January 22, 2014
Land Securities to submit application for solution to Walkie Talkie solar glare problem
Land Securities has confirmed it will submit a planning application next month for the solution to the solar glare problem at the ‘Walkie Talkie.’ Last year the skyscraper at 20 Fenchurch EC3 was dubbed the ‘Walkie Scorchie’, after it was found its unusual design was reflecting and magnifying the sun’s rays, which were melting parts of vehicles parked in nearby streets. According to the developer, despite its problems, the building is now 64 per cent pre-let, with a further 23 per cent in solicitors’ hands, and just 42,700 sq feet of space remaining. Land Securities has also announced, that due to increased demand for London office space it is to launch two new central London developments. More →
January 20, 2014
Blue Monday hype obscures the real debate about workplace happiness
by Mark Eltringham • Comment, Facilities management, Workplace, Workplace design
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