Search Results for: wellbeing

Majority of SMEs lack a health and wellbeing strategy

Majority of SMEs lack a health and wellbeing strategy

Majority of small businesses have no health and wellbeing strategyNew research from AXA PPP healthcare claims that eight out of ten (82 percent) SME business leaders don’t have a health and wellbeing strategy in place. The same research found two-thirds (24 percent) report experiencing job-related stress or anxiety and just 15 per cent believe their company provides a culture which supports their mental health. The research also claims  nearly half (46 percent) of employees working in small and medium sized businesses continue working when they’re feeling unwell and less than a quarter (24 percent) see a GP because they worry about taking time off work. One-fifth (18 percent) feel guilty for taking time away from their desk for lunch and more than a quarter (27 percent) send and receive emails outside of work hours.

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Wellbeing linked to two hours outdoors each week

Wellbeing linked to two hours outdoors each week

The idea that spending recreational time in natural settings is good for our health and wellbeing is hardly new. Parents have been telling their kids to “go play outside, it’s good for you” for generations. Now, colleagues and I have published a study in the journal Scientific Reports which suggests that a dose of nature of just two hours a week is associated with better health and psychological wellbeing, a figure that applies to every demographic we could think of (at least in England). More →

Moving the wellbeing debate beyond a fixation on stress

Moving the wellbeing debate beyond a fixation on stress

A man and woman discuss a work issue to illustrate importance of wellbeingThe world of work is evolving. Geopolitical change, digitalisation of the workplace and increased regulation are just some of the changes that businesses and their employees have to navigate. This disruption can feed into employee stress levels, impacting their happiness at work. Maintaining good mental health in the workplace is vital for employee wellbeing – it’s a key factor in employee retention and in turn, business success. However, it has been reported that between 2017 and 2018, 15.4 million working days were lost to work-related stress.

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Relationships with coworkers matter most for wellbeing

Relationships with coworkers matter most for wellbeing

workplace wellnessA third of your life is spent at work, but what determines your workplace well-being? That’s the question that Dr. Martin Boult, Senior Director Professional Services & International Training, The Myers-Briggs Company, asked before starting a three-year international study on workplace wellbeing. His new report, titled “Wellbeing in the Workplace” from The Myers-Briggs Company explores the most effective activities for enhancing well-being and its benefits for both people and organisations. More →

Wellbeing rather than growth should be focus of government policy

Wellbeing rather than growth should be focus of government policy

An illustration of a person's head with a heart to illustrate their wellbeingPersonal wellbeing rather than economic growth should be the primary aim of government spending, according to a new report from the from the all-party parliamentary group on wellbeing economics which urges a complete change in thinking from ministers,.Gus O’Donnell, who served as cabinet secretary, said Britain could lead the world by making the issue the primary goal of government policy. More →

Milan named as best city in world for wellbeing

Milan named as best city in world for wellbeing

The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan which has just been named as the first winner of a wellbeing awardMilan has been named the 2019 Wellbeing City as part of the Wellbeing City Award, which claims to be the first global award recognising city-led action. Five Award Laureate Cities have been announced as part of the Award and will be honoured at The Wellbeing Cities Forum in Montréal on June 19, 2019. The annual Award has been developed by NewCities in partnership with the Novartis Foundation, the Novartis US Foundation, and in collaboration with the City of Montréal, Toyota Mobility Foundation, Transdev, and the US Green Building Council. More →

Wellbeing, a pile of turtles, office culture and some other stuff

Wellbeing, a pile of turtles, office culture and some other stuff

acoustics and wellbeingThis week is Clerkenwell Design Week amongst other things, and as part of it I chaired a discussion on Tuesday about acoustics at work in the showroom of Flokk and their effect on wellbeing. We were fortunate to have a panel that involved the likes of Nigel Oseland, Michelle Wilkie of tp bennett, Joachim Schubert of Offecct and Lee Jones of Wellworking as well as an informed audience, if for no other reason than everybody’s ability to talk about the subject as complex and multi-faceted and, to some extent, hardwired. More →

Workplace wellbeing improves with age

Workplace wellbeing improves with age

Older employees are likely to enjoy improved wellbeing, according to a new study from The Myers-Briggs Company. The research claims that workplace wellbeing progressively increases with age and also highlights workplace relationships as one of the most important elements of wellbeing. More →

New training initiative helps firms address mental health and wellbeing

New training initiative helps firms address mental health and wellbeing

Mental healthMental ill-health is responsible for almost 13 percent of all sickness absence days in the UK, while it has been shown that UK businesses could save up to £8 billion per year through better support in the workplace. To empower workers and employers across the country, iHASCO has launched a new campaign aimed at removing the stigma that surrounds mental ill-health in the workplace. Six brand new courses are now available through the eLearning provider, including a short stress awareness course. More →

The dark side of wearables and wellbeing

The dark side of wearables and wellbeing

Apples Smartwatch typical of the new generation of wearablesWhile the use of wearables, Internet of Things (IoT) devices that are worn or inserted as implants, in smart building applications will give people completely new ways of interacting with their surroundings, their potential could be tempered by an increased risk to privacy due to the type and quantity of data being collected. The good news is that, combined with automated building controls, occupants will be able to control and automate their own ‘personal’ environment as well as improve their wellbeing. More →

Employers care more about saving costs than wellbeing, according to majority of workers

Employers care more about saving costs than wellbeing, according to majority of workers

Three of every five UK employees believe that their employer cares more about saving money than the wellbeing of their workforce, according to the latest research report from workspace efficiency company Cloudbooking. The Employee Evolution report (registration), which explores the attitudes of 1,000 employees, claims that there is a disconnect between what makes employees happy at work and what they are currently experiencing. Cloudbooking’s research also suggests that 88 percent of employees think that workplace wellbeing is one of the most critical elements in creating a positive experience for all workers, yet businesses are failing to address issues that are negatively impacting the experience and wellbeing of employees.

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Initiative launched to support workplace health and wellbeing

Initiative launched to support workplace health and wellbeing

Not-for-profit, wellbeing provider Westfield Health has launched an online initiative to support workplace health and wellbeing which will educate employers across the UK on how they can make a positive difference within their organisation. With over half (54 percent) of businesses reporting that they don’t have any measures in place to support the health and wellbeing of their staff, The Orange Table will offer HR Directors and business owners free webinar and educational content to help improve workplace culture and in turn the performance of their employees. More →