Search Results for: relationships

Remote working can increase stress and reduce wellbeing

Remote working can increase stress and reduce wellbeing

remote workingRemote working is becoming more popular than ever. A study released by the Swiss office provider IWG found that 70 percent of professionals work remotely at least one day a week, while 53 percent work remotely for at least half of the week. Some multinationals have their entire staff working remotely, with no fixed office presence at all, which can result in having employees situated all over the world. More →

Two thirds of people think they could work just as well without supervision

Two thirds of people think they could work just as well without supervision

A new study from Kimble Applications claims that workers are predisposed to be happiest at agile organisations and would appreciate managers who speak less and listen more. According to the report, Britain’s employees are fed up with overbearing bosses, hungry to participate more at work and wished they had more of a two-way dialogue with their superiors, new research has found. The survey also claims that more than two-thirds of British workers (69 per cent) feel they could do their job just as well or even better without their manager’s input. More →

The importance of patience in the workplace

The importance of patience in the workplace

patienceEmpirical studies on patience have demonstrated the positive effects it can have on creativity, product quality, collaboration and productivity as well as the long-term sustainability of companies. Being patient means listening, observing, waiting for information to come, consulting other people and seeking relationships that provide new resources to make good decisions. Patience is good for ourselves and others. More →

Workplace trust is hard earned but essential

Workplace trust is hard earned but essential

Trust is essential in the workplaceTrust is a tough trait to control and manage. Often, people are reluctant to put their full trust in someone simply because they like to be in control of their actions. Other times, people spend months and years building up a rapport with someone only to find themselves exploited at the last minute, which completely breaks down whatever relationship they might have had.

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Workplace interruptions are not all bad

Workplace interruptions are not all bad

An email pops up on your screen. It’s a client sharing a project update. A Slack message appears. It’s your boss asking a question. A text alert beeps. A colleague wants to know if you will be attending a meeting. Sound familiar? People are increasingly besieged at work by workplace interruptions through email, messaging apps, social media and in-person encounters. More →

Breaking free of the linearity of modern work

Breaking free of the linearity of modern work

We are working hard, but not smart. Research released by the TUC in April shows that UK workers are putting in the longest hours in the EU, but this isn’t translating into improved productivity. In fact, the research shows employees in Denmark put in over four hours less than UK workers – whilst productivity in Denmark is 23.5 percent higher than the UK. More →

Work is creating mental health issues for two in five employees

Work is creating mental health issues for two in five employees

mental healthAlthough two in five (39 percent) UK workers experienced symptoms of poor mental health related to work in the last year, according to a report released by Business in the Community (BITC), in partnership with Mercer Marsh Benefits and BITC’s Wellbeing Leadership Team. The report also claims that most employers do not acknowledge or deal with the adverse impact work has on employees’ health. More →

Workers uncomfortable talking about mental health

Workers uncomfortable talking about mental health

A new survey from Babylon Health claims that nearly 80 percent of UK adults would be uncomfortable discussing their mental health with their employer. Workplace pressures were listed as the second-largest cause of anxiety among the 2000 participants, behind personal relationships. 45 percent of adults said they felt stressed by issues at work. More →

Offices iQ launches flexible corporate space solution Enterprise iQ

Offices iQ launches flexible corporate space solution Enterprise iQ

Offices iQ, the broker of flexible office and coworking space, has announced the launch of Enterprise iQ, a global end-to-end service that includes ongoing customer support. With flexible working spaces set to grow by up to 30 percent annually for the next five years across Europe, Enterprise iQ will service the growing number of corporate companies looking for flexible office space. More →

Recognition is a more powerful motivator than pay, survey concludes

Recognition is a more powerful motivator than pay, survey concludes

Data from Engaging Works claims that recognition is a more powerful motivator than pay for employees. The data also suggests that a third of people feel they aren’t trusted to make decisions and have a poor relationship with their line manager. More →

Avoiding burnout and losing the workplace blues

Avoiding burnout and losing the workplace blues

No burnout at Steelcase LINC Center MunichStressed at work? Feeling blue at this time of year? Take a breath. You are not alone. While the World Health Organisation (WHO) is just now recognising burnout, a result of stress, as an “occupational phenomenon,” the conversation around wellbeing at work is not new. If we learn anything from this newest designation, it’s that wellbeing cannot be ignored because the need to focus on it continues to intensify.

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Work-life integration is the new goal for workers

Work-life integration is the new goal for workers

work-life integration is the last piece in the jigsawThe modern world of work is a stressful one, and the goal to progress in our careers brings on even more pressure. Tight deadlines and demanding workloads are the typical order of the day, but just as important is to have the time to wind down and recharge the batteries. Historically, this has been known as work-life balance.

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