Search Results for: mental

Working from home creates significant physical and mental challenges

Working from home creates significant physical and mental challenges

flexible workingThe Institute for Employment Studies (IES) has published a series of interim findings from the first COVID-19 homeworker wellbeing study, looking at how working from home for an extended period is affecting the UK workforce. These initial findings depict a worrying snapshot of the declining mental and physical health of many homeworkers. More →

Flexible working can help mental wellbeing

Flexible working can help mental wellbeing

flexible workingFlexible working can help employees manage mental illness and keep them in the workforce during difficult life events, a survey by US-based FlexJobs has claimed. Of 2,100 respondents with a mental illness, such as anxiety or depression, 84 percent thought having a flexible job would help them manage their condition better. More →

Time to Talk Day: fewer than one in ten would discuss mental health with manager

Time to Talk Day: fewer than one in ten would discuss mental health with manager

Time to Talk DayThree-quarters of UK employees who have experienced a mental health condition believe stigma around the issue has reduced over the past year but the vast majority would still not discuss their condition with their line managers, according to new research. Aviva’s “Health of the Workplace” report, released for Time to Talk Day, suggests that just 9 percent of employees who have had a mental health condition sought help from their line manager, 12 percent would discuss their condition with a work colleague and only 4 percent would talk to HR. More →

Mental health benefits of time in nature valued at £4.5 trillion globally

Mental health benefits of time in nature valued at £4.5 trillion globally

Mental healthTime spent in the great outdoors is worth abour£4.5 trillion a year in the improved mental health of people, according to results published by a team of researchers from Griffith University’s School of Environment and ScienceCentre for Work Organisation and WellbeingEnvironmental Futures Research InstituteGriffith Business School and School of Medicine.   More →

Mental health challenges cost employers £45 billion each year

Mental health challenges cost employers £45 billion each year

mental healthA new report from Deloitte claims that poor mental health costs UK employers up to £45 billion each year. This is a rise of 16 percent since 2016 – an extra £6 billion a year. The research also looks at how employers can tackle this problem, finding that it pays to support employees’ mental wellbeing. On average, for every £1 spent on supporting their people’s mental health, employers get £5 back on their investment in reduced presenteeism, absenteeism and staff turnover. More →

Mental health issues force one in six into career break

Mental health issues force one in six into career break

Mental healthOne in six employees (17 percent) has been forced to take time out from their career due to stress or mental health pressures, a survey of 3,000 people has suggested. According to the research from AIG Life, 19 percent of non-retired women and 15 percent of men have taken time out from their career due to mental health pressures. The research highlights that employers risk the loss of valuable skills and experience, a drop in productivity and extra costs associated with recruiting replacement staff if they fail to support employees dealing with stress or mental health issues.    More →

Is flexible working the answer to improved employee mental health and productivity?

Is flexible working the answer to improved employee mental health and productivity?

flexible workingOne of Labour’s flagship policies for its 2019 general election campaign was to introduce a four-day week. More accurately, its policy is to introduce a 32-hour week. This brought flexible working again into the media spotlight. Research suggests that flexible working and reduced hours can have multiple benefits, including improved mental health and greater productivity. More →

Men refuse to discuss mental health for fear of being seen as a burden

Men refuse to discuss mental health for fear of being seen as a burden

mental healthAccording to new research only a quarter of men would openly tell their male friends if they were struggling with their mental health, with the majority preferring to make up an excuse, or give another reason. Despite 64 percent of men considering themselves good communicators, mental health is still a difficult topic to discuss with just under half (42 percent) not wanting to seem a burden to their friends. More →

Three quarters of young workers have faced mental health challenges

Three quarters of young workers have faced mental health challenges

mental healthOver three-quarters (77 percent) of young workers in the UK have experienced mental health challenges, Accenture research suggests. In addition, nearly half (48 percent) of younger workers (aged 18-30) say they have experienced suicidal thoughts, but in organisations that are providing the right support, young workers were 37 percent less likely to have recent experience of a mental ill health challenge. More →

Tenth of people have considered change of job because of its environmental impact

green eyes looking for a change of jobA new survey commissioned by Perkbox Insights claims that 89 percent of adults experience ‘green guilt’ – a phenomenon stemming from the extensive environmental consequences of modern life, which brings moments when you know you could, and should, be doing more to help the planet. The study also suggests that this phenomenon strikes most commonly at work, as 61 percent of adults feel guilty for the environmental impact of the industry or job they work in. This isn’t just causing people to live with these feelings, it’s also making people rethink their careers and consider a change of job. The findings revealed that over 1 in 10 (12 percent) have considered changing their jobs due to the effects that their work has on the environment. More →

Asking about mental health is not the answer, listening is

Asking about mental health is not the answer, listening is

listening to mental healthSo, how are you? As the daughter of a depressive father and the sister of a brother who suffers with similar mental health challenges, I have seen first hand how powerfully destructive a negative state of mind can be to the individuals who suffer as well as those around them.

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Mental health at work addressed by new consortium of firms

Mental health at work addressed by new consortium of firms

Mental health at workLloyds Banking Group, Unilever the CBI, Bupa and the John Lewis Partnership are among the major firms and other organisations that have signed up to an agreement that aims to transform the approach to mental health in the workplace. The Mental Health at Work Commitment is a promise to adopt six standards which have been developed with mental health charities, large employers and trade organisations. More →