Search Results for: motivation

The return from isolation presents us with an opportunity to rethink work

The return from isolation presents us with an opportunity to rethink work

It all seems like it was years ago. The calm mornings, the deep breaths of fresh air, the din of a happy, productive office. In fact, it’s been just a few short months since the COVID-19 pandemic upended just about every aspect of life: our schedules, our roles as parents, our certainty about the future. Millions of workers are feeling this strain, if not on their physical health and bank accounts, then surely on their mental status and ability to focus on simple things like sending emails or making small talk. More →

There are some behavioural insights you cannot afford to ignore

There are some behavioural insights you cannot afford to ignore

Behavioural insights combine psychology, neuroscience and behavioural economics with empirically tested results to understand and influence how people behave. These insights can be used to implement new policies more efficiently and successfully by nudging individual’s behaviour and shaping collective norms. More →

Loneliness has always been a workplace issue

Loneliness has always been a workplace issue

Loneliness is increasingly recognised as a serious issue in modern society. In the UK, the Office of National Statistics reported that 5 percent of adults feel lonely ‘often’ or ‘always’, with further 16 percent of adults reporting feeling lonely ‘sometimes’, equivalent to approximately 9 million adults suffering from loneliness to some degree. More →

A great company culture is the basis for successful flexible working

A great company culture is the basis for successful flexible working

company cultureCompany culture is more integral to remote platforms than it is to traditional bricks-and-mortar enterprises. In a disjointed setting, culture is what holds a team together, and marries it to the company’s values. Not only is this a boon to getting work done, it’s a formula for business success. Consider the main challenges to many people working in concert from different locations: accessing information, clearly communicating, making decisions that reflect an organization’s mission. When we optimize these actions, we’re more productive and better able to serve customers and meet objectives. More →

People management may be the biggest barrier to overseas growth

People management may be the biggest barrier to overseas growth

Nearly all organisations (93 percent) say that growing and managing their employee base in new countries limits their international expansion to some degree, with more than one in ten (12 percent) stating that it limits their expansion completely. This is according to the HR Challenges of International Expansion report (registration) by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), commissioned by ADP. More →

Managers need more hugs and fewer squeezes at work

Managers need more hugs and fewer squeezes at work

managers need more hugsA new report from the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) claims that better support for line managers is needed in the workplace. The Squeezed Middle: Why we should be hugging and not squeezing line managers recommends that HR metaphorically ‘hugs and not squeezes’ people in management roles, if organisations are looking to lower health related sickness absence and stimulate productivity growth. More →

Report examines challenges of international expansion

Report examines challenges of international expansion

international growthThree quarters of organisations say access to market opportunities is their key motivation for international expansion, according to a report. Businesses also named access to specialist skills as one of the main factors that influence their international growth ambitions (cited by 67 percent), alongside proximity to suppliers and resources (66 percent) and access to affordable labour (55 percent). More →

What happens when leaders have too much charisma?

What happens when leaders have too much charisma?

charismaWhen a leader with charisma becomes so strong and confident that they dominate their teams to the extent that others simply never question their decisions, you’d better hope that that leader is always right and is leading you in the right direction. Sadly, the opposite is usually true. Leaders who cut themselves off from bad news or challenge, quickly lose sight of the real drivers of success, or the drivers of failure, and a slow and tortured decline usually ensues. They even become blind to the dangers facing them, person-ally, because of excessive confidence. More →

What performance culture can teach us about motivating employees in the workplace

What performance culture can teach us about motivating employees in the workplace

motivating employeesFrom start-ups to well-established companies, organisations thrive or fail on motivating employees. It’s mission-critical. Motivated employees are easy to spot – they tend to align their purpose to that of the company, are more innovative with their problem-solving and have a greater impact. Organisations must actively work to motivate and engage employees, giving them a sense of purpose. Otherwise, there’s a real risk of the company falling behind the competition and staying there. More →

Take-up of shared parental leave set to boom

Take-up of shared parental leave set to boom

shared parental leaveEmployers should prepare themselves for a dramatic rise in staff taking shared parental leave, a new research report into shifting attitudes to flexible working and childcare for working parents has claimed. While only 7 percent of employees with children have taken up the opportunity of shared parental leave so far, 38 percent of those planning to have further children intend to do so when they have their next child, YouGov polling of 1,000 employees and 500 HR decision makers suggests. More →

Outdated technology continues to ruin people`s days

Outdated technology continues to ruin people`s days

outdated technologyNew research by Currys PC World in collaboration with technology expert Theo Priestley claims that outdated technology and delays in finding fixes are eating into around 46 minutes of the average employee’s working day, which could cost a business approximately £2,752 a year. Time and money are not the only things lost to outdated technology, however, as half of Brits admit that it has a negative impact on their productivity in their jobs. What’s more, morale can be impacted when employees feel they have to work overtime to make up the time they have lost due to tech issues. More →

Turns out there is an I in TEAM after all

Turns out there is an I in TEAM after all

The I in teamThere is no I in Team – as the saying goes. But new research suggests it is important for individuals to feel personal ownership towards a team project in order to be more creative. The study, led by Dr Ieva Martinaityte of the University of East Anglia (UEA)’s Norwich Business School, suggests that this also drives each member to invest more time and effort into the project.

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