Search Results for: health

The pandemic may have changed our personalities, say researchers

The pandemic may have changed our personalities, say researchers

While we often view personality as a fixed entity, a new study suggests the COVID-19 pandemic may have left a subtle but enduring mark on some aspects of our personalities. Published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, the research suggests that while significant personality changes weren’t widespread, conscientiousness levels generally increased throughout the pandemic, while extraversion dipped slightly. Interestingly, openness to new experiences remained relatively stable. More →

US workers gain more freedom to change jobs as government bans noncompete agreements

US workers gain more freedom to change jobs as government bans noncompete agreements

The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has dealt a blow to restrictive employment practices by issuing a final rule that bans most noncompete agreements nationwideThe US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has dealt a blow to restrictive employment practices by issuing a final rule that bans most noncompete agreements nationwide. This means millions of American workers will soon have more freedom to leave their current employers for jobs with competitors or even start their own businesses. The FTC estimates this change will have a significant positive impact on the economy. The agency predicts the creation of 8,500 new businesses every year, along with an average annual pay increase of $524 for workers. Additionally, the rule is expected to lead to lower healthcare costs and a surge in innovation, with estimates suggesting as many as 29,000 more patents filed each year in the coming decade. More →

Working from home: how to look after your eyes

Working from home: how to look after your eyes

In an era where working from home has become the new norm, our eyes are more essential than ever for navigating the digital landscape that defines our daily livesIn an era where working from home has become the new norm, our eyes are more essential than ever for navigating the digital landscape that defines our daily lives.  The rise of remote work has been rapid, with a significant portion of the American workforce transitioning to home-based employment post-pandemic. According to a recent survey, approximately 10 percent of the British workforce reported working remotely full-time, and 29 percent were working remotely part-time. However, there is a trend towards returning to the workplace, and least in part, with several businesses mandating a return to the office. More →

Wellbeing at an ‘all-time low’ claims report

Wellbeing at an ‘all-time low’ claims report

A new report published by Dialogue Health Technologies Inc., claims that overall wellbeing is at a low point as people struggle with lifestyle challenges around sleep and physical activityA new report published by Dialogue Health Technologies Inc., claims that overall wellbeing is at a low point as people struggle with lifestyle challenges around sleep and physical activity. Wellbeing Report: A benchmark for Canadian health, based on data gathered through Dialogue’s Wellbeing Score benchmarking thousands of people across Canada, is indicative of trends seen across the globe. More →

Large increase in the number of people who say they are experiencing burnout

Large increase in the number of people who say they are experiencing burnout

The number of Britons who say they are experiencing stress or burnout in the workplace doubled in 2023 compared to the previous year, according to a pollThe number of Britons who say they are experiencing stress or burnout in the workplace doubled in 2023 compared to the previous year, according to a poll from Indeed Flex. According to the survey, 92 percent of UK employees say they have experienced burnout or stress in the workplace during their careers. However the strain has grown rapidly as post-pandemic labour shortages intensified workloads. In 2023 the proportion of UK workers grappling with poor mental health skyrocketed to 37 percent, almost double the 19 percent who experienced problems during 2022. A fifth (19 percent) of workers say they have suffered from burnout or stress in 2024 so far. More →

European and Asian cities dominate latest smart city rankings

European and Asian cities dominate latest smart city rankings

European and Asian Cities Take Lead in Smart City Race, North America Falls Behind. Zurich named world's top smart cityZurich tops the 2024 Smart City Index, with European and Asian cities dominating the rankings. The report, released by the IMD World Competitiveness Center’s Smart City Observatory and the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO), analyses data and resident surveys from 142 cities globally. Seven of the top 10 smartest cities hail from Europe. These leading cities prioritize initiatives that improve residents’ quality of life, such as green spaces, cultural events, and social engagement. Additionally, they focus on attracting talent, fostering sustainable investments, and tackling inequality. More →

Government to scrap employment programme for disabled people

Government to scrap employment programme for disabled people

two people talking to illustrate the growing number of disabled people in self-employmentA £100 million program designed to help disabled people find work in England and Wales has been quietly cancelled, raising concerns as the government pursues plans to reduce disability benefits. The Work and Health Programme (WHP), launched in 2017, will cease operation this autumn. This news comes amidst Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s proposed benefit cuts for 420,000 sick and disabled individuals, aiming to push them into employment. Charities warn these cuts could leave many in poverty. More →

Majority of young professionals feel happy about embracing AI in their lives

Majority of young professionals feel happy about embracing AI in their lives

More than half of young professionals feel comfortable or very confident about the increasing integration of AI in various aspects of daily lifeMore than half of young professionals feel comfortable or very confident about the increasing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in various aspects of daily life, while only 15 percent reported feeling unsettled or scared about the prospect, according to new research from CEMS, the Global Alliance in Management Education. Half (50 percent) also stated that social media impacts their life positively, while only just over a quarter (27 percent) feel that social media has a negative impact on their lives. Overall, 70 percent of graduates said that they feel optimistic about the future. More →

From pixels to patterns: the unprecedented surge in screen time

From pixels to patterns: the unprecedented surge in screen time

With the rise of remote work and online learning, our screen time has skyrocketed to unprecedented levels.Technology has transformed our personal relationships by making communication more accessible than ever before. But, are we implementing best practices to ensure a positive and sustainable relationship with our technological devices? In today’s digital age, screens have become an integral part of our daily lives. From smartphones and tablets to laptops and televisions, we are surrounded by screens at every turn. With the rise of remote work and online learning, our screen time has skyrocketed to unprecedented levels. More →

Older people less keen on early retirement than younger generations

Older people less keen on early retirement than younger generations

Early retirement is a specific life goal for 65 percent of working-age adults around the world, with 70 percent of Gen Z employees (the highest proportion of any generation) actively working towards this aspirational goal. This compares to just 51 percent of the over 55s.Early retirement is a specific life goal for 65 percent of working-age adults around the world, with 70 percent of Gen Z employees (the highest proportion of any generation) actively working towards this aspirational goal. This compares to just 51 percent of the over 55s. The findings appear in a new study, commissioned by nudge Global, into the financial wellbeing of 11,577 working-age adults from 17 countries around the world. More →

Majority of people feel confident in their ability to adapt to era of AI

Majority of people feel confident in their ability to adapt to era of AI

Following yesterday’s news about the fears CEOs harbour with the advent of AI in the workplace, a new poll from Indeed suggests that nearly 9 in 10 UK workers (89 percent) feel confident in their ability to adapt to change over the next five years. According to the survey, nearly two-thirds (63 percent) feel the skills needed for their role will change in the next five years, with 15 percent expecting significant changes. More →

Flexible working rights stand to benefit millions of people

Flexible working rights stand to benefit millions of people

From today (April 6th 2024), UK employees will have the legal right to request flexible working from their first day in a new job.From today (April 6th 2024), UK employees will have the legal right to request flexible working from their first day in a new job. Under the updated regulations, employers must engage in discussions with employees and consider alternative solutions before declining a flexible working request. Decisions on applications must now be made within two months, reducing the previous timeframe of three months, which includes any appeals. Additionally, employees will be entitled to submit two flexible working requests within a 12-month period, rather than the previous allowance of one. More →