Search Results for: pay ratio

Digital nomads are starting to price out local communities around the world

Digital nomads are starting to price out local communities around the world

Remote working: how a surge in digital nomads is pricing out local communities around the world. For eight years I have studied digital nomadism, the millennial trend for working remotely from anywhere around the world. I am often asked if digital nomads are driving gentrification. Before COVID upended the way we work, I would usually tell journalists that the numbers were too small for a definitive answer. Most digital nomads were travelling and working illegally on tourist visas. It was a niche phenomenon. Three years into the pandemic, however, I am no longer sure. More →

Berlin ranked top smart city in Europe, report claims

Berlin ranked top smart city in Europe, report claims

A new report claims that Berlin is the foremost smart city Europe based on its transport, energy strategies and a number of other factorsA new report claims that Berlin is the smartest city Europe based on its transport, energy strategies and a number of other factors. The Smart cities market: growth, trends & market forecasts 2023-2028 report [paywall] from Juniper Research, selected the German capital ahead of London, Barcelona, Rome and Madrid. The rankings are made on an evaluation of a range of smart city features, including transport and infrastructure, energy and lighting, city management and technology, and urban connectivity. More →

Improved support for menopause could help women stay in work

Improved support for menopause could help women stay in work

more than half (54 percent) feel it would be difficult for them to raise issues, including menopause, with their employersWomen in the UK are urging politicians and business leaders to take steps that help them remain productive in the workforce for longer, as research shows more than half (54 percent) feel it would be difficult for them to raise issues, including menopause, with their employers and three fifths would also feel uncomfortable bringing up health and wellbeing issues with a male manager. More →

All we are saying is give lease a chance

All we are saying is give lease a chance

The lease of office fit-out elements looks like a no-brainer for a number of reasons. But is the sector ready to embrace them?By their very nature, trends come and go. What we are now seeing with sustainable, responsible product and material sourcing goes way beyond trend or fad, of course, and in recent discussions we’ve had (and we’ve had quite a few) on the subject, the question of furniture as a service or a furniture lease model has arisen on a number of occasions. So often, in fact, that we decided we should look deeper into the subject, to ascertain its pros (and cons) and to decipher whether this is merely a hypothetical – certainly at any large scale – that the industry would like to adopt or is a very real here and now. More →

Urban design can make people less likely to use public spaces

Urban design can make people less likely to use public spaces

urban designUrban design campaigns are usually sold to local residents as a way to improve their daily lives. Design elements – from lighting systems to signs, benches, bollards, fountains and planters, and sometimes even surveillance equipment – are used to refurbish and embellish public spaces. Designers refer to these elements as “urban furniture”. And the projects they’re used in are usually aimed at increasing social interaction, heightening safety, improving accessibility and generally making life in the city better. More →

Managers struggling with workload in new era of work

Managers struggling with workload in new era of work

managers are also facing increasing expectations and a greater workload from the organisation, including new responsibilities brought on by hybrid workMore than three-quarters of employees report that it has become more important for them to receive support from their manager, according to Gartner. Simultaneously, managers are also facing increasing expectations and a greater workload from the organisation, including new responsibilities brought on by hybrid working. A December 2022 Gartner survey of more than 6,000 individual contributors and managers claimed that managers are twice as likely to report an increase in responsibilities versus individual contributors, compared to before the pandemic. For example, 35 percent of managers say they have more direct reports and 49 percent report that the complexity of their responsibilities has increased. More →

You might be working with a narcissist and not know it

You might be working with a narcissist and not know it

narcissistHave you ever had the feeling that some of your colleagues are working only for themselves, and are not true team players? If your answer is yes, then it is possible that you are working with a narcissist. Narcissists have a heightened sense of what they are entitled to and have a constant need for attention and admiration. They are arrogant and see themselves as superior to others. More →

A Newtonian perspective on productivity, reason and creativity

A Newtonian perspective on productivity, reason and creativity 0

On the doorstep of the British Library, you will find Edouardo Paolozzi’s imposing statue of Sir Isaac Newton. At first glance, this position seems to make perfect sense. Where better for a monument to the Enlightenment’s poster boy than raised on a plinth at the entrance to the world’s second largest library? And yet, there’s more going on here than is evident at first glance.

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Think tank seeks funding for Universal Basic Income trial

Think tank seeks funding for Universal Basic Income trial

A universal basic income will be trialled in England for the first time, with thirty people set to be paid £1,600 per month over a two-year period regardless of personal circumstanceA universal basic income may be trialled in England for the first time, with thirty people set to be paid £1,600 per month over a two-year period regardless of personal circumstances. Researcher Autonomy is seeking funding for the pilot scheme, which it claims “has the potential to simplify the welfare system and tackle poverty in Britain”. People will be drawn from two locations in England to participate, with the scheme testing the effects of basic salary being paid to everyone regardless of wealth or job. More →

UK workers spend less time in the office than any other country, but still think it’s too much

UK workers spend less time in the office than any other country, but still think it’s too much

Workers in the United Kingdom spend less time in the office than any other country, however they want to further reduce their days further.Workers in the United Kingdom spend less time in the office than any other country, however they want to further reduce their days further. That is according to a new study from Unispace. The report, Returning for Good [registration], combines the results of a poll of 9,500 employees and 6,650 business leaders from 17 countries worldwide – found that just 34 percent of employees in the UK are in the office four or more days a week, less time than workers in any other country. More →

Surge in employee turnover suggest that the ‘Great Resignation’ is still with us

Surge in employee turnover suggest that the ‘Great Resignation’ is still with us

A new report claims that the level of job turnover suggests that the so-called Great Resignation may be far from overOver the past year, 55 percent of working adults have either started a new job or are looking for one, according to a report [registration] published by insurance firm YuLife. The poll  suggests that a further 35 percent of working adults say it is likely they will consider changing jobs within the next year.  The report claims that these findings suggest that the so-called Great Resignation may be far from over. The report also claims that high levels of stress characterize the modern workplace, and businesses which proactively address employees’ concerns around stress and invest in their wellbeing benefit from reduced churn and turnover. More →

Three quarters of firms have now mandated some form of ‘return to office’

Three quarters of firms have now mandated some form of ‘return to office’

A new poll from Unispace claims that around 72 percent of companies globally have now mandated a return to office based workA new poll from Unispace claims that around 72 percent of companies globally have now mandated a return to office based work. However, many respondents also report losing key employees due to mandates, with recruitment also being impacted by enforced returns. The report concludes that companies are failing to recognise the drivers of workers’ reluctance to return to the workplace, and likewise, the opportunities and value that the physical workplace provides. More →