Search Results for: workers

Workers are generally happy at work, but bored by what they do

Workers are generally happy at work, but bored by what they do

Happiness and boredom are the most common emotions experienced by people at work, according to a Right Management survey of more than 2,000 British workers and managersHappiness and boredom are the most common emotions experienced by people at work, according to a Right Management survey of more than 2,000 British workers and managers. According to the poll, ‘Gen Z’ are most likely to be bored at work (23 percent). But Gen Z leaders worry more than others about reduced employee productivity due to hybrid-working (37 percent). In addition, 70 percent of British employees feel they work better as a team in-person, but only 1 percent claim face-to-face time with colleagues contributes to their wellbeing. More →

Workers increasingly concerned that AI will come for their job in the very near future

Workers increasingly concerned that AI will come for their job in the very near future

Two thirds of IT workers and nearly half of office workers think that generative AI may come for their jobs within five yearsTwo thirds of IT workers and nearly half of office workers think that generative AI may come for their jobs within five years, according to a new report from Ivanti. The poll of nearly 8,000 respondents worldwide also suggests that 57 percent of people report ‘serious friction’ with workplace technology at least weekly and 61 percent say negative experiences with work tech affects their morale. More →

Knowledge workers have a particularly unhealthy relationship with work

Knowledge workers have a particularly unhealthy relationship with work

Three quarters of UK knowledge workers say they have an unhealthy relationship with work and two thirds of those say that work has had a negative effect on their health and wellbeingThree quarters of UK knowledge workers say they have an unhealthy relationship with work and two thirds of those say that work has had a negative effect on their health and wellbeing. That is one of the headline findings from a new report into the working lives of 15,600 people worldwide from HP. The report also suggests that three quarters of respondents would take a pay cut to be happier at work or to work wherever they want. More →

Most workers are worried about poor indoor air quality

Most workers are worried about poor indoor air quality

Most workers are concerned about poor indoor air quality and close to half think its damaging their health, according to anew surveyMost workers are concerned about poor indoor air quality and close to half think its damaging their health, according to a new survey conducted by Opinium for Spiralite. According to the poll, British workers are mostly concerned about the impact of air-quality on their health (64 percent concerned compared to 36 percent not concerned). More →

Most UK workers now expect to retire at 62 years old

Most UK workers now expect to retire at 62 years old

A new poll of people aged between 35 and 55 suggests that most workers expect to retire at around 62 years old, four years earlier than the UK state pension age of 66.  The report called Providing for tomorrow today: understanding an ageing workforce was commissioned by law firm Osborne Clarke.  It surveyed employees aged 35-55 working in seven industry sectors across the UK. The report claims to identify workers’ current and future employment and retirement expectations and the impact these may have, not only on the shape of the future UK workforce, but also on employers in the industry sectors surveyed. More →

Over three quarters of hybrid workers watch television during the working day

Over three quarters of hybrid workers watch television during the working day

A survey from ink supplier Toner Giant claims that 82 percent of hybrid workers watch some form of television when working from home, with the average worker tuning in for nearly a third (28 percent) of their working hoursA survey from ink supplier Toner Giant claims that 82 percent of hybrid workers watch some form of television when working from home, with the average worker tuning in for nearly a third (28 percent) of their working hours. The poll of 2,000 hybrid workers across the UK, the survey suggests that men are the ‘biggest offenders’, being 5 percent more likely to watch TV and consuming an extra 19 minutes of television compared to women. More →

Four in ten workers do not feel secure in their jobs

Four in ten workers do not feel secure in their jobs

Companies are in danger of losing top talent due to lack of flexible workingAlmost four in 10 workers (38 percent) do not feel secure in their jobs, as lay-offs across industries continue to bite, claimsthe ADP Research Institute’s People at Work 2023: A Global Workforce View. Feelings of job insecurity are highest among the young. According to the survey of over 32,000 workers in 17 countries, half (50 percent) of Gen Z (those in the 18–24-year-old age bracket) say they don’t feel secure in their job. This is double the proportion of over 55s who say the same (24 percent). More →

Remote workers feel “policed” by unpredictable managers

Remote workers feel “policed” by unpredictable managers

Daily monitoring can lead to remote workers feeling that their managers have less trust in them, research from NEOMA Business School revealsDaily monitoring can lead to remote workers feeling that their managers have less trust in them, research from NEOMA Business School reveals. Birgit Schyns, Distinguished Professor of People and Organisations at NEOMA, co-authored a study analysing survey data on 450 employees at UK-based firms. According to the researchers, when working from home, employees can feel that they have less autonomy and are under constant surveillance if monitored too frequently. These feelings can be exacerbated if managers’ behaviour is unpredictable, they say. More →

Younger workers are the least likely to favour hybrid working

Younger workers are the least likely to favour hybrid working

The appeal of hybrid working is linked to the life and career stage of employeesNew research has revealed the nuances in attitudes towards hybrid working and work-life balance in the UK and US. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the appeal of hybrid work is linked to the life and career stage of employees. The poll from United Culture suggests that work-life balance is the factor most valued by employees at work (58 percent), but is much more appealing to women than men (66 percent vs. 52 percent). Flexibility came in second place, chosen by 47 percent. More →

Younger workers have no idea what the hell older colleagues are talking about

Younger workers have no idea what the hell older colleagues are talking about

esearch from LinkedIn and Duolingo claims that jargon such as “blue sky thinking”, “move the needle on a deadline”, or “circling back to take something offline” is off-putting for younger workersA new poll suggests a workplace jargon language barrier may be driving a wedge between generations, with half (48 percent) of Millennials and Gen-Z saying it makes them feel less involved in the workplace. The research from LinkedIn and Duolingo claims that jargon such as “blue sky thinking”, “move the needle on a deadline”, or “circling back to take something offline” is off-putting for younger workers, as 69 percent say their colleagues use too much jargon at work. More →

UK workers spend less time in the office than any other country, but still think it’s too much

UK workers spend less time in the office than any other country, but still think it’s too much

Workers in the United Kingdom spend less time in the office than any other country, however they want to further reduce their days further.Workers in the United Kingdom spend less time in the office than any other country, however they want to further reduce their days further. That is according to a new study from Unispace. The report, Returning for Good [registration], combines the results of a poll of 9,500 employees and 6,650 business leaders from 17 countries worldwide – found that just 34 percent of employees in the UK are in the office four or more days a week, less time than workers in any other country. More →

Flexible working and its benefits are enjoyed most by highest paid workers

Flexible working and its benefits are enjoyed most by highest paid workers

Low paid workers have the least flexible working, and the gap between the number of flexible workers on the lowest and highest salaries has increased in the last year, according to figures from the Flex for Life 2023 reportLow paid workers have the least flexible working, and the gap between the number of flexible workers on the lowest and highest salaries has increased in the last year, according to figures from the Flex for Life 2023 report from advocacy group Flexibility Works. Just half (51 percent) of workers surveyed for the report earning less than £20,000 a year work flexibly, compared with eight in ten (80 percent) workers earning more than £50,000. The figures are from an analysis of flexible working in Scotland, which is supported by the Scottish Government and The Hunter Foundation. More →