Search Results for: business

Majority of employees struggling with ‘always on’ work culture

Majority of employees struggling with ‘always on’ work culture

employeesHeightened anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic has led to employees working longer hours and taking fewer sick days, all the while becoming less fulfilled by work and life, according to the latest analysis from Aviva. More →

Freelancers stimulate entrepreneurship levels, claims research

Freelancers stimulate entrepreneurship levels, claims research

entrepreneurshipFreelancers actively promote entrepreneurship, claims research from Trinity Business School, suggesting that a 10 percent increase in freelancers within the workforce leads to a 1 percent increase in entrepreneurial activity in the economy. More →

Covid-19 creating career lockdown for younger workers

Covid-19 creating career lockdown for younger workers

careerWith many continuing to work remotely for the foreseeable future, new insights from Sharp claim that a significant number of European office workers are concerned for their career prospects, with over half (51 percent) anxious about issues such as keeping skills up to date, lack of training and career opportunities when thinking long term about the future of work. More →

Plans for 2 million sq. ft of offices in South East England

Plans for 2 million sq. ft of offices in South East England

developmentsThe Commercial Park Group, a partnership between Sir Robert McAlpine and the John Baker Group, has announced it will invest £200 million to kick-start developments of two million sq ft of new offices across locations in the south east of England. More →

Hybrid working presents us with a once in a generation opportunity

Hybrid working presents us with a once in a generation opportunity

hybrid workingIn the face of the revolutionary and long-lasting changes to workplaces across the world resulting from the pandemic, some commentators have suggested that the wide-spread necessity of adopting remote working practices may have made the office obsolete. However, such a dramatic upheaval to the very foundation of the workplace and working dynamic won’t come without a cost, and new data suggests that perhaps the office isn’t the dinosaur many assumed, but still a central pillar to effective businesses as part of a hybrid working strategy. More →

New think tank seeks to influence thinking on disability iat work

New think tank seeks to influence thinking on disability iat work

two people talking to illustrate the growing number of disabled people in self-employmentA new think tank has launched today to mark the United Nations’ International Day of Persons with a Disability. Called ‘The Forum’, the think tank seeks to increase the participation of employers and disabled people in the development of economic and social policy at a UK level. More →

Creative firms have most to lose from a loss of serendipity

Creative firms have most to lose from a loss of serendipity

creative office designMost of the analysis about the effects of the 2020 pandemic on people’s working lives has tended to involve grand statements about new normals and the death of this or that, as if everybody wants the same things, has the same personal circumstances, works in the same ways, the same places and same sectors. More →

Workers demand green office technology from their employers

Workers demand green office technology from their employers

technologyAlmost half (46 percent) of workers expect their employers to provide them with green technology equipment, such as laptops, printers and other devices, according to new research from Epson. More →

Cornerstone Innovation Lab unites data scientists across the company to advance AI in the workplace

Cornerstone Innovation Lab unites data scientists across the company to advance AI in the workplace

Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSOD), has announced the formation of the Cornerstone Innovation Lab for AI, a new centre of excellence within the company composed of data scientists and machine learning experts who specialise in innovating practical and ethical ways to apply AI technology to the workplace. More →

We need to understand and channel workplace conflict in the right way

We need to understand and channel workplace conflict in the right way

workplace conflictEarlier this month, in a sudden and unexpected turn of events, the prime minister’s chief adviser, Dominic Cummings, walked out of 10 Downing Street for the last time, having resigned/been asked to leave, depending on whose account of the episode you believe. However, the affair unfolded in reality, it seems clear that the departure of Cummings and Director of Communications, Lee Cain, was precipitated by workplace conflict and a series of internal disagreements, which had pushed their relationships with certain colleagues to breaking point. More →

UKGBC publishes guidance to catalyse the delivery of net zero carbon buildings

UKGBC publishes guidance to catalyse the delivery of net zero carbon buildings

UKGBCThe UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has published new guidance, Unlocking the Delivery of Net Zero Carbon Buildings, which examines how current barriers to the delivery of net zero carbon buildings can be overcome. More →

Generational stereotypes unhelpful when it comes to digital behaviour

Generational stereotypes unhelpful when it comes to digital behaviour

TechnologyWindsor Telecom decided to take a look into the UK’s current working styles and trends to discover what tools and technologies are needed to bridge the generational gaps in the workplace. 341 people where surveyed to understand if their technology generation matched up with the generation they were born into. More →