely to be maintained in the long term. More →

A lack of clarity is “shutting down construction”, say builders

A lack of clarity is “shutting down construction”, say builders

Members of the National Federation of Builders (NFB) have expressed concerns that the lack of clarity from the Government is causing the construction industry to close down. As well as reducing productivity to ensure on site social distancing, reduced access to materials and public opinion has made it extremely difficult for industry to operate. More →

Home working initiative to tackle worldwide pandemic response

Home working initiative to tackle worldwide pandemic response

Companies are in danger of losing top talent due to lack of flexible workingThe Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) collaboration are to throw their weight behind an emergency initiative by Leesman, building a global pan-industry response group to the threat posed to the real estate and facilities management industries by Covid-19 and addressing the huge uptake in home working. More →

Nudges do not change the behaviour of commuters

Nudges do not change the behaviour of commuters

The use of nudge theory in the UK government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic has raised some fresh questions about the applicability of the idea. The idea – that people can be encouraged to make significant changes in their behaviour with small interventions – has gained widespread acceptance around the world. While some have argued that the use of nudge theory in the initial response was questionable, other analysis has suggested it did have an effect. More →

Fall in employment and property values is inevitable

Fall in employment and property values is inevitable

commercial propertyIt is already inevitable that the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic will include a “big hit to commercial property values” and a rise in unemployment in the UK, according to reports from researchers Capital Economics (paywall). The economic research consultancy has downgraded its forecasts for the UK economy and, as a result, is projecting a near 10 percent decline in property values and a rapid but short-lived increase in unemployment. More →

Commercial tenants will be protected from eviction if they cannot pay rent

Commercial tenants will be protected from eviction if they cannot pay rent

Commercial tenants who cannot pay their rent because of coronavirus will be protected from eviction, the government has announced. Many landlords and tenants are already having conversations and reaching voluntary arrangements about rental payments due shortly but the Government says that it recognises businesses struggling with their cashflow due to coronavirus remain worried about eviction. More →

The UK`s tech sector continues to thrive

The UK`s tech sector continues to thrive

Britain’s digital sector is growing at six times the pace of the country’s other industries, according to new research from Tech Nation. According to the annual study, technology businesses contributed around £149 billion to the UK economy in 2018, nearly 8 percent of GDP. Since 2017 staff numbers at digital companies have risen by 40 percent to 2.9 million, nearly tenth of the total UK workforce. More →

Government launches “revolutionary” green transport consultation

Government launches “revolutionary” green transport consultation

The government has launched a new intiative to test the introduction of green transport systems and also injected £90 million into funding three experimental  ‘future transport zones’ across the UK aimed at establishing whether smart and green technology can be adopted. The new transport zones in the West of England, Portsmouth and Southampton and the East Midlands will be used to test innovations in the movement of people and goods. One project will trial the use of drones for carrying medical supplies from clinics in the Isle of Wight to hospitals in the mainland. This should cut down the time spent moving supplies by ferry or road while speeding up diagnosis. More →

Clerkenwell Design Week now postponed until July

Clerkenwell Design Week now postponed until July

In the light of the global impact caused by COVID-19 and following careful consideration, it was announced today that Clerkenwell Design Week will be postponed from 19 – 21 May until 14 – 16 July 2020.

“As the UK’s leading independent design festival, this has not been a decision taken lightly, but the health, safety and wellbeing of CDW’s visitors, exhibitors, clients and staff remains the number one priority”, said Lee Newton, CEO of show owners Media 10. “We will continue to consult with all relevant parties on a regular basis as we work towards delivering the best possible CDW this summer. The safety and wellbeing of all those involved is our priority and we are grateful for the support we have received from our exhibitors and partners in making this difficult decision. We believe that these new dates provide us with an opportunity to deliver what will be a very successful CDW in the height of British Summer.’ Lee Newton, CEO, Media 10

“CDW has been working tirelessly to ensure that the investment made by all parties into this event is protected. Agreement has been reached, following productive discussions with Islington Council, to ensure that the new date will deliver the much-loved festival without compromise, bringing an undeniable buzz and splash of pink to the streets of Clerkenwell this summer. All of the suppliers, venues and various stakeholders have collaborated to agree these new dates and to ensure that the event can take place.

“In times of adversity the design community has come together to ensure that this leading design festival takes place in 2020.”