Search Results for: benefits

Why AI is not getting the green light for sustainability

Why AI is not getting the green light for sustainability

We think of digital solutions such as AI as being more sustainable and eco-friendly. Nothing could be further from the truthWe might think of online and digital solutions such as AI as more sustainable and eco-friendly. We have email signatures reminding us to think before hitting print and are encouraged to send e-cards with seasonal greetings to save the trees. Our overall preference to switch to all things online means that we rarely question, or even consider, the environmental impact of our computers. It’s also how the truly enormous impact of AI has, thus far, stayed off our radar. More →

Introducing Planters by Bisley

Introducing Planters by Bisley

The Bisley range of complementary planters are the perfect addition for bringing the outside inWe know that biophilic elements are key to boosting mental and physical wellness. The Bisley range of complementary planters are the perfect addition for bringing the outside in. The benefits of biophilia are endless, including reduced employee absenteeism, improved health, reduced stress levels, an increase in mood and mental restoration. And it’s something that many businesses have embraced with open arms. Some spaces are even taking it to the next level by planting full sized trees in the lobby or reception, while greenery is appearing in lights, fixtures, and furniture throughout the office. More →

Save the Knowledge Worker – insights and strategies for remote-work success

Save the Knowledge Worker – insights and strategies for remote-work success

Kolekti’s new Save the Knowledge Worker reportUndoubtedly, the remote work revolution is in full swing. But it’s messy. Kolekti’s new Save the Knowledge Worker report found a colossal 96 percent of workers desire some form of remote work, and one in three employees is willing to quit if forced to return to the office full-time. And yet, which business leader can say their organisation has perfected the strategy for remote work? Most are still experimenting, tinkering, and tweaking. Even the end destination may be unclear for some. More →

People are increasingly comfortable with – and scared of – AI

People are increasingly comfortable with – and scared of – AI

The sentiments of employees around the world about AI and GenAI are evolving significantly, but cautious optimism endures, with 42 percent reporting confidence about the technologies’ impact on their work, compared to 26 percent at around this time last year. However, anxiety about the technologies is also on the rise, by 5 percentage points, and 49 percent of regular users believe their job may disappear in the next ten years, a view shared by only 24 percent of workers who do not use them. More →

People are pushing back against so-called return to office mandates

People are pushing back against so-called return to office mandates

A poll by Skillshub suggests there is a potential clash between firms issuing so-called return to office mandates and people unwilling to give up the flexibility and wellbeing benefits they say they have gained through remote and hybrid workA poll by Skillshub suggests there is a potential clash between firms issuing so-called return to office mandates and people unwilling to give up the flexibility and wellbeing benefits they say they have gained through remote and hybrid work. The survey claims that a significant proportion of UK employees (nearly half – 42.6 percent) are prepared to consider quitting their jobs if forced back to full-time office work. This sentiment extends even to hybrid models with a majority office presence (3+ days a week) – almost a fifth (18 percent) would consider leaving, with a significant number (10.1 percent) strongly considering it. More →

Materialistic people are less bothered about fairness in the workplace

Materialistic people are less bothered about fairness in the workplace

Treating people with fairness at work will ensure they flourish, thus boosting the team’s performance, according to new research by emlyon business school. However, this is not the case with team members who are money-motivatedTreating people with fairness at work will ensure they flourish, thus boosting the team’s performance, according to new research by emlyon business school. However, this is not the case with team members who are money-motivated, and fair treatment actually doesn’t have any positive impact on their performance, the researchers say. These findings come from research by Thierry Nadisic, Professor of Organisational Behaviour at emlyon business school, France, alongside his colleagues, Professor Russell Cropanzano from the University of Colorado, Professor Jessica F. Kirk from the University of Memphis, and Rébecca Shankland from Grenoble Ecole de Management, France. More →

