Net zero target will be missed by over half of organisations, claims report

Net zero target will be missed by over half of organisations, claims report

missing net zeroJust 41 percent of UK organisations are on track to meet the Government’s target for net zero carbon emissions by 2050, according to new research released by Dr Chris Brauer, Goldsmiths, University of London in partnership with Microsoft. The findings suggest strong ambition and strategic vision on sustainability within UK organisations, but most leaders are struggling to translate that intent into action, with almost three quarters (74 percent) described as having “one foot in and one foot out” on sustainability. More →

EU to boost sustainable growth of Europe’s cultural and creative sectors

EU to boost sustainable growth of Europe’s cultural and creative sectors

sustainable growth in EuropeThe European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) has announced a new innovation partnership, in the form of a Knowledge and Innovation Community, to support the competitiveness and sustainable growth of Europe’s cultural and creative sectors and industries. The new partnership plans to help accelerate these sectors’ recovery and unlock untapped economic opportunities in the fields of architecture, cultural heritage, design, fashion, film, music, publishing, performing arts and video games. More →

Helping the planet one chair at a time

Helping the planet one chair at a time

For Rainbow, looking out for the planet is just as important as taking care of clients. This is why they have been working hard to acquire the environmental standard ISO 14001, of which they have recently been accredited. Rainbow believes that receiving this attribution is important in illustrating their ongoing environmental commitments. More →

Urban environments and buildings needs a transformation, report claims

Urban environments and buildings needs a transformation, report claims

urban environments smart cityAhead of COP26, green business leaders around the world have called for government and industry action on buildings and infrastructure. The World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) has published a new report, which it claims helps to identify opportunities for how a transformative, integrated approach to urban environments and buildings is essential to deliver change in line with the commitments of the Paris Agreement. More →

So what’s happening to all the plexiglass we thought was a solution last year?

So what’s happening to all the plexiglass we thought was a solution last year?

hyperobjects plexiglass styrofoamIn 2008, the philosopher and ecologist Timothy Morton coined the term hyperobject to describe things that can’t be seen directly or experienced at a point in time or space but which are nevertheless vast and important.  The example he gives is Styrofoam. We might be able to see a small number of cups or fast-food trays, but what we can’t see is all the Styrofoam ever produced. It is a hyperobject and one that will last for at least 500 years, even if we stopped producing it today.  More →

To hit net zero, sustainable tech investments need to increase tenfold

To hit net zero, sustainable tech investments need to increase tenfold

Net zero reportA large increase in investment in breakthrough technologies such as hydrogen-based fuels, bioenergy and carbon-capture storage solutions is needed to hit the global goal of net zero emissions by 2050. To scale these technologies and take them to market, at least a tenfold increase in investment is needed, according to the How to Finance Industry Net-Zero report. Released by the World Economic Forum and Oliver Wyman, the report outlines how to address the supply-and-demand-side gap and take these technologies to the next level. More →

Green building council publishes new guidance for UK local authorities

Green building council publishes new guidance for UK local authorities

green buildingThe UK Green Building Council has published new guidance for local authorities on the environmental performance of their new buildings. The organisation has published its latest Commercial Playbook to “fill the gap left by national policy, which is not currently delivering change at the pace that is required to meet the UK’s environmental commitments”. More →

Office furniture makers are getting creative about the environment

Office furniture makers are getting creative about the environment

Office furniture gets greenerI was reminded the other day of the instructions on a bottle of shampoo I once used which said, simply: “Wash, rinse and repeat.” Why? I’ve just washed my hair. Why do I need to repeat? It’s a bit like that old adage about how to sell more toothpaste, by widening the hole it comes out of, because we all still instinctively try to cover the whole of the brush head, however thick the line of paste. More →

UK FM sector not doing enough about planetary and personal wellbeing

UK FM sector not doing enough about planetary and personal wellbeing

wellbeingIn its latest white paper report, VINCI Facilities is arguing that the facilities management sector is not taking a strategic approach or taking enough specific action to address its responsibilities towards the wellbeing being of individuals and the planet as a whole. More →

WorldGBC Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment expands scope to include embodied carbon

WorldGBC Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment expands scope to include embodied carbon

WorldGBCWorldGBC has announced an update to the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment (the Commitment), expanding its scope to recognise enhanced leadership action in tackling embodied carbon emissions from the building and construction sector. More →

Metrics can help businesses define their impact on the environment

Metrics can help businesses define their impact on the environment

impact on the environmentToday, companies cannot shy away from their responsibilities towards the environment. With Extinction Rebellion keeping the climate crisis firmly on the news agenda, and COP26 in November gathering more international attention than ever, how businesses approach and champion sustainability is under significant scrutiny. At a local level, organisations are being set targets by the UK government to commit to 100 percent renewable energy sources by 2050, and failing to meet these objectives could have substantial repercussions. More →

Hybrid working pushes up corporate Australia’s carbon emissions

Hybrid working pushes up corporate Australia’s carbon emissions

hybrid workingWhile lower occupancy has reduced the carbon footprint of many commercial office buildings amid the pandemic, higher CO2 emissions from hybrid working significantly outstrips these declines, according to data analysed by Cushman & Wakefield’s sustainability team. More →