Pattenmakers search for the winner of the  Future Leader FM Award 2025

Pattenmakers search for the winner of the Future Leader FM Award 2025

Livery company the Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers is looking for the next winner of its coveted annual FM awardLivery company the Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers is looking for the next winner of its coveted annual FM award. This Award recognises a future leader in FM, rewarding a talented early-career professional with a unique personal development opportunity funded by the livery. The Award is open to newcomers working in the Workplace and FM sectors, who have a maximum of 5 years’ experience. Entry is free, and all the information needed to enter is available here, including a link to the online entry form. The deadline for receipt of entries for the Pattenmakers Future Leader FM Award is: 5th August 2024. More →

Latest carpet tile and LVT collections from Interface explore crafted textiles and natural forms

Latest carpet tile and LVT collections from Interface explore crafted textiles and natural forms

Interface, Inc. the global flooring solutions company and leader in sustainability, has unveiled its latest global carpet tile and luxury vinyl tile (LVT) collectionsInterface, Inc. the global flooring solutions company and leader in sustainability, has unveiled its latest global carpet tile and luxury vinyl tile (LVT) collections. The Etched & Threaded™ carpet tile and Earthen Forms™ LVT collections push the boundaries of design while continuing the company’s commitment to creating flooring solutions made for purpose and without compromise. The products offer innovative, modular tiles that fit together effortlessly and combine eye-catching textures, natural patterns, and neutral tones that can be mixed and matched, offering more ways to create high-performing, beautiful spaces. More →

One of the main drivers for mums (and dads) to set up a new business is to cope with the school run

One of the main drivers for mums (and dads) to set up a new business is to cope with the school run

around 9 in 10 working mums who started their own businesses did so to achieve greater control over when and where they workA survey published as part of National Women’s Enterprise Week suggests that around 9 in 10 working mums who started their own businesses did so to achieve greater control over when and where they work.  National Women’s Enterprise Week is an initiative that looks to empower and support female entrepreneurialism. The research, which surveyed 500 UK entrepreneurs, sets out to highlight the importance of flexibility and autonomy as people juggle managing work and family life amid rising childcare costs. More →

A guide to contact lens care and safety in the workplace

A guide to contact lens care and safety in the workplace

Besides eyeglass wearers, the 3.9 million contact lens wearers in the UK must also take into account proper care and hygiene as they meet visual demands in the workplaceTo enable workplaces to evolve and adapt to employees’ changing needs, office provider Mindspace conducted the Employee Wellbeing Data Report in 2023. Findings indicate that around 90 percent or 9 in 10 employees value wellbeing facilities and offerings in the workplace, thus making this factor influential when choosing an employer. Meanwhile, 82 percent expect support from their employers when it comes to maintaining work-life balance, overall revealing the increasing value employees place on their physical and mental health and wellbeing. More →

We need to stop paying lip service to the issue of workplace wellbeing

We need to stop paying lip service to the issue of workplace wellbeing

Many people feel their employers are guilty of ‘wellness washing’, the practice of paying lip service to wellbeingIn the wake of Mental Health Awareness Week last month, now is a brilliant opportunity to take stock of impactful employee wellbeing initiatives. Many people feel their employers are guilty of ‘wellness washing’, the practice of paying lip service to wellbeing. However, the benefits of impactful wellbeing initiatives are clear – 89 percent of employees who have wellness programmes at work report being more engaged and happy within their roles. Taking a subjective approach by catering to employees’ needs can be transformational for employee satisfaction and, in turn, boost retention. More →

We only have to look at the natural world to boost our mental health

We only have to look at the natural world to boost our mental health

A new study shows that you don’t have to actually be in nature to reap the reward to your mental healthIt is becoming increasingly clear that spending time in nature can benefit our mental health and wellbeing. But a new study shows that you don’t have to actually be in nature to reap the rewards. Simply directing your gaze towards natural elements, even in the middle of a city, can enhance wellbeing. Our paper, published in the journal People and Nature, used eye-tracking technology to explore how focusing on natural versus man-made elements affects mental health. More →